
David Shen Videos

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This kind of development is actually something I consider kind of most important.Now, I'll ask you the question.I am pretty confident that you know the answer. :D


Where do you live?


Hope I'll find out the secret you're talking about by the way.


Good luck. ;)

Edited by Radu

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Ma gandeam yo k esti de prin aia te-am intrebat. :D

Edited by Radu

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yes, i do. my main practice is putting my life in line with what is needed for real development :)

i also know several masters that know different methods of filling the lower field, and they can test it for you too, and they live closer to you than you think. they dont ask for money, but they dont really speak to anyone either... they will very much tell you what i already told you, you need to build up your life to be prepared... lots of things to do...

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Part of my personal development is also becoming a better person.I'd like to meet this masters you are talking about,right now I was searching for some masters.Nice meeting you, but I don't know if this is the right place to talk about this.Maybe we should talk on an other part of the forum, or by mail.

Good luck and I wish you achieve what you want ;)

Edited by Radu

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Maybe...but I'd like to meet a master to check my lower field, I'd be very thankfull if you could help me..

Edited by Radu

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:D i told you that you are too stubborn to get it... this stubborness is a good propellor, dont get me wrong. but a good propellor needs a good stearing wheel. this means education and experience, skills without which, even if you meet Jesus or Lao Tsu, or Buddha, what will happen... exactly nothing... until you understand this... there is a long way. everybody told you the same thing. i just felt you need to hear it in a very ferm way.

YOU DONT NEED LEVEL 1 TO ACHEIVE WHAT YOU WANT: "I want to devolp my self, to become the best I can be.To really discover my inner self". This is done thru living first, meditation later, it is a process, takes time... but you are speeding like a rocket...

Everybody told you basically the same thing... Every single body... So where is the confusion, and about what...


Good luck and take this the friendly way

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Ok..I understand what you mean, but most masters I know about started at an early age.In fact I din't hear of a master that started after 20 years old.I am not seeking level 1 practice.I am just seeking a ask him a few questions, a master is the only one who can really convince me, because he really knows, not just speculates.A master of qi gong or nei gong or daoism or other internal arts.


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i know what you mean, but you know what they say? they say there is something that always happens to beginners... only the student that doesnt worth two cents will search for a REAL master... say like jesus or buddha... im exagerating a bit. and if, by dumb luck, he finds the master, their understanding is so far apart, that the student will either be dissapointed or the master will kick him out. it seems to have been proven thruout history, and there are no special cases. those youngsters you speak about were SEARCHED by a master, it wasnt them that ASKED for it. maybe im wasting some time here, but im sure no one got to explain to you these things. this is the last message, i hope you got it right up until now, i have already told you too much :D


one more thing... the lack of education and experience will make one not see a master even if it was tatooed on ones retina. and they do like to hide, if you think you can tell which is master and which is not, you think too much of yourself, no offense... they dont run around wearing tags :D

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Hi gang, anyone know where to find these DVD's (especially the 'Water of Life) as I can't seem to find them anywhere?




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I could really use your help...I need to find a master in my area, a master of some internal arts that can test the dan tien, to see if my training is having efect. It would be great if I could find one :) I would be happy to find even a practitioneer to talk and maybe practice with.

Hope you can help me..

Good luck ;)

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Is David Shen the same person as David Verdessi? Anyone have his tapes to borrow? i'd be interested in seeing what he's saying.



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I've heard alotta've.. Negative stories from Davids teachings some saying there unfinished and you dont get nearly as far as expected.


And possibly taught differently.. I'd have to meet the guy really.. I still haven't heard good things though.

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The tapes are with me, i had them for almost two years.

Sorry Affenbrot, i had very limited time, alot has happened... i also forgot about them for some time.

I'm ready to sent them to whomever you wish now.

My opinion is that they are a good watch, at least you can satisfy your curiosity. But it's not a complete system, my guess is that the tapes present bits and pieces of a larger system. A very large one, for that matter.

The energy is pretty dark and unsettling.

You'd have to have a specific personality type to be attracted by such things. I'm not, at least not any more. If you deal with the problems in your life, and resolve them one by one, you'll be more calm and peaceful.

To me, it's the best thing to do.

That's my feeling about the tapes.

Ready to pass them on, at Affenbrot's request.

Thank you Affenbrot for your (long) patience.

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So, to summarize, my point of view on the practices that David Shen says of practice and even teach:


The street lighting has nothing to do with the school of thunder and lightning, is highly detrimental to the body of the practitioner,


is extremely dangerous for its practitioners and those close to the practitioner,


power generated is completely dissociated from the knowledge and character of the person, then an evil person could reach the heights of this practice,


practice is therefore to serve a hypertrophic ego that believes that it is so important to have to live forever


generates power and increases selfishness and egocentrism, gives the possibility not to look to their personal growth that is replaced by growth of ego


In practice, it repeats the myth of the Tower of Babel, the practitioner tries to rise from the bottom up with its own strengths and build a being that is beyond the laws of nature, we try to construct a devil can be so compact enough to be harder than the scythe of death, the guardian of the threshold,


this practice is not therefore considered the importance of the spirit that is the true ruler and tries to replace it by the ego and the proposed evolution of the spirit replaces a personal and necessarily short-sighted


Besides all this, when David (and for me would be the best, since the character) was not reached actual powers of energy, then it could use some trivial tricks to generate the electricity that I also have heard,


However the fact that David now has moved in the tradition of MIAO is probably a marketing move, just to have a greater chance of having students and to broaden his target presone poor but present in more than


the fact that he can talk about lighting and want to give an initiation of this is, in my opinion, ludicrous, in fact only an enlightened would do something like this and he is not.

Edited by ramus

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Hello, Im not sure where these videos have been passed, but I am very interested in them. If they are out of being circulated, then might anyone know where I can buy a copy of them?

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Hello, Im not sure where these videos have been passed, but I am very interested in them. If they are out of being circulated, then might anyone know where I can buy a copy of them?

hi, sorry I don't lend them out anymore. But accidentally I just noticed someone :ninja: is selling them at eby.



edit: missing link:

videos at ebay

Edited by affenbrot

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hi, sorry I don't lend them out anymore. But accidentally I just noticed someone :ninja: is selling them at eby.



edit: missing link:

videos at ebay

Hi affenbrot, I send you a message in eBay, im interested in one. My mail: [email protected]

Thank you,


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