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PETA asks for help

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Please sign and forward to all your contacts - this has to be stopped!!! I explain the process below: With a hidden camera, animals were filmed being SKINNED ALIVE!!! They say it's done to get a more perfect ''cut''; afterwards the carcasses are tossed into a pile, still alive, and for up to 10 minutes you can see their hearts still beating, in agony, their eyes still blinking, and the puppies' little paws still shaking. There was one pup, that still lifted his head and gazed at the camera with bloodied eyes.

If you don't care to see the video, please sign and forward to your friends: this monstrosity has to be stopped, we have to act!!

When the list reaches 500 names, please forward to: [email protected] Thank you.


Just write an email with a message above and email it to all your friends.

sign something like:

1. Your full name, country


I know the video is been out for a while but they still do this every day.

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That's pretty horrific...


Although I believe they're actually speaking Korean, not Chinese.

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that is satanic what they do in the video----what goes around comes around the lords of karma will give them a lesson!

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I wish people were this discusted about abortion. Obama himself voted to NOT allow to a doctor to save the life of a baby born alive after a botched abortion. The doctor has to let the baby die on its own without any intervention. But puppies..... they get the attention. THATS SATANIC!!!

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I wish people were this discusted about abortion. Obama himself voted to NOT allow to a doctor to save the life of a baby born alive after a botched abortion. The doctor has to let the baby die on its own without any intervention. But puppies..... they get the attention. THATS SATANIC!!!

I feel they same way my right wing friend but we are not talking about abortion in this post......


And how do you think they kill the meat you eat.

thats one reason why i stay away from eating meat

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I wish people were this discusted about abortion. Obama himself voted to NOT allow to a doctor to save the life of a baby born alive after a botched abortion. The doctor has to let the baby die on its own without any intervention. But puppies..... they get the attention. THATS SATANIC!!!


Not all abortions are created equal (just like not all reasons for abortions are). Though we might agree on third trimester abortions (i.e. that they should be banned except in cases that threaten the mothers life because the fetus is actually viable and can at least theoretically survive outside of another being). The puppies are living beings that are not a part of another creature's body, that is why people are bothered by it.


As for Obama's vote (speaking as someone who did not vote for him, but also doesn't hate him) he explained the position he took on the bill you reference. The language of the bill would have effectively banned abortion outright, by the definitions it made/used. You like many others have fallen victim to the doublespeak that is so rampant in our political landscape. A bill is proposed with the "description" or title that sounds like one thing, then the actual bill would do something else, just so political opponents can say later "See, so-and-so voted against breathing" or some crap like that. Just look at the majority of the bills passed by the last administration and compare their titles with what they really allow. Snopes often has good breakdowns of these. But there are lots of groups that are specific to politics for this.

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