Taiji Bum

Taijiquan roll call!

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I'm just curious who the taijiquan fanatics are here. I do Yang but prefer practicing the Simplified 24 Form these days.

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Not sure 'fanatic' is the word...but everything that's done is tai chi ! :D

24, 7, every moment.

Always what underlies the thoughts... ok, well maybe fanatic is the word?

but would hope a fanatic would be Much better at it all than i am! LOL.


Old Yang Lu Chaun Style , told it's close to chen styles?

Long and short forms ... with a little kung fu staff and circle walking thrown in for good luck.

and whatever else catches my eyes!

Did(very basic!) Bagua, some kung fu to better understand tai chi .

Same reason laundry gets folded, teeth get brushed,

dinner get's made, and what-have-you.

fanatic might be the perfect word? :rolleyes:

am off to practice!

Going to go play with the thunder and lightning!





Have fun!

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Hello Darin,



Been doing taijiquan since 1991. Taught for a few years as well.


Cheng Man Ching's form (some say that Yang Ban Hou invented it though)


Yang long form


Original Yang style (a rare, small frame fighting style from the Kuang Ping system)


My focus is on yiquan, hsingyiquan and the original Yang style now.


Every morning and evening I still try to get some taiji form practice in.

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I'm just curious who the taijiquan fanatics are here. I do Yang but prefer practicing the Simplified 24 Form these days.


Zhaobao Taiji - Wudang He style flavor.

Still learning the form. Studying since end of 2006. Hope to complete learning the actual moves this year.


Also a shortened version sword form whose origins may be Dragon Gate.


A couple of years ago I would not have expected that I would be so INTO Taiji as I am now. Previously really just wanted to practice qigong. Now Taiji is usually the only qigong I do daily.



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Yang 108 all the way!!


I'm really loving this right now and feeling like a lot of progress is happening. And oh, the metaphors it evokes for all maner of concepts and teachings. I've definitely got to write more about it.


I think I'm going to go practice right now!

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I'm in the club.

I'd probably be considered a fanatic by any reasonable person - certainly my wife and kids.

I practice Dao meditation, taiji forms, and some neigong just about every day.

I teach taiji twice a week.

I train with my fellow instructors two or three times a week when we focus on martial stuff and partner work.


I just can't get enough - I really enjoy the training on so many levels (martial, spiritual, health, fitness, psychological...).

But just as much or more, I enjoy my students, fellow instructors, and shifu.

It's really a wonderful group of people, a few of whom have become my closest friends.

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Chen style adept here, i feel alive when practicing Chen !


Some xinyi and pakua in between also :P

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These days I do mostly Yang Cheng Fu 108 form, some push hands and a little bit of small san sau.


Also some Bagua (monkey form) and 12th Wudang form every once in a while.


Old Yang Lu Chaun Style , told it's close to chen styles?


Cool, another fellow Erle Montaigue-student?

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These days I do mostly Yang Cheng Fu 108 form, some push hands and a little bit of small san sau.


Also some Bagua (monkey form) and 12th Wudang form every once in a while.

Cool, another fellow Erle Montaigue-student?


Hi :D


YangLuChan, i've been eying your name !


Not an Erle Montaigue student per say?

but he had come out to my school at one point before I was there.

Think that linage goes back further to points I can't see!

Afraid I've never been big into linage's

so I can't go and tell you the details,

I don't know them : (


It's taught with the same martial fervor though!

Lot of fun!

Also with a gentleness that i just can't wrap this mind around?

A lot of laughter ... and pain.

Have learned so much there, it is a family,

like none I've known before.

Love it!


Stay well!



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Hi :D


YangLuChan, i've been eying your name !


Not an Erle Montaigue student per say?

but he had come out to my school at one point before I was there.

Think that linage goes back further to points I can't see!

Afraid I've never been big into linage's

so I can't go and tell you the details,

I don't know them : (


It's taught with the same martial fervor though!

Lot of fun!

Also with a gentleness that i just can't wrap this mind around?

A lot of laughter ... and pain.

Have learned so much there, it is a family,

like none I've known before.

Love it!


Stay well!




Haha, yes, all the other "cool" names very taken, so I chose the name of good ol' master Invincible Yang...! ;)


Don't worry, lineages can be good to know that there is some level of authenticity, but when talking about Montaigue most outsiders don't really believe that he is connected to the Yang Shou-hou lineage, anyway. But who gives a damn anyway, ehh? As long as what you do makes you happy, and fulfils the purposes you think it should, then I couldn't care less!


And if Montaigue single-handedly invented all the stuff he teaches like some people have suggested, then the man must be a bloody genius! Not that he isn't of course... ;)


Oh yes, stick with your "family" man, that's important! There needs to be more than just a bunch of guys beating each other up, there has to be a connection as well!


Peace and love!



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Haha, yes, all the other "cool" names very taken, so I chose the name of good ol' master Invincible Yang...! ;)


Don't worry, lineages can be good to know that there is some level of authenticity, but when talking about Montaigue most outsiders don't really believe that he is connected to the Yang Shou-hou lineage, anyway. But who gives a damn anyway, ehh? As long as what you do makes you happy, and fulfils the purposes you think it should, then I couldn't care less!


And if Montaigue single-handedly invented all the stuff he teaches like some people have suggested, then the man must be a bloody genius! Not that he isn't of course... ;)


Oh yes, stick with your "family" man, that's important! There needs to be more than just a bunch of guys beating each other up, there has to be a connection as well!


Peace and love!




I have one of Earl's books on dim mak

Have to admit it's a favorite!

Not that I could use the martial techniques in it all that well

but I love the info it has on healing and all side by side

with the kick your butt stuff!

Has more in it than a lot of the acupuncture books I have!

Would like to be half as Crazy as that bugger!

and to have a drop of his knowledge or skill.


Did you learn from Montaigue ? one of his students?

any videos of your style on u tube or some such?

Haven't seen any like what i do but saw one similar

a long time ago and could never find it again!



Funny difference to be beaten on by some one lovingly

that offers a smile and helpful hand back up! :D

(I.e. such as some of the body hardening stuff)


NO Malice!


... It is a good family.


Thanks Espen!






... edited 'cuz i didn't have time during my lunch break!

Edited by shontonga

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Chen and only Chen.


Laojia and only laojia.


Yi lu so far, with er lu dangling its carrot (or should I say its Cannon Fist) in front of me, beckoning... :)

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I think Yang looks like Wudang when you internally cycle the shoulders and hips like Chen.


When you relax enough to practice slowly in this manner it is surprising the ease in which movements can be accelerated and followed through and snapped, inward and outward forces move through the body simultaneously, this is like the second step after learning the sequence and relaxing into the routes between each bookmark known as "form".


This internal motion like I see in Chen style I love to experiment with, even though I have not formally studied Chen, I have seen it in yee chuan styles, wudang styles, I Liq Quan, etc. It's like the trunk (hips/core/shoulders) swims between the spherical (waxon/waxoff) movements hands. The connective structure is stabilized through wuji, and the push/pull pull/push dynamics of the legs are used in tandom, allowing the hands to change freely with the feet, the feet to change freely with the hands.


It's funny, the core of the 108 is kinda like every possibility of the hands waxing on and off because of the directions the feet go and the weight shifts, but once the hips use the unconventional routes to shift the weight, a certain "swimming" and S like shapes form externally, while internally it is experienced as the dynamic shifting of tension and compression.


I've said far to much.

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You are very right, Spectrum. In fact, my teacher likes to show how a Chen move "translates" into another style move, how it's hidden there, not visible on the surface but still happening inwardly. On the other end of the... hmmm... spectrum :D , even xinjia can be internal (probably not the Olympic kind though, which might well be all for show... not sure, just a hunch). But what I love about Chen laojia is -- here's that word again -- balance, the perfect balance between how much is visible on the surface and how much is hidden. Yang style hides so well... xinjia shows everything... while laojia is smack on the Middle Path... down to being led by the pericardium meridian terminating in the middle finger!

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