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Ok I don't have sound so here's my comments. The first video has a plethora of hot females and a lack of obese people. Considering the obesity epidemic this makes me suspect -- that these videos are actually PRODUCED by the company selling the product aka a "video news release" which are quite common.


In contrast the "small universe" practice, for example, does not require leg squats and so is perfect for people too fat to do such miraculous movements. haha.


On the second video -- one of the newscasters used to be a local news dude in the Twin Cities here in Minnesota. I haven't watched t.v. in about 15 years so I'm guessing he moved to what was it ... California.


Anyway that scanning and breaking up of blockages and pulling away the blockage is pretty much the same as only again qigong master Chunyi Lin emphasizes the small universe, so that the healer actually uses their hands, without touching, to open up the two main front and back channels of the person being healed. I just sit in full-lotus and let the pineal gland shoot the energy into the person while sucking up their disharmonic energy and then transducing that back into light that is shot back into the person, etc.



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Just watch the video with sound Drew. :rolleyes:


Thanks Jedi. :)


Almost motivates me to take it up again hahaha.

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Wow Drew you need to get your sound on!

I like SF I have 1-2 and Master Lin is a great Master...

Why the negative vibe? Im just sharing what I love--like you do


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Im getting the feeling that this is not the best place to share info. And Master Choa has a vast teaching from many traditions ---truth is universal.

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Im getting the feeling that this is not the best place to share info. And Master Choa has a vast teaching from many traditions ---truth is universal.


Don't worry too much about it. By now taobums has 5847... there will always be some who give a few negative vibes. Pretty much the nature of so many... Master Choa sure is at least as controversial as many others. This should not take anything of your personal experience though.





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Uh Ohh. Bad Vibes are being generated inside people by their own karma. Quick cover your solar plexus, the bad vibes are here. I guess bad vibes must mean anything that challenges anyones viewpoint. :rolleyes:

I just want to set the record straight. I learned this exact exercise in a South Asian Temple, from some Sri Lankans who have been doing this squat as part of theiir worship for God knows how long. This statement does not have bad vibes, it is intended to be informative. It shows the roots of an exercise that supposedly works is part of a supplication to Ganesh.

Edited by Xienkula1

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Xienkula1 i was not saying you gave bad vibes --Im happy you learned this---its a great tool.

Have a great weekend

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Xienkula1 i was not saying you gave bad vibes --Im happy you learned this---its a great tool.

Have a great weekend


Well it probably is a good tool for synchronizing the hemispheres...Im just wondering why the other 107 moves are omitted from Superbrain, and why they don't do the cross handed knuckle rapping of the temples before squating and earlobe tugging, as is the traditional method. Perhaps M. Choa wanted to detract from the religious roots of the movement? Im thinking that if the first move has so many benefits, there might be additive or synergistic results from doing the whole sequence of 108 moves. Seems sort of like doing seven stars without the other 107 tai chi moves that comprise the tai chi form. Body Talk, and other new age systems are interpreting Ganesh as the central nervous system, the two hemispheres of the brain are Ganesha's head and the spine, allegedly his trunk, kind of makes sense, but where are his eyes, mouth, and his tusks? Intuitively makes sense anyway, synchronize the hemispheres, and communication will be clear between the hemispheres, when that happens, there are no obstacles (short-circuits). Instead there is synchronicity and Flow. Ganesh is known as the remover of obstacles. I wonder if he has an analogue in the Taoist Pantheon. I know the Thunder God has been compared to both Indra and Garuda....

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Xienkula1 i was not saying you gave bad vibes --Im happy you learned this---its a great tool.

Have a great weekend


Well it probably is a good tool for synchronizing the hemispheres...Im just wondering why the other 107 moves are omitted from Superbrain, and why they don't do the cross handed knuckle rapping of the temples before squating and earlobe tugging, as is the traditional method. Perhaps M. Choa wanted to detract from the religious roots of the movement? Im thinking that if the first move has so many benefits, there might be additive or synergistic results from doing the whole sequence of 108 moves. Seems sort of like doing seven stars without the other 107 tai chi moves that comprise the tai chi form. Body Talk, and other new age systems are interpreting Ganesh as the central nervous system, the two hemispheres of the brain are Ganesha's head and the spine, allegedly his trunk, kind of makes sense, but where are his eyes, mouth, and his tusks? Intuitively makes sense anyway, synchronize the hemispheres, and communication will be clear between the hemispheres, when that happens, there are no obstacles (short-circuits). Instead there is synchronicity and Flow. Ganesh is known as the remover of obstacles. I wonder if he has an analogue in the Taoist Pantheon. I know the Thunder God has been compared to both Indra and Garuda....

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this squatting drill reminds me of the effects of the crane frolic where you squat down on inhalation while raising your arms as wings and flapping down and exhaling on the way up... I get the same head rush.

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the hands must be in the correct position or the opposite occurs.


Hmmmmmmmm... Well this would seem to be counterintuitive. I have been doing my version of Superbrain based on observing the actual worship of Ganesh. I was guided into kundalini Kriya to do cross motor switching of hands back and forth. I have observed increased capacity to memorize biochemistry since doing this, and faster integration of the material. Also Superbrain misses out on cross knuckling the temples squat, this was done to increase secretions from pineal and pituitary glands, nectar which washes over down to the gonads, where Ganesh resides, who appreciates this milky neuro-secretion and thus removes obstacles to clear thinking, and helps pacify sex drive and such. I would like to see studies that prove only one hand position is correct, I trust the guidance of the Divine Energy that brought me to to cross-switching, and I have noticed absolutely no detrimental results, only good ones.

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..... Also Superbrain misses out on cross knuckling the temples squat, this was done to increase secretions from pineal and pituitary glands, nectar which washes over down to the gonads, where Ganesh resides, who appreciates this milky neuro-secretion and thus removes obstacles to clear thinking, and helps pacify sex drive and such.


Could you provide a little more description of cross knuckling the temples squat, it sounds interesting.

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Could you provide a little more description of cross knuckling the temples squat, it sounds interesting.


Certainly, but watch out there apparently could be deleterious side effects that will turn you stupid due to using the wrong polarity of palms :rolleyes:


Ok here's how I saw Sri Lankan's do it: Instead of feet parallel and spaced shoulder width apart, heels are together with toes pointing outwards in a V-shape. First, you cross your wrists, make loose fists(thumb caps side of the index finger), then bring them to the level of your hairline, knuckles will be touching the rap your knuckles against your temples gently, rhythmically, fast, as you do so do a knee bend as in utkatasana, stay for 1s and spring back to the starting position. Then you do the superbrain move as shown in the video, except, I have never seen Hindus swing the arm out and across like superbrain. I have seen this sequence repeated several times done in front of a Ganesh altar in the temple, and then concluded with a full length prostration. As far as I know, it doesn't matter to Hindu's which side you start on(ie. which had you cross over), but I will have to verify.


My version:


1) Repeat the cross knuckling temple squat (sorry I don't know the Tamil term for this yet) several times, as in the superbrain squat...inhale as you go down, exhale as you go up, you can match the number of temple raps per breath if you like, you'll have to find the rhythm that works for your lung capacity. I do equal ratio of inhale to exhale...You can experiment with changing those ratios, but probably best to start with 1:1, but you could experiment with others such as 1:2. 1:4, 1:8 etc, or the inverse. I haven't yet. So you can keep doing that for 5-10 minutes, really even a few times, it is usually only done a couple of times (at least in the temple), but I have noticed that effects seem to increase incrementally with number of reps. You can synchronize your breathing with a mantra to Ganesh, some simple like Om Gam Ganapathaye Namaha, if your breathing is shorter, something more complex if you can breathe longer: Om Sreem Hreem Kleem Gam Glaum Mahaganapathaye Varadaravara Vashamanaya Hung Phat Svaha, in and out. Intensifies.



My variation: start out with wrists crossed, knuckle rap, squat, spring back to starting, unfurl the and place the outer wrist on the inner wrist, knuckle rap, squat rap, continue alternating...can apply mantra to breathing if you choose, using any aforementioned ratio that feels like a comfortable pace, using longer ratios, will make the movement slower.



2) Superbrain Remorseful Child Ganesh Earpull squat:


Just like superbrain, except toes point out in V. Continue.


variation 1: Squat, spring back to starting, switch hands pull earlobe, squat, spring back to starting, switch. You pull with index and thumb, alternate.


variation 2: Same as above, except each time you cross opposite hand(untwist and retwist) alternate fingers, ie. index, switch, middle finger, switch, ring, switch, pinky....continue......go slow, make the movement less and less rigid more and more like a wave. When you squat, pull earlobe, as you spring back to start, slowly release... hope that helps.

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try reading the book and see for yourself--many times simple is more powerful---


I will. But you try this method to see for yourself- it is in my experience, very powerful. Simplicity and complexity are relative notions, and oops the phonetics of the mantras are not correct either...but if you google them, you may find sanskrit transliterations if you wish to pronounce them with precision.


* I do find it slightly intriguing though that Choa pulls one movement out a sequence of 108 traditional Dravidian movements designed to propitiate the God of Removing Obstacles, edits out the knucking temples squat, and then says " this mo' powafo' than all of them at one time" and then markets it mostly to white people who are totally ignorant of its origins or original purpose while conveniently cashing in on "a hot new product" added to his plethora of available seminars and books. I don't wish to offend anyone but I do think somewhat critically. It just seems somewhat contradictory to capitalize like this, but on the other hand, it's apparently good PR for the Hindu's showing their ancient methods work.

Edited by Xienkula1

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Thanks! You've provided a great description. I like the idea of adding the Ganesh mantras to the practice also.


Jai Ganesha!

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Im getting the feeling that this is not the best place to share info. And Master Choa has a vast teaching from many traditions ---truth is universal.



Thanks for sharing this. Master Choa was very REAL and also very unique. He was an EXCELLENT healer and his samadhi can still be felt. A lot of his stuff is mystical practices from Taoism,Buddhist, Hindu, Indonesian/Filipino, Freemasonry.


The purpose of the squatting is to strengthen the base chakra & Open roots further.


I have a friend that is Arhatic Yogi and his energy work is very powerful.






I will. But you try this method to see for yourself- it is in my experience, very powerful. Simplicity and complexity are relative notions, and oops the phonetics of the mantras are not correct either...but if you google them, you may find sanskrit transliterations if you wish to pronounce them with precision.


* I do find it slightly intriguing though that Choa pulls one movement out a sequence of 108 traditional Dravidian movements designed to propitiate the God of Removing Obstacles, edits out the knucking temples squat, and then says " this mo' powafo' than all of them at one time" and then markets it mostly to white people who are totally ignorant of its origins or original purpose while conveniently cashing in on "a hot new product" added to his plethora of available seminars and books. I don't wish to offend anyone but I do think somewhat critically. It just seems somewhat contradictory to capitalize like this, but on the other hand, it's apparently good PR for the Hindu's showing their ancient methods work.



there is no denying he was a great recycler & marketer but he has helped a lot of folks out.

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Thanks Vajrasattva

I am a Arhatic yogi and so is my wife. Did you ever study with Master Choa?


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