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serious affirmation problem

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I have a problem

whenever I do the microcosmic orbit practice, and want to melt the glacier to get the waterwheel spinning..

my head is immediately filled with this picture of a polarbear struggling to

stay afloat on a tiny lump of ice..and i feel so bad for him, and it seems really such a bad idea to keep on melting this ice.

I mean - ice is gravity..sorry,..mind is gravity...not? and we are all ONE..and do to others etc..

Very frustrating.


I LOVE polarbears.

And don`t want to drown them. Seriously.

Seems like I have a conflict of interests.


There's this other planet, see, and it's frozen over, and all the animals are shivering in a tiny temperate band at the equator, and they really need your help, and that's where you're doing your melting work, to create a balance, because if that planet warms up there's a chance for this one to cool down a bit....


Any use?

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There's this other planet, see, and it's frozen over, and all the animals are shivering in a tiny temperate band at the equator, and they really need your help, and that's where you're doing your melting work, to create a balance, because if that planet warms up there's a chance for this one to cool down a bit....


Any use?

Edited by rain

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the ice is sexual energy frozen by the fear


the fear is afraid of melting


and puts up a nice show



Edited by Little1

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Perhaps if you open up totally to the bear and let her know how much you love and are willing to sacrifice, she will be filled with compassion and help you to continue in your practice.

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fire and ice

are all so nice

but plain pain

burns the sacrifice


sidewards and upways

downdays and backaways

thisa thata waysabacka

this poor bears gotta

floatation backapacka


expand through

gravities depravities

align innntoooo

intracranial cavities


at the turning points

polar pivots seizing joints

thinning struggles

spinning snuggles

swimming on the wheels

knowa the knots to juggle


when the sea breezes

fill the sails in threezes

treading water pleases

to break the surface

flash freeze the seas


. . .


ever clever... ever afters

never really... ever disasters

however... whatever endeavors lever

who can stand... on a chilly forever

Edited by Spectrum

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I have a problem

whenever I do the microcosmic orbit practice, and want to melt the glacier to get the waterwheel spinning..

my head is immediately filled with this picture of a polarbear struggling to

stay afloat on a tiny lump of ice..and i feel so bad for him, and it seems really such a bad idea to keep on melting this ice.

I mean - ice is gravity..sorry,..mind is gravity...not? and we are all ONE..and do to others etc..

Very frustrating.


I LOVE polarbears.

And don`t want to drown them. Seriously.

Seems like I have a conflict of interests.



Try putting down your views and emotions that follow, of the polar bear, the ice melting and the death by drowning. When the thought arises to care, just breathe. When the thought arises of the bear suffering, just breath. Then you will reverse the attention and bring the light within. Illuminating within causes you to realize that the views held about the situations and conditions which arise are all within the mind, and it is only your discriminating mind which sets the mark of what suffering would be like.


Do not ignore the condition, but just breath, and it will fade away once there is nothing to fuel the views you hold of the situation.


Peace and Blessings,


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Polar bears are by nature great swimmers.Bi polar bears double so :)



Bi Polar bears...hahaha nice one! :D

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turn around



Edited by rain

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"Wind, Fire... All that Kind of Thing..." - Egg Shen


in the ending there is no pretending

i've shown my hand from the beginning

made the choices required for blending


charities rarity is discernment vending

cigars slip betwix the guitar bars

bizarre stars not ours flow from afar


calling cards the hallmarked guards

golden thread for friends with scars

timing space and place for mending


One Tongue bridges the Art unending

coiling up the Serpents Loss fending

whisking clean the mirrors offending


around the Unbent Crosses ending




"... if one uses discrimination he will fall behind. One needs neither loyalty or devotion, but simply to become desperate in the Way. Loyalty and devotion are of themselves within desperation." -Hidden Among the Leaves

Edited by Spectrum

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Merits carrot goes before the horse

Closing doors you open, par for the course

Infractions actions settles the score

From one life to live to reactions of the poor


"we all die" yet in-deed we live

whispering from the shadows

"eye to eye" revive ... relive


examples sample is ample dues

belly to belly it's one, not two

the door folds within without it through

one by one to the whole damn crew

know not us its you who knew

anger anchors subtle angles subdue


"chachange chaching chagrin"

having nothing is winning from within

forgive again forget again begin again

"we all die" in deed ... "to cry again"

Edited by Spectrum

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"She's Real Fine... My 409"


One Two Three

The Map in Meem

In You Too See

Fight Two Your-Self

When Dancing Threes


Slap Crack Naps

Zippity Zap Traps

Tippity Tap Taps

Soft Shoes Worn

Warn Warped Wraps

Artifart the Facts

Downplay Ill Raps


Crap Flap Caps


Getting one Over,

Flash the Blinds.

Hoping Ahead,

not falling behind.

Being free,

finding confines.

Jumping the fence,

is signing the line.


Nine fines for the Klein

Da Kine Shrines Shine

Kind Wording Finds Wine

Aligning Spinal Vines

Edited by Spectrum

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"She's Real Fine... My 409"


One Two Three

The Map in Meem

In You Too See

Fight Two Your-Self

When Dancing Threes


Slap Crack Naps

Zippity Zap Traps

Tippity Tap Taps

Soft Shoes Worn

Warn Warped Wraps

Artifart the Facts

Downplay Ill Raps


Crap Flap Caps


Getting one Over,

Flash the Blinds.

Hoping Ahead,

not falling behind.

Being free,

finding confines.

Jumping the fence,

is signing the line.


Nine fines for the Klein

Da Kine Shrines Shine

Kind Wording Finds Wine

Aligning Spinal Vines


so many words! you are a poet I adore.

but I dare say that patience is not you strongest virtue?

I told you that I will not speak so much but still want to

keep my words in deed. now?

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