
ghostbusting question

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So a family member has a house that has an active ghost in it. He says that it's not a negative ghost, but is extremely active at times, especially if there are young children living in the home and it will rotate the ceiling fan, lights will float around the room, etc. All this has been photographed and video taped. He had a guy come out before to help it on its way, but it didn't take.


I asked two trusted sources, one said that it's best for all parties even if there's no negativity to help it on its way. Another said that if it's not negative, don't bother with it, but if it is negative you don't have to be a priest to drive it out, just do it.


I don't know anything about this sort of thing. Any thoughts, recommendations, etc. If anyone knows anyone in the New England area specifically who might can do an on site assessment, let me know too.




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So a family member has a house that has an active ghost in it. He says that it's not a negative ghost, but is extremely active at times, especially if there are young children living in the home and it will rotate the ceiling fan, lights will float around the room, etc. All this has been photographed and video taped. He had a guy come out before to help it on its way, but it didn't take.


I asked two trusted sources, one said that it's best for all parties even if there's no negativity to help it on its way. Another said that if it's not negative, don't bother with it, but if it is negative you don't have to be a priest to drive it out, just do it.


I don't know anything about this sort of thing. Any thoughts, recommendations, etc. If anyone knows anyone in the New England area specifically who might can do an on site assessment, let me know too.





Well...Sylvia Browne has talked about this a lot. She recommends pouring a circle of salt all around the house and then telling the ghost that it's time to move on...in a nice way. You might be able to find mention of this on her website?


-later edit-


Sylvia has often been a guest on the Montel Williams show. Each time I've watched someone has asked about this....seems to be a common problem...apparently this remedy has worked.

Edited by mgd

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Usually people are looking at how to help or urge the entity out, but I would also look at why the living person is attracting this entity, what are they holding onto. If the person can get help to process unresolved feelings and release the attachment, that might help.

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Maybe this link to the shaolin wahnam forum can help you.




I yust got rid of an annoying entity wich was settled in a friends house for quiet some time allready .. though this was with less orthodox techniques :mellow:


I also have another friend who i know for sure has a powerfull entity in he's house but he doesnt know himself yet or he didnt mentioned it yet in any case and im not the one thats gonna tell em if he doesnt have trouble with it :)

Edited by minkus

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We learned how to do this in ThetaHealing. It is actually very simple - you just send the spirit to God's light.


I guess if it is not "negative," it's more for the spirit's benefit than yours. Thing is, souls have a short window after the person dies when the electromagnetic veil around Earth briefly opens for them to escape. I forget the exact time, but I believe it's only a few days. If they miss this window, then they may be stuck here for a short "time" in the astral...but which could be a few hundred years here... Ergo, you now have a ghost.

Edited by vortex

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I had a house ghost in one appartement once. We called him George. He was usually standing in a very grumpy position and stearing a angrily at us. Everybody could see him where he stood in one specific corner, day and night. Sometimes he went into the kitchen and broke some cups or plates, but he mostly just made some noice with them.


He was not a happy and social ghost, but left us all alone. He just didnt like us much. Guess we had to many parties and loud music and made a lot of mess in the apartement.


I think that it is a lot more useful to talk to the ghost and help it understand cooperation and the reality of their situation than to push them all into the light without any warning. Sometimes it is ok to help them into the light, but mostly these kinds of interventions are a really bad manipulation and shows a lack of respect for peoples choices. As if they dont have all the help they need.


And we, the amazingly powerful, fantasticly intelligent and overly arrogant human beings know exactly what they need and we're going to force them into the light even if they want it or not.


Ive worked with several houses and their ghosts and the trouble usually settles in a good and healthy way once you get the ghost to accept that there are other people living there too, and that the two worlds dont really collide.


One ghost Ive worked with came to some friends of mine through an old piano. He gave them nightmares and really bad feelings. But once he realized that they wherent there to take him away or do bad things to him, he settled with his new situation and hasnt troubled them since. My friends has even forgot that he once was a problem and dont acknowledge the existance of ghosts anymore, hahaha.


Most ghosts are not scary, bad or angry. They are just beings in a paralell, or more subtle world than ours. Even the scary ghosts are not really dangerous, just confused and unkomfortable with the situation. They just need to be heard and seen. Just like ordinary people :)

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Well...Sylvia Browne has talked about this a lot. She recommends pouring a circle of salt all around the house and then telling the ghost that it's time to move on...in a nice way. You might be able to find mention of this on her website?


-later edit-


Sylvia has often been a guest on the Montel Williams show. Each time I've watched someone has asked about this....seems to be a common problem...apparently this remedy has worked.


Sylvia Browne has even less credibility than Uri Geller (if that is possible). She has even been proven wrong on the Montel Williams show....and he actually believes her. Not to mention that those who have been around her in a non-showbiz atmosphere get to see how mean she is, and of course if you mention this to anyone (or if she thinks you might) she "sees" that you are a "dark soul"....


As far as "ghosts" go, it is nothing a good banishing ritual (from any number of traditions) shouldn't handle. Loosen "its" grip on the area and "it" should "move on" just fine. Though one should likely have all those who have experienced it present in case "it" simply has a connection to them.

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I think that it is a lot more useful to talk to the ghost and help it understand cooperation and the reality of their situation than to push them all into the light without any warning. Sometimes it is ok to help them into the light, but mostly these kinds of interventions are a really bad manipulation and shows a lack of respect for peoples choices. As if they dont have all the help they need.


And we, the amazingly powerful, fantasticly intelligent and overly arrogant human beings know exactly what they need and we're going to force them into the light even if they want it or not.

Well, from what I was told in ThetaHealing, you can always still recontact "ghosts" after they've been sent to God's light. But, you want to send them there first to "cleanse" them. They just seem to be far more benevolent afterwards.


Whereas, they could be more unpredictable with lower motives if not (at least that was the implication I got).


However, I am not in the business of ghostbusting and if they are not troublesome, I guess that's probably not a huge problem.

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Sylvia Browne has even less credibility than Uri Geller (if that is possible). She has even been proven wrong on the Montel Williams show....and he actually believes her. Not to mention that those who have been around her in a non-showbiz atmosphere get to see how mean she is, and of course if you mention this to anyone (or if she thinks you might) she "sees" that you are a "dark soul"....


As far as "ghosts" go, it is nothing a good banishing ritual (from any number of traditions) shouldn't handle. Loosen "its" grip on the area and "it" should "move on" just fine. Though one should likely have all those who have experienced it present in case "it" simply has a connection to them.


I agree any banishing ritual would work...


It's sincerity of the person performing it, and their ability to hold the underlying intent that does the trick.



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namo amitabha buddha :)



That is the best way!


The only setback is people either have skepticism on the abilities of the Buddhas, and or disbelieve them...as well as lack the cultivation to actually relieve a ghost, demon, spirit, from their afflicted mind state.


Reciting the Buddha's name, as Dan stated above, is called cultivating while relying on "outer" strength.

It is putting sincerity and faith in your concentration and in the wisdom and compassion, patience, in the Buddha Amitabha to assist the ghost, demon, etc, with awakening to the proper way, and to further cultivate properly so as to relieve itself from its afflicted mind in order to attain wisdom and assist others as well.


Recite diligently : Namo Amitabha Buddha. Recite to the ghost to take refuge with the Triple Jewel; The Buddha, The Dharma and The Sangha. Recite the Wang Sheng Mantra (往生咒); mantra for being reborn in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land.


This mantra will assist the being, whether with a body or not, in purifying their attachments, and plant the causes, and cultivate the function in order to purify the mind enough to realize the fruit of their causes and be reborn in Amitabha's Buddha's Pure Land.


Ask it to recite with you the above phrases, and do so for at least 20-30 minutes for 7 days straight at the same times every day. Though you may not need 7 days, and only 3 depending, it is best to do it for a week to make sure since one may not have the eyes to see if the being has Wang Sheng; been reborn in the Pure Land.


The Wang Sheng Mantra ( 往生咒 ) runs like this:


Namo Ami Tuo Puo Ye

Duo Tuo Qie Duo Ye

Duo Ti Ye Duo

Ami Li Tuo Puo Pi

Ami Li Tuo Xi Dan Puo Pi

Ami li Tuo Pi Jia Lan Di

Ami Li Duo Pi Jia Lan Duo

Qie Mi Ni

Qie Qie Nuo

Zhi Duo Jia li

Sa Puo He


Here is the audio link. The Mantra characters are ( 往生咒 )Choose the number 3 link and click on this character 试听 :




If that character link ( 试听 ) doesn't work, choose any of the character link (试听) on that page until one works. It should be a woman reciting the mantra, with music behind it. You can save the audio by right clicking on the web-link once the audio player for the page opens.


There is a Wang Sheng Zhou in Daoism as well. And guess what, it is for being reborn in the heavens and or being reborn in any Buddha Land of your affinity. Mainly most use it to arrive in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land, the Daoists I mean, and especially in the Quan Zhen Dao tradition.



All banishing methods, binding methods, and other mannerisms to keep the being out of the place it is in, will only cause more karmic retribution on your part; Meaning it will cause more conditions where the being will experience anger, frustration sadness, etc, and look to get revenge. So it is best not to use the usual rituals, they will not protect you in the long run.



Peace and Blessings,


Edited by 林愛偉

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That is the best way!


The only setback is people either have skepticism on the abilities of the Buddhas, and or disbelieve them...as well as lack the cultivation to actually relieve a ghost, demon, spirit, from their afflicted mind state.


Reciting the Buddha's name, as Dan stated above, is called cultivating while relying on "outer" strength.

It is putting sincerity and faith in your concentration and in the wisdom and compassion, patience, in the Buddha Amitabha to assist the ghost, demon, etc, with awakening to the proper way, and to further cultivate properly so as to relieve itself from its afflicted mind in order to attain wisdom and assist others as well.


Recite diligently : Namo Amitabha Buddha. Recite to the ghost to take refuge with the Triple Jewel; The Buddha, The Dharma and The Sangha. Recite the Wang Sheng Mantra (往生咒); mantra for being reborn in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land.


This mantra will assist the being, whether with a body or not, in purifying their attachments, and plant the causes, and cultivate the function in order to purify the mind enough to realize the fruit of their causes and be reborn in Amitabha's Buddha's Pure Land.


Ask it to recite with you the above phrases, and do so for at least 20-30 minutes for 7 days straight at the same times every day. Though you may not need 7 days, and only 3 depending, it is best to do it for a week to make sure since one may not have the eyes to see if the being has Wang Sheng; been reborn in the Pure Land.


The Wang Sheng Mantra ( 往生咒 ) runs like this:


Namo Ami Tuo Puo Ye

Duo Tuo Qie Duo Ye

Duo Ti Ye Duo

Ami Li Tuo Puo Pi

Ami Li Tuo Xi Dan Puo Pi

Ami li Tuo Pi Jia Lan Di

Ami Li Duo Pi Jia Lan Duo

Qie Mi Ni

Qie Qie Nuo

Zhi Duo Jia li

Sa Puo He


Here is the audio link. The Mantra characters are ( 往生咒 )Choose the number 3 link and click on this character 试听 :




If that character link ( 试听 ) doesn't work, choose any of the character link (试听) on that page until one works. It should be a woman reciting the mantra, with music behind it. You can save the audio by right clicking on the web-link once the audio player for the page opens.


There is a Wang Sheng Zhou in Daoism as well. And guess what, it is for being reborn in the heavens and or being reborn in any Buddha Land of your affinity. Mainly most use it to arrive in Amitabha Buddha's Pure Land, the Daoists I mean, and especially in the Quan Zhen Dao tradition.

All banishing methods, binding methods, and other mannerisms to keep the being out of the place it is in, will only cause more karmic retribution on your part; Meaning it will cause more conditions where the being will experience anger, frustration sadness, etc, and look to get revenge. So it is best not to use the usual rituals, they will not protect you in the long run.



Peace and Blessings,



As usual, it all depends on what traditions you are familiar with. Some would call the recitation of a Buddha mantra a "ritual" if used to direct a spirit in any way. Western Tradition sees any Willed act as a ritual.

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Speaking of ritual, anyone read about the Red Sox jersey excavated from the new Yankees stadium? That was funny.

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As usual, it all depends on what traditions you are familiar with. Some would call the recitation of a Buddha mantra a "ritual" if used to direct a spirit in any way. Western Tradition sees any Willed act as a ritual.



Not really, for karma is not tradition, its inevitable. It is unfortunate that westerners see recitation as a "ritual"instead of a function of proclaiming the skill in means.


Peace and Blessings,


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When I was sitting in full-lotus, doing the energy feast -- the fasting -- I went to qigong master Chunyi Lin's Level 3 retreat. I saw dead spirits float into the room -- spheres of yellow light. I said nothing about this but Chunyi Lin announced to the lecture hall that someone else had seen these dead spirits so he would explain. He said that even the dead come to hear him speak so that they can be returned to the "emptiness" -- pure consciousness -- to find peace. This wasn't news to me because I had been studying esoteric meditation books and the most famous Thai Buddhist meditation forest monk describes the same experience -- dead spirits coming to here him speak. I had just read that but I've never read about that since even though I read about one book a day.

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Not really, for karma is not tradition, its inevitable. It is unfortunate that westerners see recitation as a "ritual"instead of a function of proclaiming the skill in means.


Peace and Blessings,



Perhaps karma is not a "tradition" perhaps it is. Nevertheless what affects karma and how is seen very differently in different traditions. As it is there is no way to objectiviely determine which is right unless you believe the people who claim past life memories, in which case you find contradictory information and are thus left right back at no proof either way. A recitation is an act, and can thus be seen as a "ritual". Most in western traditions would say that by conducting a ritual is nothing more than "proclaiming the skill in means", the only difference being that in the west the words are called "godnames" and in the east "mantras". Once you see through the fog of sectarianism you realize that the ancient sages were right when they said "ekam sat"...truth is one.

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Perhaps karma is not a "tradition" perhaps it is. Nevertheless what affects karma and how is seen very differently in different traditions. As it is there is no way to objectiviely determine which is right unless you believe the people who claim past life memories, in which case you find contradictory information and are thus left right back at no proof either way. A recitation is an act, and can thus be seen as a "ritual". Most in western traditions would say that by conducting a ritual is nothing more than "proclaiming the skill in means", the only difference being that in the west the words are called "godnames" and in the east "mantras". Once you see through the fog of sectarianism you realize that the ancient sages were right when they said "ekam sat"...truth is one.


Nevertheless what affects karma and how is seen very differently in different traditions.


Nothing affects karma, for it is just a process of cause and effect. Regardless of how one sees it, it is such that there are collective responses for their actions due to thoughts, emotions and desires being all entertained by living beings. No one can think a thought that has never been thought of before. And as such, results will be similar and vast regardless of one's views, yet dependent upon the conditions they are attached to based on those views.


As it is there is no way to objectiviely determine which is right unless you believe the people who claim past life memories, in which case you find contradictory information and are thus left right back at no proof either way.


You don't need people with the skill to see past lives to determine what is right. You just need wisdom.


Most in western traditions would say that by conducting a ritual is nothing more than "proclaiming the skill in means", the only difference being that in the west the words are called "godnames" and in the east "mantras".


Skill in means is a result of diligent practices in which one develops, or attains, merit from cultivation to an extent that where ever they are, the function is thus and as a result of that, all things are made right. People can call anything a ritual, but by doing so, they degrade the actual function of the method and thus rely on their understanding of what they think a ritual is, and assume that the method is the same way. Living beings can only accept what they are in the capacity to understand.


Regardless of what people will think, there is a function. it is just their labeling which causes them to miss the function of recitation. It isn't a ritual. God names and mantras are not the same, but can be recited. The difference is the merit within them, the function and result as wella s the person's diligence in cultivation of them.


Once you see through the fog of sectarianism you realize that the ancient sages were right when they said "ekam sat"...truth is one.


Truth is neither mantra, name or function. Therefore there is no "one".


I don't believe in sectarianism. Neither did the Buddha.


Peace and Blessings. This is a nice conversation :)



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Nothing affects karma, for it is just a process of cause and effect. Regardless of how one sees it, it is such that there are collective responses for their actions due to thoughts, emotions and desires being all entertained by living beings. No one can think a thought that has never been thought of before. And as such, results will be similar and vast regardless of one's views, yet dependent upon the conditions they are attached to based on those views.

You don't need people with the skill to see past lives to determine what is right. You just need wisdom.


If karma is a process of cause and effect, then by "doing" one cause you get one effect and by "doing" another cause you get another effect. In basic English (admittedly a limited way of communicating) that is affecting karma.

And one can with wisdom, determine "right" from "wrong" in a limited way of speaking without even mentioning karma (and properly practiced right action should be independant of thought of reward or punishment), but one cannot objectively prove that there is any cause/effect between lives. Logically one sees cause and effect in daily life if one pays attention.


Skill in means is a result of diligent practices in which one develops, or attains, merit from cultivation to an extent that where ever they are, the function is thus and as a result of that, all things are made right.


In some Western traditions that is called Ritual practice.


People can call anything a ritual, but by doing so, they degrade the actual function of the method and thus rely on their understanding of what they think a ritual is, and assume that the method is the same way. Living beings can only accept what they are in the capacity to understand.


It is only degrading if you have been taught to see rituals as an unworthy practice.


Regardless of what people will think, there is a function. it is just their labeling which causes them to miss the function of recitation. It isn't a ritual. God names and mantras are not the same, but can be recited. The difference is the merit within them, the function and result as wella s the person's diligence in cultivation of them.


True that there is some difference, but they both cause change in the person using them. Both Western Godnames and Eastern Mantras elevate the "consciousness" of the individual so they can see beyond themselves. Just saying it isn't a ritual doesn't make it true.


Truth is neither mantra, name or function. Therefore there is no "one".


Right, truth is one which in actuality is none. Again, something that all traditions eventually lead to.


I don't believe in sectarianism. Neither did the Buddha.

Good to hear, though your statements often come across very one sided. Very, master so and so said it so it is true despite other traditions teaching the exact opposite (though we both know that "contradictions" certainly have their enlightening place). True also about the Buddha. He didn't teach sectarianism, his followers did, just like Jesus.



Peace and Blessings. This is a nice conversation :)



Same to you.

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If karma is a process of cause and effect, then by "doing" one cause you get one effect and by "doing" another cause you get another effect. In basic English (admittedly a limited way of communicating) that is affecting karma.

And one can with wisdom, determine "right" from "wrong" in a limited way of speaking without even mentioning karma (and properly practiced right action should be independant of thought of reward or punishment), but one cannot objectively prove that there is any cause/effect between lives. Logically one sees cause and effect in daily life if one pays attention.


Karma is not something that is effected it is that which is manifest by the mind.


Worldly wisdom, limited. Wisdom through cultivation by ending afflictions, not limited.


How can one not see the cause and effect between lives? Past lives are only manifestations of the mind, just like this current life.


What manner of proof are you looking for? Beings arise and disappear all the times. Things just don't HAPPEN just for the sake of happening. This is something that cultivated wisdom, as I stated above, would allow one to realize.


As for mantra recitation and what not, its a shame that some westerns would view it as a ritual, but regardless of what they think, it isn't.




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Karma is not something that is effected it is that which is manifest by the mind.


Worldly wisdom, limited. Wisdom through cultivation by ending afflictions, not limited.


How can one not see the cause and effect between lives? Past lives are only manifestations of the mind, just like this current life.


What manner of proof are you looking for? Beings arise and disappear all the times. Things just don't HAPPEN just for the sake of happening. This is something that cultivated wisdom, as I stated above, would allow one to realize.


As for mantra recitation and what not, its a shame that some westerns would view it as a ritual, but regardless of what they think, it isn't.





Whether karma is the thing affected or the word you use to describe the sum total of a "process of cause and effect" (your words) is simply semantics. Either way karma is usually used to describe something that is determined (aka affected) in part (at the very least) by our actions (including cultivation whether or not you want to play word games as to whether cultivation is an "action" or not). Otherwise the word (that you so often use) becomes either meaningless or a synonym for predestination determined by someone other than the particular point of view that we call (for simplicity sake) an individual. Furthermore, everything in ordinary existance is manifest in the mind. How can one not see the cause and effect between past lives? Because one cannot prove one way or the other whether past lives exist or not. Again, beliefs about past lives are all in the mind. What one person calls "cultivated wisdom" another may call "a chosen set of beliefs". Some things may just happen, just as easily as they may not, illusionists are quite familiar with confirmation bias and use it to great effect, thus if an assumption is made it is quite likely that one may subconsciously "try" to confirm it. At the same time, everything happening now is in some way linked to the first explosion of spacetime.

It is likewise a shame that "ritual" in the context of mystic traditions is looked down upon by some, perhaps your experience with ritual is what gives this impression, but a ritual properly performed....nevermind, you seem to have an aversion to the word so it is pointless to even continue. In the end traditions the world over (some with rituals, some with mantras, some with both, some with neither) have the same ultimate goal if you go deep enough into any of them. The way the Golden Dawn put it was "Blaspheme not the name by which another knows their god, for by blaspheming Allah you blaspheme YHVH, by blaspheming Osiris you blaspheme Christ" or something along those lines. The same goes for the ancient conversing between buddhists and taoists, until politics got involved.

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Sorry for the late response....


In Taoist practices of exorcism or driving the ghost spirit away there are several methods. If this ghost is not evil it is much easier. A ghost spirit is one in the Yin world. They have died before their time or have a lousy destiny and are lost in that world and don't know it.


Your family member needs to light some incense and walk around with that in the area where the ghost is and tell them to tell the ghost that they are no longer in this realm and they need to go home. I know it sounds hokey but they need to tell them to go to the bright lighted path and don't look back. Tell them that they can no longer function in this realm.


They should go quietly. Ghosts that are very active need to go away. They will not do you any good.


Hope this helps,






So a family member has a house that has an active ghost in it. He says that it's not a negative ghost, but is extremely active at times, especially if there are young children living in the home and it will rotate the ceiling fan, lights will float around the room, etc. All this has been photographed and video taped. He had a guy come out before to help it on its way, but it didn't take.


I asked two trusted sources, one said that it's best for all parties even if there's no negativity to help it on its way. Another said that if it's not negative, don't bother with it, but if it is negative you don't have to be a priest to drive it out, just do it.


I don't know anything about this sort of thing. Any thoughts, recommendations, etc. If anyone knows anyone in the New England area specifically who might can do an on site assessment, let me know too.




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Then there's spirit exorcism. http://springforestqigong.com practices this -- at least qigong Master Chunyi Lin does. Read "The Mind Possessed: Ecstasy and Exorcism" by William Sargent -- a CIA-connected psychiatrist. He traveled the world studying spirit exorcism and then he practiced electroshock treatment to create zombies.

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