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hi guys thanks for accepting meĀ  I am kinda new here since I noticed I was allowed to post recently I am 23y old since I was around 14 I liked martial arts and chi and started training alone since I had no master I searched across all net and found some forms talk about chi I started that training although I wasn't training spot in internal arts like external since I wasn't even sure it's true I achieved some nice things in internal and could do some stuff would make me and other amazed that I even felt I am talnted plus I am kinda smartĀ  then I joined gym for martial arts and was the same until I met someone in an qiqong group in Kik showed me most all I knew about chi was wrong and what I do and I understood I have to build foundation and when search and got some nice books I knew I need to recover my yuan qi then use it with stillness to build Dan Tien the book was so good explained most of stuff but to be honest u need a master to ask aside from book some stuff when u do u will need to askĀ  and thanks wish seniors could help me I have alot of questions and inquiries and wish we share our experiences and thanksĀ 

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If you want to build a foundation for nei dan, getting some formal instruction in a qigong system might be a good start.Ā 


That would be an excellent way of clearing the vessels, which paves the way for more advanced work.Ā 

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That what I thought too I wish people here help me and instruct meĀ 

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Yepp, one just did. šŸ˜Ā 


Find a teacher, preferably live but some advocate online schools as well.Ā 


If that teacher also teaches nei dan, that would ease things in the long run. Or not, since nei dan is a rather confusing area of study.Ā 


Forums are not schools, and if you roam this site you will see that we contradict each other quite a lot, meaning that getting instructions here would be rather confusing.Ā 


But, if you want to:

1) Regulate your breath.Ā 

2) Regulate your body.Ā 

3) Regulate your mind.Ā 

That should do it.Ā 


So, back to plan A?Ā 

Any acceptable teachers in your 'hood?Ā 

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About that too I got alot of experience asking around searching in web for years and even got some niedan books but there is some areas not there it's when you do the thing yourself everyone have his own experience and mistakes so I would need masters to ask to help overcome those things help guild me etc

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Basic exercise for chi cultivation start off 5-10 minutes a day. Gradually increase according to comfort. You also may wish to pursue some root work.Ā 




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Yeah I know that start with trance dance with moving of yin and Yang to build yin qi but as I said always there is small things between that would confuse me that I would use feeling when I don't fully understand and thanks for help man much appreciated šŸ¤

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10 hours ago, apdo said:

Yeah I know that start with trance dance

If you want to start with this, you might want to pursue a path more compatible with that?Ā 


There are excellent methods related to shamanistic traditions that includes trance dance and shaking movements to develop energy and spirit.Ā 


There used to be a poster here who developed his unique approach to this practice, and since we live in an "anything goes" world, that might be an option.Ā 


If there are no local teachers, the next question would be: How are your finances?Ā 


Would you be limited to free material, or can you join an online school?Ā 


If the later is an option, Damo Mitchell's Lotus Neigong is really popular these days.Ā 


If finances is an issue, Adrian Chan-Wyles Qianfeng Daoism UK does claim that they doesn't charge for teaching, instead I believe that he reserve the right to pick whom to teach (that's a guess though). This is the Taoist Yoga lineage...Ā 

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I just ended my army days ago and don't have a job yet so finances is a problem ATM but I am trying with what I have in my hands I will checkĀ Qianfeng Daoism UK thoĀ Ā 

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By the way I have some experience I been searching asking around that for years I even have a really nice book that really seem so legit and explain most of things I just had questions when I try do that training that isn't in books but u find with someone who did those practices what you call personal experiences that what I was hopping to ask and ofc guildness from a senior won't harm

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37 minutes ago, apdo said:

I even have a really nice book that really seem so legit and explain most of thingsĀ Ā 

Which book?Ā 


As in: There are huge differences between different schools, so you have to give more information about the practice you are interested in.Ā 

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The idiots guild to Taoist alchemy qiqong and ancient advanced acoustic alchemy 2018 both almost have same stuff but each one describe. More stuff not on otherĀ  and I am interested in niedan best thing near what I am looking forĀ 

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Then you should contact Drew Hempel aka @voidisyinyangwho has created that specific method by mixing stuff from different cultures in a very creative way.


I do not think anyone else is qualified to aid you in that specific method.Ā 

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yes to feel the Yuan Qi then you can get phone healings from Chunyi Lin

or his former teaching assistant Jim NanceĀ

I personally overused my energy doing too much free psychic healing. But I do have a lot of free research online. Glad you found it useful. thanks,

Those two books sources you mentioned are my best written sources online for training.

I sent you the link for my video uploads - but I am just talking - so it is still a bit too abstract. haha.

I do have a good youtube playlist though for qi demonstrations.


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Oh thanks man and yeah I knew those books are very good I still don't believe I met maker of those books they are excellent and talk about almost everything that is useful I will make sure to check those vidoes

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I don't need qi demonstration I believe on it and what it can do long ago since I used it myself but I stopped with that when found I was doing it wrong and maybe harming myself your books cleared my way very much and helped me to start a new from 0 to build foundation first

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Wrong word

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49 minutes ago, apdo said:

I don't need qi demonstration I believe on it and what it can do long ago since I used it myself but I stopped with that when found I was doing it wrong and maybe harming myself your books cleared my way very much and helped me to start a new from 0 to build foundation first

Sorry for curiosity, but what power did you got with this practice?

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Wasn't from same training but I 1-could heat my body in very cold weather all my class mate all people even soldiers was wearing coats and was so cold and I was like nothingĀ Ā 

2- I could gather qi and get a really big boost in strength I tested it in more than one training I even pulled wights in gym I couldn't move so easy but I couldn't maintain it for so long

3- I could use qi in injury would feel more comfortable and bleeding would become less I even tried it in my sister s wound she felt more comfortable on it and sameĀ 

4- could make what people say qi ball feel between arms and a time put in table and felt itĀ  and I felt qi in body and etcĀ 

Ā But I never been doing that alot hardly train at them cuz I was young and wasn't even sure from sources I had and was afraid I am harming my qi since I read alot of stuff about qi drain been waiting untile I knew about niedan gotta build foundation again before try those stuff again

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There was but I didn't even know it exist until I read some books that's isn't even from Egypt and I think that system is lost we hardly know it exitedĀ 

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And there is nowdays people who claim they made there own perfect martial arts with everything including internal ones but I even hardly hear about them and they are so far away from me

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