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About apdo

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    apdo dragon

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    Prefer girls

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  1. I see and from your views his teaching is the correct one?
  2. I agree with you but really attract power from immortals and immortals mountain I don't understand that well why would they even share there power and is it infinit and you said there is even stronger power source in Dan Tien that's Is hidden what that have to do with attracting power from immortals it's like you taking power from a demon and there has to be a pay that's only thing that was in my mind Nd thanks
  3. Is there a link I can't find it sorry for troubling you
  4. I searched all I found is meeting practice can't find online source for him any help ?
  5. I see by the way how you know you could know through net or must meet in real life
  6. I see thanks I will check him thanks for help
  7. I said I could start with wiring don't need start with dan Tien as soon as I am progressing I don't need to rush
  8. I see and as you say nothing available online for such a practice so I should try find real master in real life ? Or you have any idea man /// by the way isn't that similar to wai Dan and marrow washing training???
  9. I see and as you say nothing available online for such a practice so I should try find real master in real life ? Or you have any idea man
  10. By the way may i know what you mean by rewiring exactly
  11. I see well my main goal is niegong itself I already know some external martial arts but it won't harm learn more and inner ones
  12. That's what I am looking for rewires the body for true foundation