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45 minutes ago, Everything said:

And because you are not being playful about it, you create resistance within your own being, that causes you to experience your own true energy as destructive. Because you take it seriously, you experience your own energy from the perspective of vulnerability, and so you flow your own true nature through you in contradiction with it/yourself and the result is you feel negative emotion, and if negative emotion isn't enough, then the secondary manifestational indicators of negative conditions.


So again, you can always feel your energy motional relativity to your own true will as your valuable emotional guidance system. So you always are being fully revealed to your own true will. That is what your emotional guidance system is all about. To feel your energy motional relativity between who you now allow yourself to be in relationship to all that you truely are being and becoming evermore joyously here and now.

Dispense with the profuse condescending remarks. In other words using “you” throughout the above. 

Kundalini or any force of nature doesn’t belong to myself or anyone! 

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1 hour ago, ralis said:


The problem I have with so called "True Will" is that according to Crowley et al., the "True Will" is revealed by the conversation with ones Holy Guardian Angel (HGA) which is an arduous task of peeling away psychic conditioning and so forth. The idea put forth by the OP is that the matter is simple with no work required at all. Point being is that when any serious work of this nature is conducted, psychic forces are unleashed and the ensuing result for most is the inability to handle such forces. This is not kiddie play!!

Maybe you are capable of understanding what I am doing

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23 minutes ago, ralis said:

Dispense with the profuse condescending remarks. In other words using “you” throughout the above. 

Kundalini or any force of nature doesn’t belong to myself or anyone! 

I don't have a problem with how he presents his knowledge.  Why don't you try to present his knowledge in the manner you recommend so he has an example, while at the same time letting us witness your genius so that we have cause to respect you in these matters

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1 hour ago, Earl Grey said:

You only fail if you quit. Keep on trucking.

Why are you so pleasant to him and all you want to do to me is beat me into the ground over presentation and what you assume is a lack of revelation and conversation

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1 hour ago, ilumairen said:


Then could you try not to misrepresent them?

Its hard to misrepresent a school that studies nearly everything.  No, I am not citing a page of a book, but what I speak of is written in books, Magick in Theory and Practice especially.  I am not here to teach from this book, though I could.  I am here to talk about my own naturally occurring process in an effort to design my own system, and aid people in designing their own method.  The set of fundamental processes is likely the same for any, and that is all I am revealing.  I am not commenting on Wisdom of any tradition at this stage, nor am I relating the fact that all of these systems have similar origins.  I am simply revealing this base, and was planning on illustrating how it is used.

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1 hour ago, Earl Grey said:


As stated earlier, misinformation, misrepresentation, self-initiation and self-aggrandization while refusing to have dialogue and being defensive is not a signal that he is open to communication, in addition to that misinformation being dangerous to others looking to understand what he refers to using terms associated with that but not actually understanding it at all. In an earlier thread, he was receptive to a sycophantic fan of his who went on to attack me and others in that thread. So it's not like we haven't tried before. 

Im not being defensive.  Would you stop being such a critic and comment on the actual content of this thread rather than point at old arguments which, as I said, I have already clarified my place in misunderstanding?  A broken record doesn't play the hits, it gets thrown in the trash.

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1 hour ago, Earl Grey said:


Trying to get that motivation has been the Sisyphian task for all of us so far! :lol:

Then maybe you would like my piece that I wrote on the Sisyphean task that I too am on, which I posted here.

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1 hour ago, kyoji said:

to be fair aren't most fundamentalists misrepresenting their own religions anyways?

The fundamentals I am revealing are not particularly of a religious nature, unless you are in the act of creating a religion.

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1 hour ago, ralis said:


I know a little regarding the two mentioned, but am unable to comment on it.


What I do know is that I have read is that kundalini awakening is part of most of these systems. What I absolutely know is that when the serpent is awakened it will bite. Been there done that and I don't recommend it! Happened to me in a spontaneously way back in 1993 and I am still paying the price for that event. It never stops!

Its not supposed to, and neither are you

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Everyones born and taught by a book

the child says "This I will learn, by hook or by crook"

But when the conversation comes and its time for sharing

most men fail to like the daring

So sit in your poverty and wait for praise

or go out in a fiery blaze,

burning and consuming a man on parade 

Life is about desire, lets end this charade!

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8 hours ago, Mskied said:

Why are you so pleasant to him and all you want to do to me is beat me into the ground over presentation and what you assume is a lack of revelation and conversation


Perhaps you missed every single message I posted here pointing out why you perceive me as "beating you into the ground". Apparently you either don't read messages, or reject feedback because it doesn't suit your personal narrative, or you just don't comprehend well.


8 hours ago, Mskied said:

Im not being defensive.  Would you stop being such a critic and comment on the actual content of this thread rather than point at old arguments which, as I said, I have already clarified my place in misunderstanding?  A broken record doesn't play the hits, it gets thrown in the trash.


I did comment on the actual content of the thread. It makes no sense like everything else you've posted. You haven't been thrown into the trash for being a broken record, you've been shown you're a broken record.


8 hours ago, Mskied said:

Then maybe you would like my piece that I wrote on the Sisyphean task that I too am on, which I posted here.


Which is perhaps why I referenced Sisyphus? 

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8 hours ago, Mskied said:

Why don't you


Therein lies your problem: you were asked a simple question by @ralis and you refused to answer it as you have time and again with everyone. 

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32 minutes ago, Earl Grey said:


Therein lies your problem: you were asked a simple question by @ralis and you refused to answer it as you have time and again with everyone. 

I could answer it, or maybe I think hed benefit by answering it himself.  I don't have to hand deliver every piece of everything, do you?

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1 minute ago, Mskied said:

I could answer it, or maybe I think hed benefit by answering it himself.  I don't have to hand deliver every piece of everything, do you?


Then you're really not posting for dialogue, you're just dumping verbal diarrhea, and thus your processing should be a PPJ. You don't want dialogue when people ask simple questions and it's thrown back at them to understand you when you're making no attempt to help them understand. 


There we go with the dance around again. You're floating like an anchor and stinging like a computer monitor screen in a dark room. No grace at all. 

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11 hours ago, TheCove said:

In the past I used to drink and post stuff that would be torn apart or wondered at by it's dramatic nonsense with a hint of wisdom here and there.  It was mostly garbage, but there were a few gems in the mud.  Reading this thread reminds of how people reacted to me back then.  What and why I wrote what I wrote was different but the pattern of response is similar.


I must say I am impressed by the general civility of the people on this forum it is refreshing to see.  Mskied seems  to be defending his right to portray his belief system as he sees fit,  and several of you point out the  flaws in his efforts.


I may sound like a sesame street episode, but would it not be prudent to find the commonalities shared and go from there?  Mskied may be in error in the nature of his communication, but it seems to be the only way he can do so.  To constantly parse his words does not seem to be helping with clarification.  It might be better to focus on the underlying theme of his words rather than the errors within them.  Even though it might be more enjoyable for you all to do the later.


Well,   you try and have a sensible discussion with him then !    :D 


That is, if you know the subject well enough to converse about it .


As is the case in many of these cases  .... its not just about the content  but the way they carry on ; like now he is asserting (for any new late comers  ;)    )   that he will and wants to answer questions .  So Ralis asks a  question and its answered with a question that leads to  other stuff .... and  bingo !   We have diverted off the tricky topic . 


Our first question  put to  Mskied  was about his star symbol .... what a carry on that led to !   And resulted in his 'answer' of ' you either know or you dont know ' .   


You seem like a  bright chap , have you read all the posts in this thread ?   If so, didnt you notice  .... 'anything'  ? 

Edited by Nungali
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11 hours ago, TheCove said:

Sycophantic,  Sisyphian...


You use great words, had to look up Sisyphian.  Wish sycophantic meant something else, would like to call myself a Sycophant.  Hm, maybe I am...



Here is a little doco about earl Grey being punished by the Gods  ..... I  mean  God .




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11 hours ago, TheCove said:


Yes, have read about that.  Hardcore stuff, I have done some spiritual mountain climbing but not of that nature.  Is it similar to the Enochian one?  By Abramelin  the Mage?  Sorry for my clumsy citation.



Enochian ?  .... did someone say     Enochian   !   ?







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36 minutes ago, Mskied said:

And I suppose mocking me with heads of lettuce helps me to understand



There once was a man that was a lettuce head

who wrote such bad rhymes it was like a sled

rushing downhill without course

or knowledge of source







I have been reading about early  Antarctic  explorers that where stranded there for weeks on end awaiting rescue .  One of them managed to salvage a banjo.  80 % of the time they where under two upturned boats and some canvass.  On Saturday nights they had a cabaret consisting of the banjo accompanying a song about  particular members  of the group in turn , one a week, that is unless the man complained , then it was his turn again next week and the song much worse .


I know .... I know , here, we are not in Antarctica ..... you do however appear to be attempting to traverse a desert though .

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9 minutes ago, Nungali said:



There once was a man that was a lettuce head

who wrote such bad rhymes it was like a sled

rushing downhill without course

or knowledge of source







I have been reading about early  Antarctic  explorers that where stranded there for weeks on end awaiting rescue .  One of them managed to salvage a banjo.  80 % of the time they where under two upturned boats and some canvass.  On Saturday nights they had a cabaret consisting of the banjo accompanying a song about  particular members  of the group in turn , one a week, that is unless the man complained , then it was his turn again next week and the song much worse .


I know .... I know , here, we are not in Antarctica ..... you do however appear to be attempting to traverse a desert though .

I suppose the song was worse for the man who complained because he heard his own complaints sung back to him!

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" I suppose the song was worse for the man who complained because he heard his own complaints sung back to him" 




Sounds jolly fun !   Weeks on end, sitting in the dark under an upturned lifeboat, -20 to  -30 deg ,  with a blubber stove, everything covered in blubber grease and soot, eating penguins and 'hoosh' ,  no  polar clothing and no one had a wash in a few months .









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17 minutes ago, Nungali said:

" I suppose the song was worse for the man who complained because he heard his own complaints sung back to him" 




Sounds jolly fun !   Weeks on end, sitting in the dark under an upturned lifeboat, -20 to  -30 deg ,  with a blubber stove, everything covered in blubber grease and soot, eating penguins and 'hoosh' ,  no  polar clothing and no one had a wash in a few months .









“Why does it always rain on me?”


”Pal, you don’t have your own personal rain cloud, you’re in Seattle! It rains on everyone and everything!”

Edited by Earl Grey

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