
Taking a brake from TaoBums

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Well, recently I've been going up hill lately but i just now realize that i spend much to much time on The Tao Bums. I personally like to practice hardcore... engrossing my whole life around my own practice and make my living life my practice... integrate my life with my own wisdom or things I've learned, and practices I've been taught.


I honestly don't think i can get back on my path without taking at the least a small brake from here.


Smile, Taomeow, i will miss your posts.

StarJumper, will be slightly free from trying to figure you out, for your pretty damn complicated :P, but still enjoy many many things you say.


Lin, farewell, hope to hear more of the great talks you've been describing lately in the future. Its great to have someone on the forum that can put things into words so well... specially about things way above my reading level.




(i'll still be checking in i think little here and there just for book club stuff in hopes something about the books are actually written) I will also spend time reading Taoist Yoga... so i will have much to share on that subject mal and for others. HEHE your a cool person... i'm sure you've read many many things... i would just say try and practice more... learn from experience (not that you don't already just i think its more important to do that then intellectually understand things through reading... at least if its not based on understanding past experiences of yourself)


xuesheng will never miss the things you say. I can wait to learn more about internal martial arts. So i can have more indepth detailed descussions with you.


Oolong Rabbit, i very much like your responses. They are always taken from a good mindset of well thoughtout understandings.


Wun Yuen Gong, always like what you got to say also. will miss ya.


VCraigP always enjoy what you have to say.




Ok well i understand I don't necessarily make lots of friends but that doesn't mean I'm not observing and knowing this... its rather I'm an inward person. Always working on the inward... if I'm very negative I seek help but often come out as an angry person so sorry to all if i did this... even if i had a reason I'm sure i could have handled it a better way. So in a way I'm definately saying sorry to anyone i outlasted in the past to.


Well i think i've outlasted my stay and even though i want to say more... i shouldn't So good bye... hope i didn't miss anyone.

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Good luck on your personal practice.


Go slowly, one day at a time.


Seek balance and harmony.


Rid the Heart Mind of all deluded and stray thoughts.


Peace, dao zhen

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Thanks for the kind words WhiteTiger. I am struggling with my own attachment to Taobums. There is so much information and so many great teachers here. It's like a feast for the soul. At some point though, you have to stop looking at the beautiful dishes and just dig in. Good luck in your practice, and don't be a stranger.

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Take care, friend.

Check out Daniel M. Ingram's book, if you haven't already (thanks Ian, Sean). It's like everything I've ever considered worthy, practical and useful for fast spiritual progress put in one place.

Smile :)

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Take care, friend.

Check out Daniel M. Ingram's book, if you haven't already (thanks Ian, Sean). It's like everything I've ever considered worthy, practical and useful for fast spiritual progress put in one place.

Smile :)

Thank you. That looks like a very interesting and useful book/map. I wish something like that existed for Daoism as well. Cheers,


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