Patrick Brown

The Brexit Thread

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Those that voted Leave are called racists, xenophobes, idiots, uneducated – we need to talk!

All these insults were thrown at Brexiteers, and still are today. During the Referendum, we were told ‘planes would drop out of the sky’, ‘a leap in the dark’ ‘safer, stronger’, ‘trigger a recession’ ‘jobs at risk’ ‘hard border in Ireland’ – yet we still voted to Leave. Why?

Let’s discuss the Irish Border – We don’t want any border in Ireland; that is the E.U.’s making. Take Norway’s border with Sweden – it’s one of the simplest and most technologically advanced customs borders in the world, and lorries only ever have to stop once. They do not have to repeat the same process on both sides of the border. Norwegian customs say they deal with about 1,300 heavy goods vehicles every day – which is less than a tenth of the number that passes through Dover. Norway may be in the Single Market (EEC) but not the Customs Union, but it shows that a plan can be put together, even if we leave completely. But Norway are in the Single Market and have to abide by E.U. rules, I hear you cry! Doesn’t the U.K. have its own rules?  How about due to our history and relationship with Ireland, we have a special arrangement with Ireland and our rules are that we have no border between Northern Ireland and Ireland? That’s the U.K. rules of trade in this instance?

Speak with many that have voted Remain and asked them why did you vote Remain? – all you often receive is the same ‘project fear’ rhetoric – ‘safer in’, ‘we are friends with Europeans’, ‘it’s a cliff edge’, ‘it would stop a war’ – really?  Could there never be unrest or a war within the EU?  Do you really know why you voted Remain?  Is it better the devil you know…?
Most Leave voters love Europe, some have second homes there, relatives, and go on holiday there, work there – they have nothing against the European people. Most people who voted Leave did their homework and asked the ultimate question – what is the E.U?  For this is what we are leaving, not the people, the political construct that is the European Union.

A question for you  –  why and what are you trying to Remain in? What is it all about?

During the Referendum, John McDonnell said ‘the EU referendum is about our future relationship with Europe’. Here is the E.U. and that future.

  1.  The Founders of the EU considered that the wars and other mishaps of the 20th century had occurred through the ignorance and lack of wisdom & judgement of the electorate of individual countries particularly in Germany. They came to the conclusion that the only way that this could be avoided was to join all European countries into one unified State. That State would be governed by an “Elite” which would not need to have recourse to the electorate but would govern in the manner of a benevolent dictatorship. They did not envisage a federal State but one unified State acting as one country. In this way, wars between countries would be avoided and the elite would ensure that no disaster would befall through decisions taken by an ignorant and unsophisticated public. This is the golden thread which runs through everything as the following will illustrate. In a sense, they believe that it is the divine right of the elite to govern. (Remember King Charles 1?)
  2. Accordingly, the Institutions and constitutional structures of the EU were created so that the laws of the EU are made and implemented by the European Commission which is a body of Civil Servants. The European Parliament has no power in legislate but merely to comment on laws created by the Commission and suggest amendments. The Leaders of individual countries meet from time to time to validate and agree general policies which are decided by a majority with certain exceptions.
  3. The disdain and, to a degree, the contempt, which the EU holds for the general populace of each country is shown by their conduct in Greece and Italy by forcing the appointment of an EU official to govern these countries rather than an individual elected by their electorate.  Look at the arrogance and petulant behaviour of our Pro-Remain MPs plotting to negate the decision made by the People.  Only just recently, Mr. Juncker declared in a speech “The European Union must turn into a major sovereign power on the global stage making the world in its image, setting out plans to make Europe militarily and economically independent from its traditional ally the U.S.”
    In the United Kingdom, we have inalienable common law rights that the state cannot deny us or take away from us. In Europe, rights are awarded by the state and can be withdrawn at the state’s discretion.
    In the United Kingdom the people control the state, for sovereignty rests with the people. In Europe the state controls the people for it is the state which is sovereign.
    In the United Kingdom we do not have a ‘state’ police force; we have county police forces accountable to the Crown which represents the people. In Europe they have state police forces whose job it is to enforce state policy.


  4. The EU now proposes to establish an army and police force for themselves. They also intend to do away with current countries and break them up into provinces such as the South East of England being joined to parts of Northern France to create one province of the EU. Similarly, with Wales and Northern Ireland. Think – if there were to be an ‘EU Army’, how would that make the rest of the world feel? Would that not make Russia, a near neighbour, not more aggressive? How would we be perceived by our oldest and largest ally, the United States? What about our Commonwealth friends?  Why do we always forget them?
  5. The EU created the financial system with its own currency known as the Euro. This has created untold damage with the Mediterranean countries being slowly strangled to the benefit of Germany and some other northern countries. No sympathy has been shown and little assistance given to the Mediterranean countries. Further no practical assistance has been given by the EU to them when faced with the excessive waves of immigration which those countries have suffered, particularly in Greece and Italy.
  6. The single market and customs union, which the EU has created, is a highly protectionist system with high tariffs. This has the effect of the ordinary population of the UK having to pay more for food and clothing than they would if they were allowed to buy through the global market. It has now reached the point where the EU is under performing in the global market; there is high unemployment in the Mediterranean countries and even Germany’s economy is going in the wrong direction. Whilst the global economy is growing, the EU market is declining.
  7. Being in the EU for many years has corrupted the establishment of the UK. The thread of gold has percolated into this body. It is noticeable in the behaviour of MPs. Their assertion that they are sovereign in their own right and that they do not have to take cognisance of the electorate or stay faithful to their manifesto. The contempt for the electorate – “that bigoted woman” by Gordon Brown. “Nutters and fruitcakes” by David Cameron – Nick Boles and Anna Soubry whose constituencies voted Leave, are now prepared to act to bring down their own Government and go against their own manifesto, are but a few examples. The project fear which is promoted by the BBC and many newspapers, subtly or otherwise. In fact, they have given our Sovereignty and Powers to the EU, and no doubt, there will come a time when their services are no longer needed, as the EU installs a representative to look after the ‘northern state’. They are like turkeys voting for Christmas.
  8. This is the economic and political system which we are told would be a catastrophe to leave. Why? Is it that they have been so corrupted by the EU in this manner and wish to retain their influence and financial benefits by being an EU “elite”? It is the EU which is clearly a disaster in the making which no sensible person would take part in.
  9. The attitude of the CBI is a reflection of the desire of large conglomerates to retain the benefit of protecting themselves from competition from small to medium size companies, by being in a highly regulated market where their size and financial clout enables them to deal easily with the regulations and afford to lobby EU officials. It is for their benefit and that of their Directors and not of the general public. The golden thread of the elite again. Why do you think they are against trading under WTO rules? The U.K. was voted 4th in the World in entrepreneurship and SMEs, being the bedrock of most domestic economies, brought in an increase of 63% over the whole period last year; 2.2 million more business than in 2000 (Briefing Statistics, House of Commons).  They play an increasingly important role in ensuring economic growth is sustainable.  The small business sector makes a huge contribution on multiple fronts: from employing a diverse workforce and engaging with their local communities, through to bringing jobs to employment black-spots.  You will find many SMEs are saying EU red tape is not simply a political sound bite – it can be the difference between profit and loss, it can define their success or failure.
  10. Those of you who voted to remain should think seriously about what it is that you want to participate in. In the medium to long term, it will be an economic and political disaster carrying a real risk of a person or power grabbing the levers of power and becoming a less than benevolent dictatorship. The appointment of Martin Selmayr is one example. The promotion of Martin Selmayr, nicknamed “the monster” by his boss, was fast-tracked in February, condemned by some as a coup. He was Chief of Staff to Mr. Juncker, and was the mastermind behind Juncker’s campaign for the Presidency. Suddenly in the space of a few minutes, he was appointed Deputy Secretary-General; the existing top civil servant suddenly announcing he was retiring. The EU Ombudsmen cited four instances of maladministration. This just reveals the attitudes to power and accountability at the top of the E.U. The European Parliament adopted a resolution with a majority of 71% calling for the resignation of Martin Selmayr. He still remains in the position and now has his eye on removing Barnier as the Chief Brexit Negotiator, so that he can ‘come down hard’ on the UK if he gets to control our future trade talks.

This is not the happy uplands which you perceive. There are now significant numbers in the populations of France, Germany and Italy to name but a few which have now realised the real and dangerous nature of the EU.

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What can I say! Compelling stuff and pretty much how I see things albeit not quite so stark. 


Perhaps we are on the edge but not a negative one due to leaving the EU but a catastrophic one if we stay a part of it!


Read the above on my mobile and responding with said so not much fun on the eyes. Will come back to this because you say much that I see and agree with. 


Yes it really is, "World War Freedom". :mellow:

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Well I've been digging around and the whole "Christian Democratic Union of Germany" seems to have always had far right, even Nazi, elements within it! I'm not politically minded but I remember people saying thirty years ago that Germany were hoping for third time lucky regarding their empire building. I remember people saying back in the nineties that having failed militarily Germany were now attempting to take control financially.  Of course these kinds of statements may have been glib and perhaps just for effect but as the years have ticked by we find ourselves asking if the leopard really has changed it spots!!


So how much power does Germany have over the whole EU project? The direction the EU is taking does seem more and more like a dictatorship rather than a democracy! I think without the UK, together with the fact Britain well become very successful outside of the EU, this German dictatorship is doomed and they know it! 


I think many are still living in a fantasy thinking that somehow we're on the brink of a utopian society even if we do have to sell our cultural soul for a handful of euros! I don't travel much but I'm sure that most European cites are almost identical baring the odd, architectural monolith, which is nothing less than a statement of the homogenised society which we are heading towards fast!


Much I what I've said here is from my own mind. I have formulated opinions more on personal observation rather than what I've been told. I've been saying for the last twenty years that our culture is at threat and that not having 'culture', being cultured, is akin to savagery. Drugs, violence, people trafficking, money laundering, sex clubs, topless bars in every town, suppression of free thinking and the acceptance of any and all minorities to the exclusion of everyday people!!!!!   


So our cultural identity has been eroded away and our social structure perversified for what? Money, power and greed having taken the reins and our entrusted leaders freely handing them over for their own vanity and greed (ego). The British and European peoples have never been so enslaved, to take away a persons identity is to impression them in a vacuum of never-becoming, never to grow into anything other than the commodity that their masters see them as and, more importantly, want them to be! Cannon fodder no less!


All I can see is chaos, but we will win at least this time around although it may take many years. Perhaps this is 'The Roar of the Lion' that the mystics have talked about and if so it will last for several hundred years starting now! 

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Well Adonis flapped away, as he does, but other than that nothing new. Yes still the fantasy of a second referendum is being squawked which is a dangerous fantasy IMHO.


I did like the fact that Nigel pointed out the conditioning that has been going on in education and it'll be interesting to see more evidence based discussion on this aspect of the youths mindset. Didn't something similar to this go on in Germany before WW2?  

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34 minutes ago, Patrick Brown said:

Well Adonis flapped away, as he does, but other than that nothing new. Yes still the fantasy of a second referendum is being squawked which is a dangerous fantasy IMHO.


I did like the fact that Nigel pointed out the conditioning that has been going on in education and it'll be interesting to see more evidence based discussion on this aspect of the youths mindset. Didn't something similar to this go on in Germany before WW2?  


The Establishment throughout almost all of the Western World is Left Wing Liberal if not outright Cultural Marxist. Those with beliefs that mirror the elite will be promoted to positions of authority whilst those who oppose the views of the Elite will find no favour. Here is another example of a Cultural Marxist finding her way into a position where the minds of the young can be indictrinated.


Angela Salt OBE is the new head of the Girl Guides Association.


In her most recent permanent role, Angela Salt was Chief Executive of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. The main aim of this organisation is "The Faith and Globalisation Initiative." Globalists oppose nationalism, self governance and national sovereignty and as such have much in common with the E.U. She is here pictured meating Victoria Atkins mp Minister for Women. Angela is the one on the left dressed as a man.


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To take a spiritual/mystic slant on all this I see people saying "this is the way" and "no don't go that way" etc. And while we may feel these 'would-be-leaders' have ulterior motives we might simply be blinding ourselves to something more fundamental such as the 'obvious way' which needs no words! 


The conveying of concepts from person to person, that which we now call 'memes', can only be seen as redundant once self consciousness is attained yet why do people persist in pushing their own ideas onto another? Well that's pretty obvious as the two great questions in eternity remain constant:

  1. Why?
  2. What do you want?

This is a paradox to many that lack self belief and leads them to being sucked into a mindset and indoctrinated. The only way to approach this is to lead people towards their own self realisation so they can break their conditioning. Of course this has always been dangerous as it undermines peoples view/version of reality causing a sense of fear and confusion. 


So we end up with two sides fighting due to their conditioning yet neither are ultimately right. Of course we have the relative truth which is why I'm a Brexiteer but I would rather enlighten people than convert them. I think one step towards the light might be the decentralisation of government but I doubt that is possible so as I often say we're fucked


Basically there's no major breakthrough coming in this round of existence. 

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4 minutes ago, Patrick Brown said:

To take a spiritual/mystic slant on all this I see people saying "this is the way" and "no don't go that way" etc. And while we may feel these 'would-be-leaders' have ulterior motives we might simply be blinding ourselves to something more fundamental such as the 'obvious way' which needs no words! 


The conveying of concepts from person to person, that which we now call 'memes', can only be seen as redundant once self consciousness is attained yet why do people persist in pushing their own ideas onto another? Well that's pretty obvious as the two great questions in eternity remain constant:

  1. Why?
  2. What do you want?

This is a paradox to many that lack self belief and leads them to being sucked into a mindset and indoctrinated. The only way to approach this is to lead people towards their own self realisation so they can break their conditioning. Of course this has always been dangerous as it undermines peoples view/version of reality causing a sense of fear and confusion. 


So we end up with two sides fighting due to their conditioning yet neither are ultimately right. Of course we have the relative truth which is why I'm a Brexiteer but I would rather enlighten people than convert them. I think one step towards the light might be the decentralisation of government but I doubt that is possible so as I often say we're fucked


Basically there's no major breakthrough coming in this round of existence. 


You can certainly lead people but not towards their own self realisation. The common herd I am afraid can only be led to the slaughterhouse.


The Herdlings can however be slowly but surely indoctrinated into a way of thinking "The Zeitgeist" and this has what has been happening in the west for generations. Only those of independent mind can see what is going on and they have not the numbers nor the power to change anything.


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1 minute ago, Chang said:


You can certainly lead people but not towards their own self realisation. The common herd I am afraid can only be led to the slaughterhouse.


The Herdlings can however be slowly but surely indoctrinated into a way of thinking "The Zeitgeist" and this has what has been happening in the west for generations. Only those of independent mind can see what is going on and they have not the numbers nor the power to change anything.



Yes I always seem to come back to this same view, it's kinda sad.  

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4 minutes ago, Patrick Brown said:

Her website makes me wonder if she's cut from the same cloth as Gina Miller? I'm resisting badmouthing her, which is very unlike me, but she doesn't seem particularly genuine. OK , I can't help myself, is she married or is she... 


I believe that you find that she is a Butch Lesbian and thereby ticks another box for those seeking a future clinging to the coat tails of the global elite.

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1 minute ago, Chang said:


I believe that you find that she is a Butch Lesbian and thereby ticks another box for those seeking a future clinging to the coat tails of the global elite.


Well that's my suspicion 'hidden in plane site but actually not hidden at all'!! The number of perverts seen seems to increase on a logarithmic scale the younger and more vulnerable the individuals are!   

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1 minute ago, Patrick Brown said:


Well that's my suspicion 'hidden in plane site but actually not hidden at all'!! The number of perverts seen seems to increase on a logarithmic scale the younger and more vulnerable the individuals are!   


Her role a Chief Executive of the Girl Guides will be more promotional and administrative rather than "hands on" with the Guides and Brownies. With diversity promoted as it is I expect that there are also a number of boys in the Guides and Brownies. Happy days as the madness continues.

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1 minute ago, Chang said:


Her role a Chief Executive of the Girl Guides will be more promotional and administrative rather than "hands on" with the Guides and Brownies. With diversity promoted as it is I expect that there are also a number of boys in the Guides and Brownies. Happy days as the madness continues.


I was told years after leaving school, a comprehensive which didn't see much of me due to illness, that not only was the boys games teacher giving extra curricula unction to some of the lads but the, married, girls games teacher was teaching the breast stroke!!! I shit you not a gay guy who I knew at school told me it was apparently general knowledge! I also remember that one of the religious education teachers also left for assaulting a girl. There's probably other things that went on which I'll never know about! 


I don't really think much about gay people until they start getting oppressive and then I think maybe they should get back in their box. Of course a lot of modern gays are just sexed crazed which no doubt will cause major damage to society in the long run. Yes I've had friends that have been gay such is the modern world as it's almost fashionable and it won't be long before you can marry your poodle!!! :lol:

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And back to our 'butch' and 'fem' friends, you can't make this up, a friend of mine was just commenting about this event:


Dear Colleagues,
The Pre-modern Gender and Sexuality Working Group will be meeting today at 12:30pm in LC 213 (Linsley-Chittenden Hall). Lunch is provided.
Dr. Ozgen Felek will be giving a talk on "The Male Body in Islamic Literature". A short Q&A/discussion will follow.
All the best,
Mireille Pardon and Seamus Dwyer


and she commented:


this is an example of the politically correct crap spewed out daily to the GRADUATE students as well as undergrad daily
no, ive certainly no problem with the subject, its just that this trans sexy undies (along with trump ans conservatives are the devil) is a constant diet here, and the students pay tuition to be fed it, and the time when they need to be learning real facts to be able to get a job to bay off thee enormous student loans is TOTALLY devoured.


Yeah she types as badly as me!! :rolleyes:

Edited by Patrick Brown

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Yes the whole education system in the Western world is sickeningly controlled by Left Wing Liberal if not Cultural Marxist ideals.


No wonder that it is churning our Feminazi's and Soy Boys.



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I got no problem with people being different but when they're just mentally ill it's, err, really different. We were warned twenty years ago that the trend for hacking your cock would become popular and we didn't believe it! 


I personally see any gender reassignment before the age of 20 as a sin against the individual. I really can't understand how it got so fucked up. Perhaps the masculine/feminine stereotype of advertising and the media have something to do with it? What's wrong with feminine boys and butch girls? Nothing until they are oppressed by feeling the need to conform to stereotypes. Oh and we also have the utter bollox of the non-binary thingy whatsit! Hey if someone is born inter-sexed fine no need to question male and female sexuality!! 


It's just fucking madness, confusion upon confusion and chaos upon chaos. I feel sorry for the snowflakes as it's their parents that are often the problem. 


People should just be who they are and chill.


Edited by Patrick Brown

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Court in France Upholds Police Use of Golf-Ball-Size Rubber Bullets

Some have lost eyes to rubber bullets during the Yellow Vest demonstrations, but the police say the weapons are needed to keep the peace.


PARIS — Rejecting complaints that heavy police use of golf-ball-size rubber bullets has caused serious injuries, including blindness and fractures, during the Yellow Vest protests, France’s highest administrative court Friday upheld the legality of the weapons.

The ruling was a boost for the French government’s tough police strategy in the face of a popular uprising that is diminished but still vigorous.

Dozens have been mutilated or blinded by the projectiles over weeks of Yellow Vest demonstrations, according to victim advocates. Bystanders, passers-by, people with their arms in the air, and journalists have been hit. Jaws have been fractured, hands crushed, eyes shot out.

Their use — overuse, critics say, with more than 9,200 firings recorded, including forbidden shots to the head — have come to symbolize an increasingly fierce police response to the Yellow Vests, especially after a protest leader’s eye was seriously injured last week.


But in its ruling upholding the use of the projectiles, the high court, called the Council of State, instead underlined the violence of the Yellow Vest protests, which at their peak in December shook the government of President Emmanuel Macron.

And the court noted fears that this violence would continue, as the Yellow Vests prepared for a 12th consecutive weekend of protests this Saturday, organized as a tribute to victims of what is deemed police violence. Protesters planned to brandish portraits of the injured leader, Jérôme Rodrigues, his eye shut tight; the police are investigating that shooting.


The court’s decision came in the same week Mr. Macron’s government bolstered its anti-Yellow Vest arsenal on the legislative front, pushing through much of a tough new “anti-vandals” law in the National Assembly, including a provision allowing officials to bar suspect individuals from taking part in protests, and a ban on face masks.

After weeks of violent protests punctuated by calls for his resignation, Mr. Macron has only recently been seen as regaining the upper hand, pushing a new strategy of dialogue with citizens in meetings all over France. His government has put an increasingly negative spin on the protests: “These are not demonstrations, they are urban riots,” said an Interior Ministry official, Pascale Léglise, at an emergency hearing before the high court on Wednesday.


Read in full:


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4 hours ago, Patrick Brown said:

Court in France Upholds Police Use of Golf-Ball-Size Rubber Bullets

Some have lost eyes to rubber bullets during the Yellow Vest demonstrations, but the police say the weapons are needed to keep the peace.


PARIS — Rejecting complaints that heavy police use of golf-ball-size rubber bullets has caused serious injuries, including blindness and fractures, during the Yellow Vest protests, France’s highest administrative court Friday upheld the legality of the weapons.

The ruling was a boost for the French government’s tough police strategy in the face of a popular uprising that is diminished but still vigorous.

Dozens have been mutilated or blinded by the projectiles over weeks of Yellow Vest demonstrations, according to victim advocates. Bystanders, passers-by, people with their arms in the air, and journalists have been hit. Jaws have been fractured, hands crushed, eyes shot out.

Their use — overuse, critics say, with more than 9,200 firings recorded, including forbidden shots to the head — have come to symbolize an increasingly fierce police response to the Yellow Vests, especially after a protest leader’s eye was seriously injured last week.

But in its ruling upholding the use of the projectiles, the high court, called the Council of State, instead underlined the violence of the Yellow Vest protests, which at their peak in December shook the government of President Emmanuel Macron.

And the court noted fears that this violence would continue, as the Yellow Vests prepared for a 12th consecutive weekend of protests this Saturday, organized as a tribute to victims of what is deemed police violence. Protesters planned to brandish portraits of the injured leader, Jérôme Rodrigues, his eye shut tight; the police are investigating that shooting.


The court’s decision came in the same week Mr. Macron’s government bolstered its anti-Yellow Vest arsenal on the legislative front, pushing through much of a tough new “anti-vandals” law in the National Assembly, including a provision allowing officials to bar suspect individuals from taking part in protests, and a ban on face masks.

After weeks of violent protests punctuated by calls for his resignation, Mr. Macron has only recently been seen as regaining the upper hand, pushing a new strategy of dialogue with citizens in meetings all over France. His government has put an increasingly negative spin on the protests: “These are not demonstrations, they are urban riots,” said an Interior Ministry official, Pascale Léglise, at an emergency hearing before the high court on Wednesday.


The Yellow Vest protests are rather more riot than demonstration and so i cannot criticise the CRS for the use of such things as rubber bullets.


Macron was only resently elected to office and France is still a democratic country and got exactly what it voted for - a Cultural Marxist Fop serving as a toady to Germany and the E.U.


The French Establishment are furiously attempting to portray the protesters as simple thugs and rioters in an attempt to win the propaganda war. They are having some success in this. It will be interesting to see how much more legs the protests have.


As I have said before the E.U. are not losing sleep over these anti Macron protests and it will take massive protests in multiple European nations directed against the E.U. itself before they start to tremble. I see no sign of that in the short term.


Having said this it should be remembered that the Euro Army, whilst still largely an idea, will be formed so as to protect the European tyrany against its own disgruntled citizenry. Plenty more fun to come.






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