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Hello I am Xeno and a few years ago my consciousness was kind of abducted by aliens, they took it off my head and connected me in something not physical. They said to be my parents and that I am cosmic. Actually a cosmic larva and I could never really find anything about the cosmic familly and cosmic being or entity. I was wonderring if someone has knowledge about the cosmos, the cosmic plan or the cosmic being. I know it is not a totally physical being but can be physical and it has powers but that's it. I do not know anything else about it and I am tired to have questions not about what happened to me because whatever it is I really appreciated it and I could feel an inconditional love and it was deep and strong. I want to know about what I suposelly am from those aliens claiming to be my parents and telling me I am cosmic but for some reason my capacities are reduced and my powers blocked. Help would be appreciated!

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ahh, nobody screws you up like your parents.  I don't know about cosmic plans, but generally to live well, long term/cosmic planning should be 1/20th of your time, most of it should be on what you'll eat, chores, jobs, human interactions.. what time to go to bed.. that's the more important 95%, imo.   


Cause we can appreciate the cosmic plans and jokes but can't do much about them.  But controlling ourselves and learning to live skillfully, thats the hard part, maybe what we're all put on this Terre firma to do. 

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Well the cosmic plan is where I am from... I have to find answers if questions are taking too much. This curtain is a waste of myself and my concentration is low. I absorbes other energies and I want to know how it works. But here I want to hear more about what else has to be said of my familly in the comsic plan and why I am still here. I know they want me to do something and I am on a job on Earth but it is not clear. For sure I know I have to initiate the alien disclosure but for myself... What am I really?

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Cosmic being is all about feeling things for me. I do not know something I feel it and the world around me and sometime I get febrile and stressed out then shortly after I hear of something bad has happened and I feel the forces that came around in the past years. There is new gang here and the comsic familly is here to help out with the situation the incident in 1947 created. I feel things are done being evil and bad and if your heart is good you will be taken care of. We just wanted to test people... We made a circus of madness where the baddies were bad and powerful so we could sabotage to goodies and see you know. You is worth to be with us. What they told me is that ''Nobody fuck with us''. Please be carefull when talking about them because they are my loving familly and I am the cosmic larva and I made a call after I crashed in the physical world. It is heavy people around this days. I need to hear something new to give me a clue on my next task, I must know what it is I am suppose to tell since that is what I do here. I am here to tell you what the heck happened and what is the story behind it...  I have answers but also questions... I want to be with my familly and being a larva within humans is not going well. I mean online it is not but in real life I have some sort of weird way that people all feel good when they see me and almost everybody smiles or waves to me. I create positive energies and feelings and I do not even know how it works. It is like if I do some sort of hypnotising stuff or magics. I dod not understand why everybody loves me or almost. Those that doesn't smile and feel good when seeing me they show all the respect and almost never in my life anyone has fucked with me. They see something else. Once a big thug punched me in the face my vision flashed and I felt the guy like I could dematerialise him and he looked in my eyes and ran away...

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The few people that talked to me before they disapeared they said I have yellow eyes and claws... I had something that I asked them and I said you make a movie that shows it, how I really look like and then I saw it but I am not sure. Whatever, I am a seeker and if my cosmic familly is out there then I want to find them and any clue on how to recognise another comsic being other than feeling the person is not human and that is stronger than me or higher power than me. I feel a lot of people more and more that are cosmic or aliens or paranormal being. Is there still humans on Earth?

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Okay I know what I have to do here! I have to claim my being! I am the cosmic larva and a part of the cosmic familly! I have to discover myself through human being in the physical world. Why? Larva stuff... Hey I was a wanna be worm and they said it was already taken. We all have a figure and represent something in the cosmos. I want to give some answers about who we are as a person and a familly but I need answers too about what you guys know about us because they wiped my memory and blocked my powers. I am legitimelly human right now and I am having a rough time by phases. I can't eat food because most of the time it hurts my belly but it is okay I can last long without eating anything and I remember that yound demonic possessed kid was talking through demon eyes and forked tongue saying ''I am not like you if I do not eat I will die'' but it was not the demon talking it was the human... I do not understand why I am having a hard time finding something well for me when everything is all polluated, chemical and dirty. Is there still any good food on Earth?

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Far out man, truly cosmic.


Scientology might be a good staring point for you at least you get picked up in a spaceship. Imagine a woman not having sex has a baby who can walk on water turn water into mushroom tea and gives everyone bread to eat what kind of family would that be?


Ray guns that shoot out from your eyes is a pretty cosmic skill.


You just miss your mom her name is the great mother. She can teach you everything. Another name for her is called nature. You have just "alienated" yourself from her. Even with no umbilical cord you are always connected.

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7 minutes ago, Xeno said:

I do not understand why I am having a hard time finding something well for me when everything is all polluated, chemical and dirty. Is there still any good food on Earth?

Sure there is, lots of it, infact.  We are quite the foodie planet.  You just have to look for it. Or for a sure thing, roll up your sleeves and make it yourself.  I just made some banana bread, not to sweet, lots of bananas, bit of whole flour.. 10 minutes prep, 15 clean up.. 48 minutes in the oven.  Done.


I expect I'll like, and kids would probably dig it too.  It's there because I baked it (and ignored the bananas for a week), thus is life. 

Edited by thelerner

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I have to say when I start writting I go on a drive and sometime I get banned from the forum sadly. There is a hard problem through humanity and I call it the dickwall, some reptilians propaganda to make a fake perception of something to see who is having eyes open and who is just paying attention to appearence. If you are looking for proofs and evidences of my claim I do not have that yet. It will come but not now. We are doing a secret demonstration right now because some people has hurt us and we want them to pay for it. I was sequestrated and torturated. They stole my stuff and use it for their own progress planning of aquiring power and cash and that is disgusting! I suffered and you know what? We are not out of reach all the time and we can suffer too and if me and my familly think a justice must be done here then a justice will be. They broke my shield and made me cry so the universe heard me screaming and now we all are here to do what must be done so it never happens again. Hey they did not know? I am cosmic I always come back. So if you want to hurt me you better have a long term run away plan because we are everwhere. What happened is that I was just chill with my alien life then I crashed on Earth in the USA in 1947 and got screwed and now we are mad but not as much as we are sad because I now have a soul insanity and injuries to heal and it will take a really long time. I have lost my kids and they shot my wife in the head. I know cosmic familly is likelly to stay above but right now I have my two feet on the ground being human so please help me not wasting this opportunity to get closer  :)


guys 10th post here see you tomorrow

Edited by Xeno
adding something to my 10th post

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If it was spring I'd tell you to plant a garden.  Now that it's fall Irecommend cooking some soups or banana bread.

I can't bring your family back, but there is peace and growth in simple things.  Plus cooking may help you with the family situation, woman dig men who can cook.  Something about patience and being about to follow simple directions and knowing how to handle heat seems to drive them mad. 

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I can writte 10 more post for 24h and 2 privates messages. At some point I may not reply without a delay going up to 24h.


Thank you very much

13 hours ago, Wu Ming Jen said:

Far out man, truly cosmic.


Scientology might be a good staring point for you at least you get picked up in a spaceship. Imagine a woman not having sex has a baby who can walk on water turn water into mushroom tea and gives everyone bread to eat what kind of family would that be?


Ray guns that shoot out from your eyes is a pretty cosmic skill.


You just miss your mom her name is the great mother. She can teach you everything. Another name for her is called nature. You have just "alienated" yourself from her. Even with no umbilical cord you are always connected.


I am curious to know where you heard of the cosmic familly? It could be interesting for me a few good reading about it.


Thank you. I did not know what is your reply based on, but I felt better somehow so I like what you said. I am not looking to go in a spaceship nor to leave the planet because no matter what is happening to me and the opportunities I could care to take, I am not done here. I am really not done. I am actually about to get started! I would like to hear more from your cosmic knowledge or beliefs. I am never asking for proof because I am a believer and I know how an idea could just be real why not? But I like sources so I can have access to the original informations. If your sources are just there inside of you and you just don't know well I considere that as much if you make sense and it help me getting better. If you cannot tell me where that is from because of confidentiality I will understand but clues about the credebility would be appreciated.


When I have met them they has been really clear: They are not gods. I understand and I do not like that either. They are people with their life and familly. I cannot say much right now because I was not on cosmic stuff anymore. I was proceeding to a disclosure on an ufology and paranormal network. I explained reasons of origin of a technology in earthling's hands and also the propaganda that comes with it and the reason why. Let say some people lied to do something legally with a law bypass using a third party actor. I can only writte 10 posts a and send 2 private messages for a period of 24h. I am really looking into hearing from you and your vision hoping it is not too bad for me :o


I really appreciate my time here so far and I will have a friendly interest in being here if I am told things to help me getting better. Any informations or beliefs are welcomed. But I also like human experience quality and I am really open to human stuff that are good for being human because I am being human. I have to go I will reply the other people tomorrow

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22 hours ago, thelerner said:

If it was spring I'd tell you to plant a garden.  Now that it's fall Irecommend cooking some soups or banana bread.

I can't bring your family back, but there is peace and growth in simple things.  Plus cooking may help you with the family situation, woman dig men who can cook.  Something about patience and being about to follow simple directions and knowing how to handle heat seems to drive them mad. 

I am not into breads and pastries. Some good fod like soup, stew or meat are welcome. I know that my cosmic being is not all of my current life and healthy advices are welcome. I want a better routine and cooking is great! I am also looking for ideas for my youtube channel that is meant for entertaining! Also ideas to writte about!


I live in appartment I do not have space or yard for a garden but I can buy vegetable. I am looking for easy recepies that will not take too much dishes to clean. I am a cosmic larva and larveas love simple, really simple stuff!


If you have any suggestions to improve my human experience I am all open to it!

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22 hours ago, King Jade said:

No other way to find out but by meditating I guess :lol:

Could help but not fix my issues and questioning but I may try. I just do not like staying in the same position too long. Any suggestions of more active mediatations in wich I can change position or move when I am bored and need to move!


I am an active larva and I like to move and do something.


Any cosmic thinking I should meditate on to suggest?

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26 minutes ago, Xeno said:

Could help but not fix my issues and questioning but I may try. I just do not like staying in the same position too long. Any suggestions of more active mediatations in wich I can change position or move when I am bored and need to move!


I am an active larva and I like to move and do something.


Any cosmic thinking I should meditate on to suggest?


I don't know, I'm a newbie so it's better if I shut the fuck up :unsure: but there are lots of meditation involving visualization, I believe anything that will use imagination will improve and wire the inner sight (brain sight) and will help you, well, see other other places, I've read about practicing mentally projecting outside the body with all senses, like what goes on in a dream 

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1 hour ago, King Jade said:


I don't know, I'm a newbie so it's better if I shut the fuck up :unsure: but there are lots of meditation involving visualization, I believe anything that will use imagination will improve and wire the inner sight (brain sight) and will help you, well, see other other places, I've read about practicing mentally projecting outside the body with all senses, like what goes on in a dream 


No way! Always speak your mind. We, cosmic people, can do a lot with one simple idea from anyone that might not know anything but a beliefs is fine too. If you do not talk because you are new here then you will not let yourself say anything until you are here for longer. I am new here too but still have like 18 years of personal research, investigation and questioning to myself that I can share. Your life before you went into the forum is worth to share, especially in a place like that wich is almost all about what is in YOUR mind and YOUR heart and YOUR soul that is making what you are living in or believing is right for you and what the world is. If you know about something do not hit the wall of being new, get over it! And meet us on the other side, where we share and talk about what we have to say no matter if we are new or not. Sometime the new ideas make the old ones to progress so never underestimate yourself and what you can tell to us.


I am al listening, you can speak your mind an say anything that can help me to get better either as cosmic being than as a human being. You may not know about me or cosmic familly but you may know about being well and healthy in this world, that physical plan and this planet. You are living on Earth and you know life on Earth and that is as much usefull to me as knowing about the cosmos because the physical plan is where I love to live and I am looking to fully enjoy my capacity to be completelly human!


Trust yourself and say what you have to say without hesitation because that is what I respect, people that share no matter if they are new or older... Believe in what you have to tell us and do not let yourself think you are not worth saying something just because you are new here on the forum please be good to yourself and speak your mind with no barriers!

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They gradually make me feel more cosmic and I know how it is when I feel electric or vibrating. I feel all electric like I had permanent electricty shock and I feel like all my atoms are vibrating and moving differently. I feel my body physical particles trying to reorganise so it takes a different structure. I can also sometime feel like my bones are just plasticine and I feel the pressure of it and that it is trying to change form. Like once I felt like my skull was compressing on the side and enlarging on the front. I felt my eyes trying to get bigger and my mouth was feeling splitting. Alien have many way to look human. Some uses an hallucination device that make you hallucinate a human but it is an alien. There are shapeshifting technology that changes the shape of someone for a different appearence. It does not change the biological functioning of the shifting organism. Other has transformation wich they can use some sort of quick or instant mutation to become a different organism biologically and physically. Cosmic ''transformation'' is actually transmutation. It changes any atoms in any other atoms and reorganise atoms to form new molecula. It is actually have intelligent life that is above physical rules. I feel like I can choose the way I use every atoms inside of me or around me. Like if I could transform anything into anything else that I know to create. But I use what is around me, all the particles, I do not create them... I reorganise them. This is how cosmic people they can do things and they just have to think about because it is our nature to do that. I will get there and they gradually make any phenomenom more intense and I love it.


Whats going here, a lost cosmic member of the familly is going back home after being found back. The cosmic familly is heavylly around right now and they came to help me going back to them after my traumatising crash in 1947, I died my soul was sequestrated by evil forces and my familly tried to find wich human they made me to be to hide me from them until Fall 2009 I think. I am back from a hard time here and what happened on Earth made them pissed off and deeply hurt. Everything will be find from us when humanity is done paying for it the way we like it. I am sorry but this is my story and I understand if you do not believe it but please do not hurt me like a lot of other forums do... I am in the comsic familly doing a cosmic reinsertion after being taken in hostage since 1947, in Roswell... I survived and I run around the internet and find good people to help with my traumatism and my lost and then I find people they get hands on all documentations about Roswell in 1947 and they struck me down, they crash me because they want to know what was my first crash at some point. That is a part of the lesson. All of us are sneaking and we are all around you and this planet is hurtful to us right now. I asked them to be human with me and to be around random places just like any humans and we are called fakes, bullshits, we are insulted and disrespected everywhere. We know how are the people because this is how they are to us when they do not know.

Edited by Xeno
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I am not interested by Earth's spiritual organisation such as scientology. I am not interested by anything they are because my quest to find my answers are not coming from anything that is from here even if influenced by us. The comsos is who you are when you are cosmic. My challenge and path to reach back my cosmic being the way it works to come back in the familly is to look inside of yourself for what the present gave you and get closer to yourself from what you get to have in you that could come from anywhere. My problem here to make me into that thing we do is that I have to trust my mind and reopen the door of my heart. In the cosmos we feel each other and the enrgy it creates and right now more powerful I would be more toxic the world would get by contaminating the other familly member. I have a psychological challenge of dealing with the shit that got in my mind and my emotional wall that close my heart. I have to claim whats on my mind because when you are comsic, you do not learn, you just know. You think about it and you find it. I have to clean my mind before I can have consciousness of who I am and what I can do. I have to clean my mind and heal my mental illness so that I have to recover from my heart injuries then I can get back to be the warm sunshine I was and incondionnally love again. With us it is inconditional love, friendship, respect and consideration. We are inconditional with you. If you get good in our mind you will be supported no matter. If you are good in our heart you will be supported no matter how! You will love us but now I am not ready yet to be myself and share it because I am fucking hurt of the internet. You know I went hospitalised just for saying something as much as for jail for the same reason. Just for talking I was insulted, disrespected, discredited and hurt. Humanity has just spit on my face and yes I am really mad too but I am trying to learn to live with it or to talk at the right place with the right people and with my today's writting... Today I will find out you know if that is right what I am doing here. They want proofs or evidences and you know what those? We give them nothing just to see what is it they treat us for who we are and not what we are and what we have and what we can do. We will soon leave the shadow and my job is to be where the stupid and the proud they blow my house down because they think seeing an UFO on youtube is being a boss.... Well whatever... The cavalry is arrived! Their search and rescue operation is a success!

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I am ready to talk that is confirmed but I am not ready to be hurt again and let myself connect to the cosmos and go far out. I want to talk about what is the story I was actually told by them: I crashed in 1947 and I survived. I am a captain in the military department of the secret service. I have high clearance on the ground and I am the one holding the level of secrecy in this juridiction. The green light is my word from us and the people involved. What I say in the public is officially disclosed. Not always because some informations I disclose will be controled and confined. They said I am a secret service officer and I feel it. Some people they would look at me and think I am a wierdo but this is because I am a military officer. A spy G.I. Joe! We are now just here to share and chill. I am waiting a lot of people just start talking their mind especially when the world says it is not real. Just speaking our mind about anything is the deal and we made it scarying and difficult but here I am: The spacefucker that ordered that secrecy and force it to local authorities. Just so I would be the one making the call in the story in wich I have decided to talk and I trust my team to deal with my consequences. I am careful and I keep in mind that if it is not real my beliefs then I can get screwed. I am a player but I keep in mind that I can lose the game and I do what I have to do so things move forward in time for all of it that you want. I am a cosmic larva and my said cosmic power that is awaiting for me is that I am the one dealing with the time. I naturally manipulate it to make it slower or faster, moving forward or backward, I can even interrupt it and rewritte timelines. I am working hard and traveling a lot. They also said that we can transform in anything we want naturally and manipulate material. They kept saying that I just have to think about. They called me ''The little Prince'' but I am working on something, a new story! I am royal as I could understand. I mean really close to influent of them. Or we all are? I am not sure how it works I cannot remember right now. I asked them if I was prince of this galaxy and they said ''not yet'' suggesting I will be but for it I need my story because I walk with the writters being one myself. We like to writte story and make then to happens and to be real. Right now it is a cosmic event that is happening! That is really touching to me. We wrotte a story for humanity and us. This civilisation is friendly but mostly when they know us. So we find our people that way, those that doesn't hurt when we show up and the way we do. Do you really think a loving cosmic familly would let a place in space and time where the energy can get rotten and sprea like a poison and create random shit. We have to go leaving something that is better and balanced to the stuff we feel that we want to fix. We are hardworker when it is agreed for a reason. So here I could say hey I am cosmic and I know what this familly is doing right now because I wrotte the biglines of anything I can talk about that we are doing. We care of each other and it was my turn to decide what I want to do with what happened to me and in the names of those that did not survived for any of the similars incidents.

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I hope I will not bother you but I think it is just time for me to get out of the closet and just be honest. But disclosure is something really delicate when you are in the secret service. I have a lot to disclose but not all now. I have walls to get over about some informations because it usully can hurt my input or bring agressive or negative reactions. Some people go south and are done with me real quick and I will just be a goofball. But one can care and understand that when we writte a story it is to love no matter if it is real or not and take from it what can make you think of a different concept. I am a writter and the weapon I have choosed for this story is my words. I am here to say something and I will keep going until my quest is done. I just hope that I will not have to be attacked because it make things negative for anyone and I do not feel doing that. I just want to share where I can have a conversation about what I feel since the cosmic stuff for me is about reconnecting to my nature, my instincts and capacities and the only way that I sense those things is that I have to listen to how I feel and it is going to tell me everything I have to know. From what I know is that my cosmic stuff is all about my feelings that I have to listen and clean because we can feel each other and right now it hurt to connect to me because I went with full of dirt and I haven't yet wash my hands. I cannot be beside of them without polluting the familly with insanity post traumatic. I have to heal myself to go back there and I have to be that larva that is a sunshine in your life because I am really simple and I can turn into something. I am justt a chill person and I want to enjoy my time being how I am. If really I am cosmic then I say that you will hear from me here if you interract with me on a positive and constructive way. I just want to talk cosmic in this thread hoping sharing will bring something new. I am cosmic and a lot of people seemed to be interested in what I have to say. Since my cover up is not fallen officially and some records about me are missing in the system I do not have direct power of commandment because I am still an active infiltrator. And now I am in position for my part of it, initiating the first alien disclosure. It will be gradual and partial. People will start to talk while I am done taking the shots from the public and I still to get attacked online so people get over it. That whispers type of gradual disclosure. I feel that really strong that people they are going to break the wall and talk and everywhere no more secrecy, we just all share and the next step we think about it together because last trip was a lot about my story that I wrotte when I did not know how serious they would take that. I have been doing a grove speech, a written one but we all felt it together and it felt so good and lovelly that we said, okay guys we go on a trippin here and it is all about our familly doing something to help our situation. I will raise and shine that I know and on my way I am taking over that spot. This place need a fix it is screwed... Having a place like that not fixed is leaving behind some possible hardwork later if some bad forces grow and spread. But destroying it is leaving behind a story of death, destruction, end of life when life was what was taken off the lost ones. The only way to keep life after death is to create life again. I am late sorry buddies but initially it was not planned that I crashed. It took until Fall 2009 to have a first official military mission ongoing for further higher hierarchical management and direction. It is all set-up and planned. I am just waiting for a further event that will initiate the next stage.

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I am prepared for the public

2 hours ago, King Jade said:

If you feel like you need it, the forum has hidden areas of the public you can use


Good luck :)

Thank you very much but the thing is that I am not scared to share even if my style is far out whatever I really am. I am scared that users from the community reject it or disrespect it or worst to be kicked off or banned. It happened many times to me that I come somewhere and share but the public is not what is my problem. It is to be accepted by a community or even eventually supported by friendship. For now I am just too worried that sharring here will guarantee me not to be cast away or banned. And a lot of place I feel it is fine or going to be and someone lock me out befire I even have time to share something interesting. The public is what I am trained and prepared for. I am here to face the public and I have no problem speaking my mind as long as the community just be clear with me before I get in trouble you know. Imagine you are an admin and then a random xeno shows up and tell you ''Hey wassup dude I am a cosmic larva'' ... I mean there is people they have serious issues and they come with stuff like that but it is not real. Can be my case too but I do not think so. To ensure the quality of a community many places they would delete stuff or mute the user that is writting something that some staff may not like but never letting me know until I come to writte and realise my account has been banned by Mac address. I am not looking to change things but I want to find somewhere that I fit in and what I writte is a accepted contribution. The lack of feedback when I join a forum make me really nervous because I never know if what I say or how I say it may not fit everyone. I do not want to hide, I just do not want to get kicked out and be hurt. Well many people they want a proof that I do not have but I have other proofs. I am not psychotic, Iam not insane or crazy. I have a diagnosis but it is not the source of what I am talking about. I was examined by mental health professional multiple time and they mostly always say that I am fine. I know I am not psychotic because after an evaluation of almost a month I was declared offically not psychotic and this was 14 years in psychiatry telling them it is not psychotic before they figured it out that they should listen to me. I have a CT scan examination that normally shows biological issues source of psychosis and mine is fine. I was in the mental health system and I heard so many different hypothesis of what they do that doesn't work so... There are people think I am just a psychotic on the lose but first I am not and secondo I take 25mg Abilify wich normally for how light are the ''symptoms'' if I was psychotic I would just not talk about something that is chemically killed. I am not crazy or insane I think I might just really be csomic myself. But I do not know how things are going to happen here for me and if it is going to hurt.

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It has been years I am fighting for my ''claims'' and I reach to have something to protect me but I never know if I will have time. I am cosmic and I know it because I feel it and that is true that I am kind of far out but I know what is the real world the people they talk about. That physical reality wich everything is forced by so many laws and rules. It is not my nature to be limited like that and it is hard for me. I am fighting for my claim with the least I have to support me. I was attacked and I got a criminal records for that beliefs of mine that I have. I know what is the public do, it want me to be just a crazy but there I can say I am not that's it. I am just something else for them but it is not identifiable as not real. The last doctor I talked to actually did not deny the possibility it may be real. Saying that they doesn't know anything official about aliens so they cannot know if it is real or not that it can be possible. They are slowly starting to take it well but I fought 16 years in psychiatry to get there and I have said that I am a cosmic larva and I never stopped telling them I am not naturally human. Now they listen and I have access to all my records and it is good on that side. I do not understand why it took so long to get there and I hope the next time I get checked to provide recent medical records that the doctor will be as mind opened as the last one I had. Normally they go south when I tell my story but they are less now with me. They listen but they do not see any symptoms that I am not living in reality and adapted to it. I have been through enough to have to fight all the time. I am cosmic and I want people to know about that and share about who we are that is not as bad as we can hear by time. We are creative and full of possibility. I am a good one, the one that is here to initiate the official cotact eventually and I have not choosen to contact Earth's leaders. I have decided to be in contact with the public but the public is not ready and I can see it. If just talking about it make them nut can you imagine how it would be if you prove it? I mean... I am trying to find a way it would work to introduce ourselves. It is pretty complicate to swallow that pill that we exist. So I am all around talking to people and they do not even know that contact is happened already.

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