
The Gap Between Inspiration and Action : Victimhood

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I was thrashing around some ideas this morning in the context of the victmhood in the UK right now regards Brexit.   It does grate to hear people talk always of  "oh it's so terrible", "oh the dolphins", "oh the Africans", "oh the hedgehogs", "oh the clouds are so sad" .... "it's all so terrible".


Hmm ... I won't share my first 10 responses to this !!!


But anyway, seems to me that people want to "help" and then they should go and help.   Get off their backside and physically go to an orphanage or hedgehog sanctuary and pick up in their arms a child and look after that child.   Then they would feel better and they would be participating in the world.   That 's the answer.   Action.


The newspapers increase sales through victimhood stimulation, redirecting this  helpings instinct into impotently reading the paper and getting angry, it's an emotional masturbation.   Masturbation because you have an instinct that you need an outlet for, but without real action that instinct goes inwards instead .... rather than expressing itself normally.


And many people do not know how to turn instinct into action, especially given their education, ... but if they were walked into an elephant sanctuary or a tree planting effort ... then they would feel fulfilled and their cries of help would be answered, by themselves.

And that's it really.    These helping instincts are on the feminine polarity, on the masculine polarity the same kind of issues happen.   Men want to build protect discriminate but they .... end up bombing the middle east one more time in frustration.   They also need to provide themselves with a place they can actual do the things they need to do, get an axe and saw and go into the forest and make something great.


Probably people need to learn to start with small real physical things that they can contribute to, and participate in, not imagine something too big.  Step by step.



Edited by rideforever
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I can't even make an assessment like this because I don't know people who don't also act and live up to their grievances through effort.

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Seems to me that many people today are wanting to be victims.  Blaming all their problems on others.  Self-centered egotistical whatevers.




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On 7/17/2018 at 6:09 AM, Marblehead said:

Seems to me that many people today are wanting to be victims.  Blaming all their problems on others.  Self-centered egotistical whatevers.


I am gradually starting to believe that our species actually has a need, a genuine NEED in capitals, for what amounts to a 'coming of age trials'.


Which should happen when they come of age in biological maturity -- that would be like 14, not 18. I think the artificial extension of helpless childhood creates uncountable problems. And I think the lack of opportunity to "become an adult" when people need to, biologically, wreaks havoc with us individually to varying degrees and culturally to a massive degree, becoming more apparent all the time.


Sure we can say, 14 year olds are lunatics, idiots, and lucky to make it across the street alive. But a/ it has always been thus, and b/ that does not prevent their biology from developing as it will, and this has a lot of psychological effects, then and later.


I think a lot of the piercing etc. behavior is in part for a need to be challenged, be strong, that sort of thing. I think a lot of young teen behavior, from hating their parents very suddenly for no apparent reason, to gang behavior, is (aside from environments that might make either of those reasonable) acting-out because they haven't been ALLOWED to be forced into independence and forced to meet a hard challenge and know they best it.[1]


I think a lot of un-self-correcting rage in the universities, is for the same reason in part. Sure other things add to it majorly, like media and marxist entrainment in schooling. But I think fundamentally it is because people reach adulthood around 14, and they are still, now at 19-23, in a forcibly-child environment, and more they are "taken care of" the more this is so (which may be why you see more of this crap at ivy leagues and with scholarships/grants/loans, than at schools where students maybe had to work in high school and probably have to work during college as well).


[1] There is a book by Joseph Chilton Pearce called "Evolution's End." I read this about six months after I gave birth, and wept for not having read it soon enough to do me more good during that. Anyway, the book is really about two things: the research done on biology, maternity, childbirth, earliest childhood, and the biological impact of different experiences on baby AND mother; and then, how those things impact our culture, and possibly the future of our species, how it affects the babies growing up, things like that. I saw everybody differently for a while after reading that book.


Well, one of the interesting things was that I had no idea that certain elements during the overall childbirth process would actually have impacts not just on the baby but on the mother too, which in turn can affect the baby. I didn't realize that there are certain things that actually NEED to happen (e.g. caesarean has different effects than vaginal canal for birth) for the development of the child and in fact, that nature via evolution has apparently hardwired into us. Later, reading some other books including one by a man from a tribal culture that at least when he was younger, still had a "rites of passage" thing, I suddenly realized:


This is probably not limited to childbirth. Humanity has expected adults to be adults when they reach puberty since the dawn of time, and that is the time when the humans "go forth" and face all kinds of new challenges, from the army to having kids to having to work to support a new family and so on. And yet now in this tiny span of time, we have basically eradicated the *ability* for humans to shift into adulthood when they need to, and we have eradicated any coming of age challenges.


Resulting in a variety of symptoms, IMO. I don't know of any research done on this, it's my own idea but I never seem to think up anything original so I'm betting someone far smarter than me has already thought of it and written about it.



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1 hour ago, redcairo said:

I am gradually starting to believe that our species actually has a need, a genuine NEED in capitals, for what amounts to a 'coming of age trials'....


RC Agree. For at least 2 generations now, kids have been 'bubble-wrapped'. I'm 63. We all used to jump in the back of an open pickup to ride to wherever... now, if your child isn't buckled into the correct car-seat until they're age 8, then you are a horrible parent. I broke my arm once playing outside. Now, kids rarely break a sweat without mom or dad right there with a tissue. Not to mention the 'being raised by their phones' aspect; the 'trials' they face now are so different, and not very healthy, imo. Especially now that they need a 'safe-space'...at the college level?? WTF?? I was a kid when I learned how to deal with a creep. It was those early lessons that taught me how to handle aggressive jerks without needing #MeToo. An entire class of VICTIMS is what we have now - instead of adults, who went through their own trials, and figured things out for themselves.



Your heart is in the right place; good luck with your efforts, for sure. Is there anything you are doing in real life - or is it your mission to push Bums into action of some kind? Your posts contain much pushing... are we a practice ground for you in some way?

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