
Kunlun Scottsdale Jan 19-20

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Public service announcement not a post so no arguments will be engaged on this thread please.


Kunlun Phoenix(technically Scottsdale) workshop in a month. I will be at that I won't be at Sedona as it is during the week and I need to work.


I have room in my apartment for two Taobums. PM me if you want to go. I'll figure out who can stay and pm you back.


I have a feeling this will be a fun workshop :)


If your doing Sedona have fun. It's a beautiful place to practice.



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I'm off work on the 21st for MLK day so I may be able to come hang out with some bums if anybody's going, just let me know... I have a workshop all day on the 19th OR I'll be watching UFC, so Sunday afterwards would be cool.

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Sounds good Lozen. Let me know closer to the workshop. There is a Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf across the street from the workshop(the same one I took you to when you visited Scottsdale) we can get some tea and relax.


So, I just wanted to make this thread. It seems there are still some characters on here that webmaster Sean is compassionatly giving alot of room to express themselves.


All good. That's all I wanted to say. Talk to you in '09.


I'll check my mail here once a week until the workshop if anyone wants to contact me.




edit-oops, your off the day AFTER the workshop. Not sure who will be around then! I will be working.


double edit-Ok..your off on MLK but can hang out on it! The workshop ends at 1 so if you want to meet up after that. I have no idea who else is coming to Phoenix/Scottsdale at this point.


By all means use this thread as a place to say if your coming.


And like I said I can fit 2 people in my apartment. I have a futon and if your fine with the floor it's all yours.


I am a nice guy in person. Ask Yoda and Sean. Just the repeated insults and disrespect and flat out arrogance by some people here get's me a bit jarred.


Also..look at my post count..I need a year off..LOL!

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Look forward to meeting you!


If you want some space to yourself to process I would reccomend getting a room at the Marriott in Scottsdale Max is doing the workshop. If your experience was like mine meeting Max for the first time can be intense and having some space to process is not a bad idea.


Otherwise, like I said..I have a futon and atleast one taobum is welcome to it.



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Thank you for the offer.


I have had an opening once, and I was pretty much up all night freaking out :P.

I suppose this will be very similar to that, so I will more then likely be getting a hotel to myself and just taking it all in. I will see how it goes though, I would like to meet a lot of other TB's, but I'm not sure how I will be after the seminar, I am a pretty intense person, and I am sure I will be tripping out.

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No problem Ben.


It's good to be honest and that you know yourself to say that.


The last thing I would want is to be making bad jokes and crowding someone when they are having a profound opening.


But we can play it by ear. If whoever is coming wants we can do some hiking or something after the workshop to help ground out. Camelback Mountain is about 10-15 min drive away from the workshop and a nice hike as well as being a nice spot to watch the sun set.



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That sounds good to me, more then likely it will be a play it by ear, and play it by feel kind of sporatic thing is my guess. Depending how it effects everyone, but yeah that sounds like a good idea to get grounded.

I am excited to go, and I realize I need to do more physical things in my life to get my body in shape also, so I'm gonna start doing Gung fu every day instead of every other day, for I can be balanced and try to be more prepared for whatever happens. I would like to learn 5 elements standing, and The Red Phoenix, I hear from you guys that it is dangerous, but I believe it would be good to know when the time comes when I'm ready. I'll be able to be more open about things when I arrive in a more face to face environment.



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Well..I tell you my opinion would be to do Kunlun for a good 6 months before learning RP. But that is how Max is teaching it and I get to see Max regulalry(this will be 3rd workshop in 4 months).


So..when you learn RP..just remember..bring the energy down afterwards(practice Kunlun, stand, martial arts etc).


See you next month. Best.

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Courtyard is ok, more casual.


If you want a 5 star hotel. The Scottsdale Princess is like directly across the street. Awesome place. Spa, beautiful rooms, great food etc.


Also..I have a futon if you want the super economy Cam's apartment deal :lol:

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Scottsdale is expensive. If you want when I am down there this weekend I'll see if I find anything cheaper for you.

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Scottsdale is expensive. If you want when I am down there this weekend I'll see if I find anything cheaper for you.



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I'll be particuarly interested to hear how you do Ben...I'm projecting mildly spectacular. :D

Thanks for the futon offer Cameron, it's greatly appreciated :) . I'll have my wife with me, so a hotel would probably be best.


I just checked the Courtyard room prices - $299.00/night - wow! I guess we'll check around and make a decision in the next couple of weeks.

I didn't think the Courtyard was that pricey...but if you search the old Phoenix threads - there are definitely other cheaper options. I ended up staying at the Extended Stay America Phoenix - Mesa Hotel, which was more like roughly $100/night.


Seems like hotel prices have doubled in the last few years. :( I seem to remember when you could easily find many for $50/night. I'll probably be headed to Idaho Falls for over a week next year and the hotel costs are going to eat me alive!

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I am going to make plans tonight, but I saw rates on expedia and cheaptickets for hotels and rental cars for fairly cheap, 100$ a night for hotel + car. I don't have a lot of money at this time, and my fiance doesn't quite understand the idea of spending a lot for only 2 days, but she has liked a lot of the changes i've made in my life, so I just need to get through to her that the quality of time is > the amount of time.


I'm very excited to attend, learn, and experience from Max and everyone else. I am very thankful I ran into this site about 2 months ago, and hope to meet the rest of you cultivators there :) Thank you for having this site up, and I wish I could describe in words what I am going through each day because of this teaching.



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I am 5'8" stocky, thick head of hair, young guy.


Feel free to say hello. Not sure about hugging I am more of a "high five" guy but heck, for a Kunlun workshop why not?

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I won't be really posting here anymore my whole intention in posting again was really just to make this thread.


Hopefully a Kunlun Bliss forum will emerge by the time we finish our Arizona workshop.

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