
What is more important, truth or love?

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What is more important, truth or love?


If I think something is more important than something else, isn't that already a little righteous?


The whole truth is little different from the unconditional unity of love.


In discrimination of the parts within the whole, we've already lost the whole truth to focus on parts of it;

in desire for happiness we've already lost our grasp on peace.

When I accept all as it is, peace becomes my happiness as I navigate the center.

The reality of truth seems far beyond any partial cognition of truth.

Perhaps... simply be true.

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not a bit of it, how was that inferred from what I shared?

Just curious, cause we live in a trinity. Edited by Everything

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On December 3, 2016 at 9:30 AM, daimai said:

Some say they are the same thing. In practical situations however, we can differentiate truth and love. A parallel idea may also be "would you rather be right, or be happy"?


Is it better to be more asleep and more loving or to be more awake and bitter (not that you have to be, but it's something that sometimes happens) ?


What do you think?




Inherent in this question is a misunderstanding of what is, as you have objectified these states into ideas and not realized their essence. That you want to reduce them to concepts, that you want to separate them apart from their essence and apart from each other, that you even think you must pick between them suggests that you have not experienced their actuality.


What most tend to think of as love are primarily mundane states of physiology and psychology- the feeling of awe or happiness, the rush of dopamine or release of oxytocin, a strong sense of tenderness or affection toward something or someone, or the quality of being romantically enamored; just to name a few. And what most people tend to believe and call truth are often the mundane facts that they think they can judge and ascertain- usually an experience they are certain they had, a scientific proof, or something which the collective can agree upon, if nothing else than by common sense, such as ‘you are now reading this on a computer screen’, etc.,.  


But on the level at which I think you mean to ask this question (as in at the existential or spiritual or utmost level) truth and love do not exist in these relative, subjective, transient and fragmented ways as most tend to perceive.


Both of these states are transcendent and not reliant on mind, body, psychology, or even the tangibility of substance. That they may affect or pass through a concrete system, is secondary to their fundamental quality.


In a manner of speaking, until you have awakened deeply enough and reconnected to your soul (or yuan shen) and until your soul begins to converge with its Source (or the unnamable Tao), then truth has not been realized and so neither has the truth of love.


You can try to rationalize the mundane state by asking which is more “practical” but the actuality is that if you are “asleep and more loving” than your ‘sleep’ makes you untruthful and by extension then, your love contains falsity or is false (since love is a non-fagemented and non-partial state). Conversely, if you are “more awake and bitter” than you have not come deeply enough into truth to actually love.  


You can also try to place a value on either state- such as to ask about their relative importance to one another, but these states exist beyond your value, beyond your power to actually choose. They are states that are omnipresent and omnipotent, and either you recognize them or you don’t, and therefore either you yourself are that unfearful, non-desirous, constant of love in truth or you are not.

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