
The Satanic Bible

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Anton LaVey/Anthony Levi plagarised it from "Might is Right"


Messed up the Enochian in the back of the book


the rest is secular humanism with some occultism thrown in for shock value


excellent book though!

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It's just an "evil" version of Dianic witchcraft, but with misogyny instead of misandry :D.

Edited by BaguaKicksAss
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Anton LaVey/Anthony Levi plagarised it from "Might is Right"




In which case one might be better off reading Plato's 'Gorgias'


(I was asked to review it once and wrote " A bunch of guys argue about the old 'Might is Right' debate." ... the shortest review of Plato ever ? .... F



I would assume LaVey's book is well dated by now? Apparently is well-suited for rich Californians from the '80s ???

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LaVey was just capitalizing on the environment of libertarian/anarchistic naturalism that was coming into vogue at the time. He still remained a "circus performer".


The "satanic" references are for shock value, calibrated for a puritanical christian atmosphere. Its not based on any kind of scriptures or texts, he is just using the terminology for effect. For anyone who has a background in studies of ancient mysticism or metaphysics, it comes off as outright goofy. Its laughable at best.


But even as a work of pop philosophy, I think its fairly juvenile.


If you really like that kind of elitist power trip thing, you should check out some of Julius Evola's stuff. It depends on your angle of interest. Liber Null might also provide some entertainment value in this area, but thats about all its good for IMHO.


And as always, theres this...

Beyond science, reason, and orgasm. Instant instructions for those who follow no master! Scarier than the Old Testament and Scientology put together! More needlessly complicated than the Qabbalah! More vague and ambiguous than the I Ching or astrology! More sheer, brazen hogwash than even the Book of Mormon-- yet infinitely more accurate than Project Bluebook and the Warren Commission Report-- combined! Authorized to blaspheme by the gods themselves! Compatible with all major world religions and most weird fringe cults with a minimum of expensive interfaces or messy surgery.


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OK, I'm currently reading this eye-opening book by Anton LaVey.

Most of what he's describing seems to be similar to my view of the world, and myself, to be honest. I may have been a Satanist all my life without even realizing it ! :ph34r:

Anyone else read it or have any recommendations for further reading/study ?



Oh just go for the gusto and get a copy of the Gran Grimoire :)

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He deeply loved and was inspired by Ayn Rand, as well as others like Nietzsche...


His daughter Zeena Schreck says he is a complete atheist, who never showed himself to have even the slightest belief in the powers he talked about.


Satanism for him was a money spinner although I want to add that his book is quite an entertaining read...


I prefer the ONA as a genuine western left hand path. Their philosophy is.. unique?


{Not one you can get your head around in days, months or possibly years I might add. The desire to make rash knee jerk assumptions about them is part of their filtering system}

Edited by Seth Ananda
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I spoke to Aquinas of SET who told me back in the day LaVey did actually believe in Satan and drew up a pact.


This point, has been the issue of much debate for quite some time, especially after LaVey's death!!! Seems the atheist camp has won though.

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This point, has been the issue of much debate for quite some time, especially after LaVey's death!!! Seems the atheist camp has won though.

yeah zeena and shreck of werewwolf radio both joined Aquinas camp and turned on daddyO


it happens lol

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yeah zeena and shreck of werewwolf radio both joined Aquinas camp and turned on daddyO


it happens lol


...and now they are Tibetan Buddhists!

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OK, I'm currently reading this eye-opening book by Anton LaVey.

Most of what he's describing seems to be similar to my view of the world, and myself, to be honest. I may have been a Satanist all my life without even realizing it ! :ph34r:

Anyone else read it or have any recommendations for further reading/study ?



Research demonolatry.


Which means offering blood to Goetia demons and making pacts.


I don't recommend it though.

Edited by RongzomFan

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I read it decades ago. It used to be in my library with other modern religious books. All I remember (and mind you, I am of an age where I have forgotten even more than I ever knew) was that I was not real impressed with any kind of historical connection. I think someone previously mentioned hedonism, and I think that fairly well sums up what I remember.



It's easy to nullify self when you can't remember who you are. ;-)

Edited by goatguy

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Research demonolatry.


Which means offering blood to Goetia demons and making pacts.


I don't recommend it though.


In recent years there has been a significant rise in the cases of demon Aids and Hep C. Things just ain't like they used to be!




Edited by Nungali
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There is an interesting book called the 48 laws of Power. Good read. What's interesting is that God created Satan, and....him being omnipotent, omniscient, etc. he knew what would happen, so basically he is Satan. So, thus God=Satan....we are all God and we are all Satan. For the love of evil!




Evil = destruction

Good = Creation


can't have one without the other..


Yin Yang


Push pull

Thesis Antithesis

back forward

rest express


Edited by Songtsan
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Are you calling Hinduism Satanic?


Honestly, I think that Kundalini is the snake in the garden of Eden....she is the source of knowledge! yep....she is the teacher of the human race...


Here are some interesting thing-a-ma-bobbers:


Satan was cast out of Heaven because he thought he could be a better counselor of men than sayeth a Christian soldier to me when I was in jail recently...I read the whole bible just recently, and also did some other studies and basically what happens is...


He was thrown to the Earth to live among men...


The bible speaks of spirits of air, which are able to speak to the minds of men. They are LEGION


The Koran speaks of the Djinni, who are made of smokeless fire, who whisper into the minds of men...same thing basically..


ever read "Play of Consciousness" by Swami Muktananda? In it he describes how the Kundalini playfully projects images of a naked, sexually wanton Devi into Swami Ms mind...


yes, Shakti and Satan are the same...but it was the Abrahamic religions which vilified the knowledge bringer...


it is no coincidence that Kundalini is described as a snake coiled around the Muladhara fact, when one desires to know the self, the snake awakes, and begins teaching by inflaming the passions of man, so that man will seek to know through various desire-driven means...


It is when man stops seeking to know, which occurs when all is known to the best extent - and he realizes that not-knowing is return to innocence - that he becomes pure again. This, in line with the release of desire-driven action, culminates in the re-sleeping of the snake. This is when Satan goes back to God. This is the equivalent of Shiva-Shakti union. This also correlates with the microcosmic orbit -> snake goes up and down to sleep again.


Just because the bible gives Shakti a bad name doesn't mean it is fact, she is the Yin and Shiva is the Yang. She is the sought and he is the seeker. Both are really the same. When seeker finds himself in the sought, there is the union.


Good/bad - not real


Just suchness.

Edited by Songtsan
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Man is the same, anywhere anytime!! No difference in what we call our self,.. its the way that differs. it all about overcoming fear/tension.


Satanist seeks creates to overcome their fears ... Taoists just change the energy.

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