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About RongzomFan

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  1. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Asunthatneversets says Greg Goode invented the title "Direct Path"
  2. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    I talked to him personally.
  3. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    So just to recap. Greg Goode invented Direct Path Advaita which Gatito follows.
  4. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Greg Goode admits he just promotes Tsongkhapa. In other words, he just read some introductory books by the Dalai Lama and packaged it into his "Direct Path Advaita" schtick.
  5. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Jesus Christ.
  6. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Yeah, which makes him unknowledgeable about Madhyamaka.
  7. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Absolutely not.
  8. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    I can't respect a guy who comes to ME to learn about Madhyamaka.
  9. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    You are just talking typical NeoAdvaita shit. One either recognizes unfabricated presence versus the conceptualizing mind. Or one doesn't. There is no middle ground.
  10. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    You are just talking typical NeoAdvaita shit. One either recognizes unfabricated presence versus the conceptualizing mind. Or one doesn't. There is no middle ground.
  11. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    That just cements it for me.
  12. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    Atleast read Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now for god's sake. That's a decent read for a NeoAdvaita book.
  13. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    You follow "Direct Path Advaita" invented by Greg Goode, according to asunthatneversets. I can't take you seriously.