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Where do learn about the news and world issues and events?

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Where do read or hear about the news? Some of you here seem pretty knowledgeable about different issues. I used to like to read the newspaper and that has gotten stripped down and schmaltzified in past 10 years not worth getting anymore and it seems like should be something out there worthwhile maybe I can read for free. I want hard news to understand what's going on in the world, some opinion pieces would be okay, but not a lot of conspiracy theories or strong political biases. I'd like to follow actual news better, but not interested in celebrities and pop culture and fluff so would rather not sift through too much about that.

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every vantage point contains elements of subjectivity - that's something to keep in mind. so even if a given source is relatively independent of corporate money, there is still the matter of ideology - at the end of the day we're each left amassing our own bundle of information and processing, weighting it.


I favor certain aggregators as opposed to MSM news outlets - from NBC to CNN to ABC to Fox, they are all biased, some worse than others - so when one sees that close relatives of executives of ABC/NBC/CNN actually work for the obama admin, then you see the stories that those entities wont report that you see elsewhere - you can safely conclude that those outlets contain enough of an element of government whitewash.


for blunt economic analysis I like zerohedge - again not every article there is pristine objective truth, you get that pretty much nowhere - and if something's off in an article the posters mercilessly rip it. harsh at times, but I like it blunt, just tell it straight how you see it.

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i look at the liberal media and conservative media sides of every story. i normally find the common ground and rest on that, but some times both sides are full of shish. i know the world sucks, but for the most part i am blissfully ignorant of the details. i can't and wont do anything about it so there is no sense in making myself cry all the time.

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I usually wait until the hype&panic dies out to find something closer to the truth.

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I get my news from Vortex when he cuts and pastes. I am now enlightened. Anybody who doesn't agree is ignorant.

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