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I had something to add but felt dodgy about adding because of my admitted New Age aversion. I met a great horse-trainer once who taught me stuff. And I tried it and it worked. And then I found a wikipedia thing about it.

And being a concierge don't help none:-)

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well i know people who have somehow influenced their body and changed their physical appearances using their thoughts, visualization and all


but i think its not shapeshifting


shapeshifting is probably a different thing


tantric masters can do it too, their are sadhanas for this purpose


but the question is


why would you devote so much time to become a shapshifter ? to scare the hell out of people ?

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well i know people who have somehow influenced their body and changed their physical appearances using their thoughts, visualization and all


but i think its not shapeshifting


shapeshifting is probably a different thing


tantric masters can do it too, their are sadhanas for this purpose


but the question is


why would you devote so much time to become a shapshifter ? to scare the hell out of people ?



my guess is that it's not that someone has put in all those hours trying to become a shapeshifter, should a shapeshifter really exist. I'd bet instead that those skills were acquired along the path; to try and become a shapeshifter, or develop other spooky skills, would be based on ego. a true master or nagual wouldn't resort to this motivation. I'm betting that a nagual who was capable of shapeshifting must be careful not to use the talent indiscriminately, or the ego would get out of whack. The nagual would be concerned with the totality of his being, not just one particuar talent.


You mentioned tantric. Have you ever had a tantric sexual experience? One where it seems that both bodies become glowing white skeletons; there is no sensation other than bliss times 100? There is no feeling other than bliss anywhere in your body, no elevation of sensation of one body part from another? If this could be harnassed, this tantric sex sensation of floating bliss might indeed be sufficient to change shape if one so desired. If it could be harnassed or reproduced in some other way.


Child's play. It is child's play. Haven't you read masters of many traditions who stress the un-learning that the mind must go through to become One with the Essence?. We can't get there through cogitation and figuring. Our minds must devolve in some very real sense - to become a child's mind. A mind who can accept things when they don't make sense; when all rationale has flown out the window. To have these experiences, I submit that we must give up our 'learning' and rely more on our child's mind; the one that is still capable of wonderment and awe. The ability to pretend, that's all.


Again, I submit that All is Mind, and that all paths lead to the same place. In fact, I can see it in a very real sense, but because I can't prove it with numbers or measurements, one would have to take my word for it on that particular statement. Which I wouldn't expect anyone to do. As I wouldn't have done before I developed my own ability to see or 'triangulate', as I call it.


It's like the Sage in the TTC. He will tell you that is mind is blank and nebulous; that others around him appear luminous, bright, and knowing. He has devolved into a child's mind (which is not to say he doesn't get to keep all his other learning too). But the sense of wonderment remains, the ego is sidestepped.


The child's mind is developed by developing, or returning to, innocence. Here it goes back to judgment. To be like a child before he is taught how to judge 'good from evil, right from wrong'. We must get underneath our own judgments and error-thinking to develop the innocent mind.


It is with innocent eyes that these things are seen. If one sets himself up to be the constant critic as many do, then there's no chance in the world that their minds will return to the innocence to be able to See these things. As a retired cop, I was a Constant Critic. After my breakdown through alcoholism, I became teachable, my ego had been shattered. The only road to recovery was in peeling my own onion; from the outside to the inside. Why do we do the things we do? What are our real motivations? When we're doing an act of kindness or charity, is it truly from the heart or are we cutting an edge for ourselves somehow? Are we clinging to old resentments? Are we hating someone? Do we hate ourselves?


These are all issues that must be addressed before the eyes of a child can be returned to. It's an inside job.

Edited by manitou

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manitou and bagua ! I move that we communicate as freely as we wish, knowing that those in resonance will comprehend. Otherwise we are being negatively affected by a dominant resonance which is out of kilter with ours.


Like plants, lets turn our faces to the sun.

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Again, I submit that All is Mind, and that all paths lead to the same place. In fact, I can see it in a very real sense, but because I can't prove it with numbers or measurements, one would have to take my word for it on that particular statement. Which I wouldn't expect anyone to do. As I wouldn't have done before I developed my own ability to see or 'triangulate', as I call it.


Well then the answer must be that we help other people develop this ability to triangulate :)


As a retired cop, I was a Constant Critic. After my breakdown through alcoholism, I became teachable, my ego had been shattered. The only road to recovery was in peeling my own onion; from the outside to the inside. Why do we do the things we do? What are our real motivations? When we're doing an act of kindness or charity, is it truly from the heart or are we cutting an edge for ourselves somehow? Are we clinging to old resentments? Are we hating someone? Do we hate ourselves?


These are all issues that must be addressed before the eyes of a child can be returned to. It's an inside job.


Sounds like a pretty, wait for it, critical, series of questions :ph34r:

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Sounds like a pretty, wait for it, critical, series of questions :ph34r:



I think, wait for it, they are. ;)

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When talking about shapeshifters, it brings to mind some old books. I don't recall the exact titles right now and boy google is not helping thanks to the popularity of werewolves, vampires and the like. Older books with written accounts of people changing shape. Then there is the whole changeling thing. Now we consider it all just myth, but they did not back in say before the 1900's. While there was a few of them eating bread mold (ergotamine) I'm pretty sure it wasn't all that widespread.

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