
How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture

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Culture is the soul of a nation. This spiritual factor is as important to mankind as physical factors such as race and land.

Cultural developments define the history of a nation's civilization. The complete destruction of a national culture leads to the end of the nation. Ancient nations who had created glorious civilizations were considered to have vanished when their cultures disappeared, even though people of their races may have survived. China is the only country in the world whose ancient civilization has been passed down continuously for over 5,000 years. Destruction of its traditional culture is an unforgivable crime.

The Chinese culture, believed to be passed down by God, started with such myths as Pangu's creation of heaven and the earth [1], Nüwa's creation of humanity [2], Shennong's identification of hundreds of medicinal herbs [3], and Cangjie's invention of Chinese characters [4]. "Man follows the earth, the earth follows heaven, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows what is natural." [5] The Taoist wisdom of unity of heaven and humanity has coursed through the veins of Chinese culture. "Great learning promotes the cultivation of virtue."[6] Confucius opened a school to teach students more than 2,000 years ago and imparted to society the Confucian ideals represented by the five cardinal virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faithfulness. In the first century, Shakyamuni's Buddhism traveled east to China with its emphasis on compassion and salvation for all beings. The Chinese culture became more wide-ranging and profound. Thereafter, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism became complementary beliefs in Chinese society, bringing the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.) to the peak of its glory and prosperity, as is known to all under heaven."

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True it is a tragedy, but on the other hand they are going on to becoming the world leading economy and are no longer vulnerable to being exploited and humiliated by foreign powers. So maybe Mao had a point that religion and supersticious practice really was making the country weak, a country the size and power of China should not have been at the mercy of smaller countries like Japan and England.

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True it is a tragedy, but on the other hand they are going on to becoming the world leading economy and are no longer vulnerable to being exploited and humiliated by foreign powers. So maybe Mao had a point that religion and supersticious practice really was making the country weak, a country the size and power of China should not have been at the mercy of smaller countries like Japan and England.

They're going to become a leading power because they've adopted capitalism. Freedoms, religious amongst them has returned to China, no thanks to Mao. IMO he was responsible for killing 10's of millions of his own people. Burning down universities, monasteries, imprisoning and torturing anyone suspected of not following his vision. Millennium old traditions were outlawed and burnt with glee. Monks, teachers, intellectuals anyone vaguely suspect were sent to a forced labor camps or desolate countrysides to starve in the name of Mao's ideal. Very bad guy in my book.

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True it is a tragedy, but on the other hand they are going on to becoming the world leading economy and are no longer vulnerable to being exploited and humiliated by foreign powers. So maybe Mao had a point that religion and supersticious practice really was making the country weak, a country the size and power of China should not have been at the mercy of smaller countries like Japan and England.


Communism is just another form of religion. Mao appointed himself the head of the party. The blind worship was feverish and mandatory. His articles was collected and publish in a book called "red" book. It was the "bible" of the Chinese communist. Every one is required to study and remember the red book. Mao's portrait was hang in every household.


Any sign of disrespect of Mao or anything related to him would be punished. For example, a girl used some paper from the "red" book to make shoe sole (yes, we're very very poor). She got five year in hard labor camp.


Millions of people was starved to death because Mao's policy. If you visit a remote villiage that time, the sight was no more pleasant than holocaust. It was rumored that parents would exchange their kids to eat due to food shortage, and they didn't want to eat their own.


The law was thrown out of window. The blasphemy was major crime. The "spy' were everywhere to look for "enemy". People was afraid. A worng word could land you in jail or worse, death. A mob could come to your house, loot the contents and beat the owner to death in the name of Chair Mao.


Mao killed more Chinese people than jews killed by Hiltler.


If you lived in Mao's country a single day, you'd change your opinion about him.

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Sigh, is a bit complicated than that. I am a Chinese American. The circumstances how my family immigrated to America was embarrassing. My grandparents on my father side decided to marry their daughter off to America so that they (including my family) can immigrate to America. Their daughter didn't have a chance to fall in love and to choose a man she wanted to be with. The worst part was that they left to America when I was not even 1 year old. So, they have been planning this for who knew how long. My family knew one day I would leave Hong Kong. That was why I had a very screwed up childhood growing up in Hong Kong since they never bother to invest their child's future. I am telling you this. My grandparents on my father side represents the worst part of the Chinese culture. Greed. Close minded superstitions. Paranoid. Materialistic. Very status oriented. They are everything that I was not and am not and didn't become. I am probably the only person in my whole extended family to experience the Chi energy or Kundalini energy rising when I was 18 years of age. No small feat. Traditional Chinese culture is an oppressive society. If you are poor, a peasant, not from a well known family, you are more likely to be treated very badly. On the other hand, with Chinese philosophy and medicine, that should be preserved. But the stratification of a society based on Confucianism? Yeah, you are talking about another revolution....:)

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Communism is just another form of religion. Mao appointed himself the head of the party. The blind worship was feverish and mandatory. His articles was collected and publish in a book called "red" book. It was the "bible" of the Chinese communist. Every one is required to study and remember the red book. Mao's portrait was hang in every household.


Any sign of disrespect of Mao or anything related to him would be punished. For example, a girl used some paper from the "red" book to make shoe sole (yes, we're very very poor). She got five year in hard labor camp.


Millions of people was starved to death because Mao's policy. If you visit a remote villiage that time, the sight was no more pleasant than holocaust. It was rumored that parents would exchange their kids to eat due to food shortage, and they didn't want to eat their own.


The law was thrown out of window. The blasphemy was major crime. The "spy' were everywhere to look for "enemy". People was afraid. A worng word could land you in jail or worse, death. A mob could come to your house, loot the contents and beat the owner to death in the name of Chair Mao.


Mao killed more Chinese people than jews killed by Hiltler.


If you lived in Mao's country a single day, you'd change your opinion about him.

At least he drove out the Japanese and united the country under this leadership, with over 1 billions of Chinese peasants....:)

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At least he drove out the Japanese and united the country under this leadership, with over 1 billions of Chinese peasants.... :)


The communist army was hiding in remote area during Japanese invasion.

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The communist army was hiding in remote area during Japanese invasion.

Is called guerrilla warfare...yeah, the loving Japanese army decided to "leave" China one day. Hehhehehehe.....


Oh, the more educated, the more wealthy Chinese elites ended up siding with the Kuomintang

during the early part of the Chinese revolution. They wanted to implement the West and American style of democracy. With the absence of the middle class during the 1920s, it wasn't going to happen. They were later driven out to Taiwan. If you want to know about the Chinese revolution and the history, go read "In Search for Modern China" by Jonathan Spence.

Edited by ChiForce

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Is called guerrilla warfare...yeah, the loving Japanese army decided to "leave" China one day. Hehhehehehe.....


Oh, the more educated, the more wealthy Chinese elites ended up siding with the Kuomintang

during the early part of the Chinese revolution. They wanted to implement the West and American style of democracy. With the absence of the middle class during the 1920s, it wasn't going to happen. They were later driven out to Taiwan. If you want to know about the Chinese revolution and the history, go read "In Search for Modern China" by Jonathan Spence.


Both my parents lived through the terror of China Mao. My dad couldn't stop lecturing me if he starts.

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True it is a tragedy, but on the other hand they are going on to becoming the world leading economy and are no longer vulnerable to being exploited and humiliated by foreign powers. So maybe Mao had a point that religion and supersticious practice really was making the country weak, a country the size and power of China should not have been at the mercy of smaller countries like Japan and England.



When americans wiped out native american culture, they also became the world economic leader.





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Guest Jason Croft

Communism as well as Capitalism are opposite sides of the same coin:

Communism is used by developing nations as a government assists the people to create a new economy.

Capitalism is where the people no longer need assistance, from their government, and can create their own economic monetary flow.

The confusion is often created by established businesses that do not want competition. . .

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