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Here's some Dad who is going through the science studies cited by pediatrician Dr. Sears -- and he only selects three which he says are not about the "cry it out" method. No duh! But obviously the effects are related. Hello?


The dad is arguing that crying itself is not the cause of the problem. Hello? Obviously not - it's the cortisol increase as brain damage that is the problem.



So I emailed the authors of both studies, mentioned that their research had been quoted in connection with the cry-it-out debate, and asked a simple question:

In your view, does your study say anything about the wisdom of parents using the cry-it-out method to get their children to sleep? If so, what?


but at least he links to this "opponent" of the cry it out method.


Haha. So I just got "fired" my babysitting my niece.


Instead I get to drive my other niece to her play practice.


That is the tactic of the thugs - threaten to punish and punish if possible - but whatever you do -- do not have a conversation based on the actual information.


It's a fascist world my friends!

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Just recently I have read a Japonese tale about Creascent Moon Bear .

It is a beutiful story full of deeper meaning about healing and living with people .


In this tale a husband comes back home from fighting in many wars and wife is so happy to se him ,she loves him and was looking forward to this moment for a long time .

However he just wants to be left alone and is full of rage . She consults the healer about this terrible situation and wants him to be gentle and loving like before . Healer says to go to the such and such mountain and get a hair from the throat of the bear as this is absoultley the only cure .

Further story describes her massive hardships on the cold mountain , climbing , the snow, storm, wind...

After a while meeting the bear and slowly getting accouentianed with him .

She puts food out for him to come out of his den .

Finally ...she talks to the Bear (who sees her as easy food )if she could have only one of the hairs from his throat as a cure for her husband who just came back from the wars as this is the only thing to cure him.

The bear agrees that she can only if she is fast before he changes his mind .

The woman brings the hair back to healer after all this trouble where she lost herlife almost few times ...

Healer inspects it , acknowledges it as a real hair and throws it into fire , upon which woman gets shocked . Oh no why did you do it ?

Healer said : Remeber every step you took on the mountain , every feeling you had to capture the bear, what you saw ,heard ..? Please go now back to your husband and poroceed with the new understandings and proceed the same ways with your husband.

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I just remebered sitting on the train across two woman talking about baby crying . One woman giving advice to put alchocol in baby bottle with milk and baby will not cry at all -- she knows becouse it works with her baby every time :wacko: and it really is the best way . She couldnt say enough goodness about this incredible 'cure' .

It is one of those situations where I feel I should have said something even though it would have been highly inappropriate.

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Just recently I have read a Japonese tale about Creascent Moon Bear .

It is a beutiful story full of deeper meaning about healing and living with people .


In this tale a husband comes back home from fighting in many wars and wife is so happy to se him ,she loves him and was looking forward to this moment for a long time .

However he just wants to be left alone and is full of rage . She consults the healer about this terrible situation and wants him to be gentle and loving like before . Healer says to go to the such and such mountain and get a hair from the throat of the bear as this is absoultley the only cure .

Further story describes her massive hardships on the cold mountain , climbing , the snow, storm, wind...

After a while meeting the bear and slowly getting accouentianed with him .

She puts food out for him to come out of his den .

Finally ...she talks to the Bear (who sees her as easy food )if she could have only one of the hairs from his throat as a cure for her husband who just came back from the wars as this is the only thing to cure him.

The bear agrees that she can only if she is fast before he changes his mind .

The woman brings the hair back to healer after all this trouble where she lost herlife almost few times ...

Healer inspects it , acknowledges it as a real hair and throws it into fire , upon which woman gets shocked . Oh no why did you do it ?

Healer said : Remeber every step you took on the mountain , every feeling you had to capture the bear, what you saw ,heard ..? Please go now back to your husband and poroceed with the new understandings and proceed the same ways with your husband.


Awesome story! I love those wisdom stories that are so true.


Also bears in "circumpolar cultures" are sacred - I had a dream of a white bear against this old oak tree in the yard I grew up in. I went back to that place and the tree had recently been cut down! Another dream I had was of rainbows around this other old oak tree in our yard.


So I think in the dream visionary shamanic state Nature is very fluid like that -- modern people dismiss these animal talking stories but qigong masters can talk to animals - I know because I got word of this about a qigong master I know. haha.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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Awesome story! I love those wisdom stories that are so true.


Also bears in "circumpolar cultures" are sacred - I had a dream of a white bear against this old oak tree in the yard I grew up in. I went back to that place and the tree had recently been cut down! Another dream I had was of rainbows around this other old oak tree in our yard.


So I think in the dream visionary shamanic state Nature is very fluid like that -- modern people dismiss these animal talking stories but qigong masters can talk to animals - I know because I got word of this about a qigong master I know. haha.

Interesting dream . Well oak trees are sacred too , especially in Celtic mythologies .


For me everything is alive and communicating in its own way .

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I spoke to a psychotherapist about the cry it out stuff and he said that babies have different sorts of crying and when a baby is in real distress you will know by the way it cries and then it needs assistance. But if you are so numb that you have blocked out your natural instincts to meet suffering with compassion then I guess both parent and baby need healing and compassion, the baby obviously needs it more urgently and the adult will only look for it if they are willing to admit they need it, which often doesn't happen. But the good news is that brains are neuroplastic so I believe healing is always possible even if a parent allows harm at a young age.

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I spoke to a psychotherapist about the cry it out stuff and he said that babies have different sorts of crying and when a baby is in real distress you will know by the way it cries and then it needs assistance. But if you are so numb that you have blocked out your natural instincts to meet suffering with compassion then I guess both parent and baby need healing and compassion, the baby obviously needs it more urgently and the adult will only look for it if they are willing to admit they need it, which often doesn't happen. But the good news is that brains are neuroplastic so I believe healing is always possible even if a parent allows harm at a young age.


Well I have been responding with the Dr. of the ground-breaking study on the cortisol levels increased even after the baby stops crying. I continued to dig into the research beyond what I even quoted here because it turns out the Pediatrician journal featured a very misleading studying claiming no long term damage from this brutal cortisol spike trauma. The study was meaningless as has been pointed out by several criticisms by other doctors but CNN of course gave the study equal weight against numerous neuroscience studies showing that the brain damage to a baby is long lasting damage.


Want more Hitlers? Debunking the Cry It Out Method and Self-Soothing method of baby raising


So that is my blogspot on this -



While it is evident that genetic makeup and life experiences influence behavior, it has been demonstrated that experiences during infancy have the strongest and most persistent effect on adult hormone regulation, stress responses, and behavior.5





"There's nothing wrong with having them cry it out if you want to risk brain damage," Collins says.


They say that over time, cortisol increases the risk of severe attachment disorders … and worse.


"Hitler was a borderline personality. And so was Saddam Hussein," says Collins. "It didn't take a whole lot of Saddam Husseins and Hitlers to make our lives miserable."


I totally agree with this -- the early trauma -- for example my niece was crying and whining constantly yesterday even though her bawling to exhaustion torture happened three nights ago now. This is consistent with the results of the study on the increased cortisol levels. The mother is happy becuz the baby is no longer crying at night but during the day she remains traumatized and the baby has learned that crying at night will not receive any comfort. So it's a torture training.


so I contacted Dr. Middlemiss the author of the study and I asked her what she thought about some comment dismissing her research -- the comment is from someone blogging as "Mainstream Parenting" with about 400 twitter followers also.


So then Dr. Middlemiss allowed me to post her response:



First, the gentleman is correct... BUT only in that we don't know what happens after 3 days... Thus, we don't know that it is... or that it isn't a risk... we only know that the process creates a state that has the potential, if continuing, to be of great risk...


As the gentleman notes as well, we certainly don't know the implications...


So, best to look at what we do know...


With that, the most important point of the work stands clearly and is well-founded... and that is that we are creating a situation in which infants are not communicating their physiological state of distress, I.e., infants are distressed but they don't cry.... This seems on the face of it a potentially very dangerous precedent to set. This is the case for two reasons... one, infants are just learning that when distressed that there are ways to calm. What it is suggesting is that we are teaching infants that this distress will not be relieved... and/or they should not count on us for helping to relieve their distress and so they learn not to cry. In some ways, because there is the lack of response and the situation becomes more distressing... in the situations such as where there is continued crying... then, there is actually increased physiological distress and a lack of response. In regard to the relationship between the mother and infant, this suggests the infant becomes hesitant to express distress... which is what would be similar to an insecure attachment response.


So the dangers are present... and long term impact of which we are just beginning to explore.


To directly respond to the comment made... i.e., what it tells us about controlled crying...what it tells us isn't nothing... a better summation is that it doesn't tell us everything :) but provides a piece of the puzzle well worth consideration... What it tells us is that infants remain distressed even when they stop crying. Without looking farther than this... as this is what we are certain of at this point... then, we have begun to teach the infant to dissociate their physical feelings from their behavioral responses. Given that infants' means of communication rest almost solely on being able to cry to communicate distress, this sets up a precarious at best, dangerous at worst, setting. It can have implications for later social and emotional regulation and development. It most certainly can have an impact on how the stress response system in the brain develops...and this will determine how a child will respond to stressors throughout their life time... that is a big risk... and the true threat of that risk is not known empirically either pro or con. Thus, at this point it is a risk... to suggest that we don't know more than what happens across the training period and thus it means nothing... well, isn't any more accurate than if I were to say since I know what happens in the training period, then I know everything.


The criticism, like most, is too broadly stated. But that happens often when people are very emotionally involved or very vested in one outcome in opposition to the other. Scientifically, though, what we know is it is a risk...


Then, of course, there is the fact that training independence is not what is needed at a tender age such as that of infancy. If you want a child who his strong, independent, self-regulated in dealing with emotions, etc., then what you want to do early on is to provide a sense that there will be responses to distress. This teaches the infant, behavioral and neurologically, that stress can be reduced, that those in their environment will help them deal with stress. With this foundation, then, infants become children who are able to take risks, make friends... etc. The research on this is thorough, long-standing, and clear... early responsiveness--even during sleep time--leads to healthier, more secure and independently functioning children. That is probably the greatest risk with controlled comforting or crying... that babies will learn that they cannot trust the caregiver to provide comfort. And then there brain and their social understanding is set around that.

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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I wonder about the old habbit of slapping babiea after birth to inspire breathing

and how hospitals still leave dozens of infants to cry together in the same room.

There are some other very common traumas that occur during birth like ultra sounds

and heart monitors that mess up contraction that can change how the skull articulates.

Regarding cortisol I am wondering how long it takes for an infant to small child to recover?

Their crowns and all the other gates in the body are still open, so there is plenty of energy to

heal with. Also, wondering about chemical means for healing from cortisol damages?

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I wonder about the old habbit of slapping babiea after birth to inspire breathing and how hospitals still leave dozens of infants to cry together in the same room. There are some other very common traumas that occur during birth like ultra sounds and heart monitors that mess up contraction that can change how the skull articulates. Regarding cortisol I am wondering how long it takes for an infant to small child to recover? Their crowns and all the other gates in the body are still open, so there is plenty of energy to heal with. Also, wondering about chemical means for healing from cortisol damages?


The means to recover is qigong love! My niece insists that I hold her for an hour a day and then I let her explore and relax the whole time. Other people try to take her and I set her down and she always insists that I pick her up or if others take her she cries for me to hold her again.


So the vagus nerve oxytocin of the heart love is the solution to cortisol. Science has measured this and measure the "vagal tone" of a baby. So the best way to reduce cortisol is body touch followed by eye contact.


So anyway after these torture sessions the baby is way more fussy and whining and crying and the people who do the torture don't understand this -- they think they have to torture their baby in order to get them to stop crying! So if they stop crying at night then why are they so whiny and clingy and crying more during the day? the answer is that their cortisol levels are still high.


So what was previously a calm happy baby is now a fussy, whining crying baby who needs tons of love to heal her. Science says there is no baby -- only a baby and another -- babies - human babies - physically require tons of affection and love to properly develop their brains.


So basically what happens is the baby learns to "cope" with a sense of distrust about the world -- so they stop being so enthusiastic about life and they are always insecure about doing things because they never know if they'll have to experience this trauma again.


The person who inflicted the torture still does not understand because they think - of I just have not "toughened" up the baby enough yet.


It's really tragic. People think -- it's only "three days" to get a baby to stop crying. But that's just the superficial action of the baby -- what has happened is worse! That baby has been condition that she does not have any behavior which will treat her physical imbalance - and so the baby dissociates her feelings from her behavior. This is called borderline dissociative disorder. This is what later develops into psychopaths.


So whether a person becomes a psychopath begins with what is standard training for mothers to treat their babies! This means we live in a psychopathic culture. Not all the babies become psychopaths but most people learn to be dissociative -- to do things that physically and emotional are wrong and unhealthy but then to dissociate that psychophysiology from their actual behaviors. So superficial everything appears to be fine but internally they are driven by negative unhealthy emotions, etc. So that is the sociopathic personality which is actually the best personality to rise to the top of the economic ladder -- to run corporations, etc. There's a great documentary on this based on a book on the subject.


Actually these are both new to me.... hold on...


O.K. this is the one I saw....

Edited by pythagoreanfulllotus

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I find it strange that love is not a constant state of being in my own self.

I was at a buddhist temple for quan yin's birthday and suppose all this increased

capacity for feeling love lately, is from the solstice and maybe quan yin is revisiting.

..wonder what gland or organ quan yin represents? Not long ago china pulled up the last

piece of kunlun jade from beneith the kunlun goddess. This was like taking the physical heart

out of the earth and I wondered the implications. Maybe if love is continueing to increase then the

earths spiritual progress does not depend on physicality? ..there was a lot of pressure in the temple

to be serious as if overt show of love like smiling some how counters the best intent towards enlightenment.

The abbess was beaming even when not smiling and clearly was made of love. I had to walk through a bad part of

town after leaving the temple where having a serious look about one self seemed usefull and i reflected that love shines

through everything and has potential physical manifestation, but does not depend on physicality

..subtle intent seems to bring love in-to being as form like as in a smile:-) like love has no locality yet is totally malleable

and constantly willing to become real/local. If the kunlun goddess is the heart of thq earth then maybe quan yin is her wuman counterpart. Maybe since darma moved to the west the earths heart center shifted just likes it is trying to rise up in humanity.

Edited by blindeye

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Just had an amazing 2 hour phone conversation with qigong master Jim Nance!!!


Wow -- I have described some of the things he told me to a couple close internet friends - but anyway enjoy the music he recommended. haha.

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I read a few dayas ago from gurdjeif or one of his a.k.a about proper recitation of the lords prayer leading to breaths of specific length.


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I read a few dayas ago from gurdjeif or one of his a.k.a about proper recitation of the lords prayer leading to breaths of specific length.




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You can correct the fetus energetically and the baby right after birth. This is covered in the level 3 Yuen Method manual.


If this has not been done at an early stage it can always be done later.


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what did you two talk about?


Crazy how he met Jesus. I remember you were saying he wasn't real yet Jim Nance seems to say otherwise. Crazy stuff indeed haha.


yeah I brought up the whole holograph Emptiness thing.


But yeah Jim said he wondered how Jesus could know everyone's thoughts at the same time in the whole world. So then he experienced being four different people from different times at the same time. I said - was it like they were talking to each other and you were listening in? He said it was more like a stadium with people all talking at the same time but he could listen in and experience all those people at the same time.


So yeah then he said how when he detects someone's injury from say 15 years ago he actually sees the scene that happened and got the baby so more later

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O.K. so I said - so you travel back in time? He said - yeah -- so he said he heals them before they got their injury. So at first he was describing the scene to them and then the person would sort of relive it. But that was too intense emotionally so he just does it on his own.


Yeah anyway I said how maybe Chunyi Lin physically materialized Lao Tzu since most people consider Lao Tzu as "old man" to not be a real person but Chunyi Lin said Lao Tzu appeared to him and touched his head....


Well Jim told me many amazing healing stories, etc. and lots of deep love laughter -- then when I meditated that night the energy was super strong! haha. Yeah I told him how spoiled I felt.


So his brother read my blog and really liked it and so I'm going to blog on Jim's Free Friday qi-talks -- and I'm looking to scrounge up a video camera so I can upload it on youtube or something. He said just do whatever and see how it goes, etc.


But he is talking on music -- church music being key to his qigong training. So since I said how my focus was on music, etc.

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Church music key to his training. Wow! Man, that's crazy.


Wow, so really despite all the research that disprove that a certain sage of the past didn't exist, they actually existed. Far out!



I do remember one guy saying that although we have evidence to prove that a person doesn't exist, to only way to know is to go to the past and meet them.


Well I am still in favor of the rational debunking of the church lies about a historical Jesus. I mean I think the identification with a Solar Savior - be him Jesus or Krishna or Buddha.... I think that these God-Men when experienced in person are still the holographic projection of the spiritual ego. This is also what Ramana Maharshi told Poonjaji -- he could see the gods and experience them personally as being real but Ramana told him that since the images go away then only the Self is left aka the Emtpiness.


I asked Jim about that - as he said he meditates in the Eternal and so I said - isn't this just experiencing the light with no thoughts or experiences in the mind. He said there is that also -- he experiences that too.


So for Ramana Maharshi his practice was to just stay in the Emptiness as nirvikalpa samadhi and then any images or experiences that arise are not eternal since the don't last and so ultimately they are not real.


So I'm not sure -- like Master Nan, Huai-chin says - precognition is no big deal as the energy builds up because the precognitive vision is not some prophecy for the whole nation or world, etc. -the precognition is accurate but it's just about some personal event.


So I think this probably applies to healing also - so Jim is having accurate visions about people's injuries - even in the past and I asked him about precognition and he said yes -- and so this is true on an interpersonal level.


But in the end - who am I to say anything because as per this philosophy then I also am just the Emptiness and I don't even really exist. haha.


Basically for the spiritual training it is necessary to believe in and emulate one of the Solar God-men -- Ishwara as it's called in Vedanta but then even Ishwara is transcended as an illusion so only the Atman as Brahman remains.

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Church music key to his training. Wow! Man, that's crazy.


I actually posted the Church music already -- you might be surprised. It is powerful stuff -- but not your standard church music. haha.


So those were the three specific tunes that Jim recommended to me -- tunes that were inspirations for him.

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Cortisol and the Degenerative Cascade th2_rule.jpgwhite.gifwhite.gifwhite.gif

Normally, in response to stress, the brain's hypothalamus secretes a hormone that causes the pituitary gland to secrete another hormone that causes the adrenals to secrete cortisol. When levels of cortisol rise to a certain level, several areas of the brain – especially the hippocampus – tell the hypothalamus to turn off the cortisol-producing mechanism. This is the proper feedback response.

The hippocampus, however, is the area most damaged by cortisol. In his book Brain Longevity, Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., describes how older people often have lost 20-25% of the cells in their hippocampus, so it cannot provide proper feedback to the hypothalamus, so cortisol continues to be secreted. This, in turn, causes more damage to the hippocampus, and even more cortisol production. Thus, a Catch-22 "degenerative cascade" begins, which can be very difficult to stop.


Cortisol and Brain Degeneration-Study blue.gifblue.gifblue.gif

Studies done by Dr. Robert M. Sapolsky, Professor of Neurology and Neurological Sciences at Stanford University, showed that lots of stress or exposure to cortisol accelerates the degeneration of the aging hippocampus.

And, because the hippocampus is part of the feedback mechanism that signals when to stop cortisol production, a damaged hippocampus causes cortisol levels to get out of control – further compromising memory and cognitive function. The cycle of degeneration then continues. (Perhaps similar to the deterioration of the pancreas-insulin feedback system.)



So this is the feedback mechanism of why infants get permanent brain damage from the "cry it out" method.


The infant hippocampus is still developing - that's why there is no sense of "self" yet because there are no permanent long term memories yet - the role of the hippocampus, along with turning off cortisol!!

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