
David Icke. What do you think?

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There's Madame Vastra that married lesbian reptile keeps popping up in Doctor Who too, the one whose wife is Jenny the feisty maid who moonlights as a Ninja. They both popped up again in the last Christmas special.

Rather good characters both.

Edited by GrandmasterP

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The reptilian side of Icke's information is just about the most accurate part of it compared to quite a bit of the rest of it (some issues he touches upon he stretches in the directions he's either cointelpro'ed to stretch or else it's his personal slant). People who think it's the reptilian connection that's untrue and ridiculous and so on are welcome to historic records -- quite a few (possibly all) royal families officially derive their origins from this or that reptilian, they say it themselves, Icke didn't make it up. E.g., the Merovingian dynasty begins its recorded history with Merovec, whose mother (or in somewhat botched later records, father) was a sea-dragoness, bistea neptuni. She (or he) bestowed magical powers on Merovec and had all their children supposedly inherit them, and the dynastic mandate to rule came from this reptilian bloodline according to its very own members. (Source: "Holy Blood, Holy Grail," by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln, a superbly researched and fascinatingly narrated story of quite a few old mysteries, ripped off and trivialized by everybody and their brother... notably Dan Brown, for chrissake...)

Icke doesn't seem to know (or isn't sanctioned to tell, take your pick) as much about the crucial players (e.g. the Jesuit Central) as about their pawns (e.g. the Rothschilds, his favorite target), omits most of the international nazi occult (you have to go to Peter Levenda's books for a perspective both deep and wide and information both accurate and mind-blowing), and all in all tends to cater to sensationalist appetites and romantic mythologies more than necessary. Not that he doesn't include some interesting truths. He does. That's what cointelpro always does...

The litmus test for assessing the accuracy of any new information, however far-out to an unaccustomed eye, is not whether it contains allusions to otherworldly beings, aliens, reptilians, shape-shfters and so on -- continuously referenced under thousands of different names in all human cultures without a single exception, these abound throughout our history, and in order to deny the sum total of it we would have to start out by postulating that all our ancestors till about a hundred years ago were deluded idiots. (Which, if we remain honest with ourselves, might actually cause us to question our own current judgment instead of gloating over their cluelessness and professing our own superiority -- we are their descendants after all, what do you think was it that suddenly turned all of them into idiots and us into the first and only normal rational humans on earth?.. the fact that we watch TV?..) No. The real red flag is the very old embedded messages of intolerance, singling out not individuals and organizations but peoples or nations or races or genders or age groups (an old sleight-of-hand move that conveniently offers a scapegoat while safely bypassing the perpetrator). If you sense, smell, catch a glimpse of this -- question your own prejudice first, and if it resonates with the message... say good-bye to ever finding out any truth about anything. And if a self-examination does not reveal such prejudice -- then run from whoever is trying to brainwash you into acquiring it.

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Icke's been accused of anti semitism but I can't see it from the website that said I'm not semitic so how could I know anyhoo?

Book arrived today but I'll need to be in the mood to start it.

Four more Rankins to read thank goodness before any 'serious' reading.

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Wonderfully said, and I especially love this :



If you sense, smell, catch a glimpse of this -- question your own prejudice first, and if it resonates with the message... say good-bye to ever finding out any truth about anything. And if a self-examination does not reveal such prejudice -- then run from whoever is trying to brainwash you into acquiring it.

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And for the mother of all things reptilian, naga, etc. -- this one:




Written in 1926, and purportedly based on secret documents discovered in a temple in India fifty years earlier...

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What can I say? I have a friend who saw reptilean eyeslits appear in someone he knows. I believe he saw that. But I dont know what it means, I cant actually have any thought about it.. I just know that 'there are more things on heaven and earth..'

Multi-layered logical fallacy here.

Your friend TOLD YOU he saw it. It might not be true.

Or he saw something that wasn't there.

Or he briefly saw someone with special contact lenses.

Edited by Owledge

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Share on other sites is a site similiar to Wikileaks. It has better security, and launched 10 years before Wikileaks did.

But Wikileaks get's all the media attention. Makes me wonder...

Maybe Cryptome was there before its time, you know? Before stuff like this tends to get public attention. Before MANY people actually become aware of websites like that.

Could also be that cryptome emphasizes security so much that they avoid publicity more than wikileaks.

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Icke's been accused of anti semitism but I can't see it from the website that said I'm not semitic so how could I know anyhoo?

Book arrived today but I'll need to be in the mood to start it.

Four more Rankins to read thank goodness before any 'serious' reading.

Standard cudgel that AIPAC and its followers swing. It's among the lamest accusations on earth. Part of Zionist propaganda.

Hell, the majority of people don't even know what semites are, thanks to all the disinformation. Most semites are arabs, and those 'Jews' who make up the powerful part of the Israeli government aren't semites, but descendants of Eastern Europeans, Khazars.

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The 'truth' is out there....


On the David Icke net



...... really 'far out' there.



Edited by GrandmasterP

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Standard cudgel that AIPAC and its followers swing. It's among the lamest accusations on earth. Part of Zionist propaganda.

Hell, the majority of people don't even know what semites are, thanks to all the disinformation. Most semites are arabs, and those 'Jews' who make up the powerful part of the Israeli government aren't semites, but descendants of Eastern Europeans, Khazars.



Heretic! haha :P

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