
Past lives

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E.T I know you are very smart and wise and righteous and perfect and we are all sinners.


I have one question for you though.


What is the meaning of black clouds banging on a desk when the dog pees on the floor.


Sometimes I wonder why doesnt that = this then i touch the sky, the sky stroked my hand, with a great swoosh god licked my hand he said wow you are great, then i went to the toilet to take a poo.

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wise words perfect one, preach to those sinners for you are correct and they are wrong, always

Edited by sinansencer

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Meanwhile in the back on topic land:


Personal karma ends with the person's death but lineage karma still goes on

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No, everything ends after death

The only ones who get sad are the people who knew the deceased and they will have to take on the burden

When a person comes back, they come back into the world that has that burden waiting for someone to take it

But they don't have to be the one again

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Start speaking to me and everyone else with respect about the good things...

Your words: " are bad, it is insulting, and highly immoral, you hypocrite" certainly reflect what I see that you most need to learn... and for the record ... those words between quotations are sinansencer own creations sent back to sinansencer ... notice sinansencer edited the post number 35...


BTW its rather simple to stop this back an forth squabble... just stop it ... I can do it... you can do it... and we each choose to keep at it... Why? whats the reason? on my side its to make a point... a simple point... choose between negative or positive... cultivate one or the other...


stop preaching to me...simple


do not talk to me like your moral and im not


get it through your head this is disrespectful and pisses people off


oh and stop repeating everything I say back at me like a bloody parrot

Edited by sinansencer

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hehe hoho


oh and et thoughts did you like my anger, evil wasnt it, god wouldnt like that would he, oh no,

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What the hell are you guys talking about? What happened to the past lives discussion? DON'T YOU SEE THE T-REX COMING IN MY AVATAR? RUN FOR YOUR F`N LIVES!

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I know losers don't recognize they lost... and want a consolation prize that tells them they are winners ... they know deep inside the truth and that no consolation prize is as good as the real one... it seem if one can't get to the mark then lower it for everyone else

winners know the truth even though being put down for it...

some want to win no matter what while some just win no matter what... the winners are the winners


So do you think you are the one preaching "the truth" around this place ?

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Who do you think your talking to Mokona


I am talking about et preaching his christian you are immoral be moral like me rubbish on every thread he can

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ET is a missionary and we are his mission field. He stands on a soapbox at the corner of General and Tao every night preachin' the word and singin' his trademark hymn...

Come on .... sing along....


Won't you come to ETs mission won't you come

You'll get a cup of cold coffee and a bun

baby Jesus will be there

Throwing' peanuts in the air

Won't you come to ET's mission won't you come.


Give me a hallelujah somebody....


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I'm just asking where the past life discussion went. Christian morals are BS anyway. Did you just question a T-rex? your the first to have been eaten! :-P

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