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A lot of info in this Documentary-


One thing I especially find interesting... is that you always hear preachy, unrealistic, or idealistic people complaining about how they don't like it when people are rated on their physical attractiveness based on a scale of 1 to 10. Yet, in reality, when scientists want to study attraction and sex appeal, and how they affect social dynamics, in the scientific studies they rate people's physical attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10.

Edited by Immortal4life
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Beauty follows a mathematical model to which we respond


the closer to the model the more beautiful something appears


sacred geometry and all


and we are wired for it so...


whatever :lol:


some of the most recognized master works of art are based on sacred geo, golden ratio Pi and Phi




Humans seem to be the odd ones out?


every other creature appears to be naturally beautiful consistently


how could one say one blue bird is more beautiful than another blue bird?


my guess is poor diet resulting in the corruption of DNA


or perhaps one physicality is an expression of ones consciousness?


@ face value?


She has a kind face and generally she has a kind heart too ? and so on?

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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I've only watched the first few minutes so far, but they don't start well. They talk as if physical attractiveness was the only factor relevant for partner selection. They mix up interpretations of words in order to prove their point. I guess that's called a strawman argument.

Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, personal taste. Physical attractiveness does not equal beauty.

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I've only watched the first few minutes so far, but they don't start well. They talk as if physical attractiveness was the only factor relevant for partner selection. They mix up interpretations of words in order to prove their point. I guess that's called a strawman argument.

Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, personal taste. Physical attractiveness does not equal beauty.


It still doesnt hurt none. :)


But I can't see why they think they need to explain it.

And don't see what good it is supposed to do.



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Intelligence, way with words, way with voice, way with strength(physical and mental, possibly spiritual), way with care and affection, way with sexual acts, and physical appearance are all elements to seduction.

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I've only watched the first few minutes so far, but they don't start well. They talk as if physical attractiveness was the only factor relevant for partner selection.


No they don't, but it is a major factor. This is undeniable.


They mix up interpretations of words in order to prove their point. I guess that's called a strawman argument.

Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder, personal taste. Physical attractiveness does not equal beauty.


Actually beauty can be quantified and verified as having objective existence. It's not just an opinion in each person's imagination.


The first major factor in measuring what humans will consider to be beautiful is symmetry. A human will find a more symmetrical face more beautiful and an unsymmetrical face to be less beautiful. Watch the video, this is covered n it.


In women it's been determined by research that the 3 most important factors in determining how beautiful, as well as sexually attractive, a woman is, are-


1. Hip to waist ratio. The waist must be in a certain proportion to the waist. This can be measured.


2. Freshness and youngness of skin.


3. Facial Symmetry.


These factors have been proven to be the same in all human cultures, anywhere in the world. For example it is known that in Africa, the culture has made men inclined to prefer more curvy and voluptuous women, where in America often men prefer skinny model type women. However, whether you prefer skinny or voluptuous, the hip to waist ratio must be the same.


There are other factors too, for example men don't like women with deeper, more masculine voices, they prefer higher and softer more feminine voices.


Read it an weep subjective idealists-


and to get even more real-

Edited by Immortal4life

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It still doesnt hurt none. :)


But I can't see why they think they need to explain it.

And don't see what good it is supposed to do.




The biggest thing holding back humanity throughout the ages is ignorance. When we can remove the veil of ignorance and see reality for what it is, and not how we want to see it, and when we can eliminate idealism, subjective values, and societal conditioning, we can live a much more successful, winning, dominant, and free life.

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You disregarded the very statements you quoted. You, too, are mixing up beauty and physical attributes. You're trying to tell other people what they are supposed to find beautiful?


A dumb supermodel might be much less attractive than a less physically attractive intelligent woman with character.


And an emo might find a withered black rose more beautiful than a healthy red one. ;)


It's all in the mind, thus how the mind is made up determins everything.

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You disregarded the very statements you quoted. You, too, are mixing up beauty and physical attributes. You're trying to tell other people what they are supposed to find beautiful?


A dumb supermodel might be much less attractive than a less physically attractive intelligent woman with character.


And an emo might find a withered black rose more beautiful than a healthy red one. ;)


It's all in the mind, thus how the mind is made up determins everything.




some people are stuck in the lower energies and ways of processing reality, and for them everything is physical. Once a person opens the heart and moves their consciousness up to the higher centers, it all changes.


for example i was dating a model-looking ginger beauty with a trim body and a symmetrical face (lol) but i left her for my girlfriend 3.5 years ago. No contest, even tho my girlfriend is not as symmetrical.. she has more intelligence, emotional depth, and developed energy among other things which do not have anything to do with her physical body. So i am living proof that beauty is not as easy to quantify as this movie (which i havent watched) seems to make it out to be.


There are factors for me which completely trump physical beauty, and even tho my girlfriend is pretty, i would still date her even if she wasn't because she is a completely amazing human being. I'm sure some people would say that thats easy for me to say, but im not dating an ugly woman, so theres proof that its all about beauty, but i would encourage those people to raise their life energy before trying to understand what i find attractive. It changes as you evolve on a personal level. The physical is the start of the journey, and from there it only deepens and gets more rich as it moves toward the emotions, mind, and the infinite spirit.


so all that stuff i4l said and the links he provided just speak for the least common denominator, the average bear with his kundalini and consciousness dormant and locked in the physical center of consciousness, unable to move higher except to raise the energies to the sacral/genital center when occaisionally stimulated by physical symmetry or smooth skin or something. Those people comprise the majority of the populace, but they, again, are the LCD when it comes to understanding the human psyche. There is much more to it than they represent.


just my two cents

Edited by anamatva

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Following which there is



I used to like Iggy Pop but I don't get the zombie shit.


Edit: just go check out the Peaches vids in general. Her 'Mommy Complex' one was, er, interesting.


Re-edit: Wait a minute, isn't this Aleister Crowley's place?

Edited by -K-

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You disregarded the very statements you quoted. You, too, are mixing up beauty and physical attributes. You're trying to tell other people what they are supposed to find beautiful?


No I'm not. I'm not telling anyone what they should do. I'm telling you what all people innately recognize as beauty, and that is symmetry and order. Chaos on the other hand, is usually not beautiful.


It is however interesting that physical attributes, are generally correlated to what is considered beautiful, and not just in humans. I am sure most people with a healthy functioning brain can see that a diamond is not only harder than a piece of coal, but also more beautiful.


It goes beyond just what is a beautiful person, but what is a beautiful geometric shape-


A dumb supermodel might be much less attractive than a less physically attractive intelligent woman with character.


No you are mixing up beauty and personality. 2 different things. "character" is simply a subjective value judgement that you are not able to quantify. It is just your opinion, and therefore irrelevant in a discussion with others.


And an emo might find a withered black rose more beautiful than a healthy red one. ;)


No Emos just lie to themselves. It's just like the nerd who says, "yeah well, I don't care about being cool" while he develops deep bodily and mental tension and dissatisfaction from being a beta male and social outcast that he will carry for his whole life.


You can't control what is beautiful no matter how much you cut yourself lol


It's all in the mind, thus how the mind is made up determins everything.


Science proves it's not all in the mind. Beauty is an objective reality, whether it is a beautiful image, or a beautiful woman.

Edited by Immortal4life

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some people are stuck in the lower energies and ways of processing reality, and for them everything is physical. Once a person opens the heart and moves their consciousness up to the higher centers, it all changes.


for example i was dating a model-looking ginger beauty with a trim body and a symmetrical face (lol) but i left her for my girlfriend 3.5 years ago. No contest, even tho my girlfriend is not as symmetrical.. she has more intelligence, emotional depth, and developed energy among other things which do not have anything to do with her physical body. So i am living proof that beauty is not as easy to quantify as this movie (which i havent watched) seems to make it out to be.


If this is true. It is an example of you caring more about your subjective values than beauty.


There are factors for me which completely trump physical beauty, and even tho my girlfriend is pretty, i would still date her even if she wasn't because she is a completely amazing human being. I'm sure some people would say that thats easy for me to say, but im not dating an ugly woman, so theres proof that its all about beauty, but i would encourage those people to raise their life energy before trying to understand what i find attractive. It changes as you evolve on a personal level. The physical is the start of the journey, and from there it only deepens and gets more rich as it moves toward the emotions, mind, and the infinite spirit.


so all that stuff i4l said and the links he provided just speak for the least common denominator, the average bear with his kundalini and consciousness dormant and locked in the physical center of consciousness, unable to move higher except to raise the energies to the sacral/genital center when occaisionally stimulated by physical symmetry or smooth skin or something. Those people comprise the majority of the populace, but they, again, are the LCD when it comes to understanding the human psyche. There is much more to it than they represent.


just my two cents


This is just idealism and fantasy. Many people use spirituality as a way to avoid reality. The cold hard realities of life. They also like to use it as a way for them to feel special, as if they are "more developed" than "the masses".


At the end of the day it just becomes someone living at lower, more beta male, level of existence, and instead of realizing that and working towards a more dominant and alpha male level of existence, they use their pop-spirituality as a crutch and excuse.

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No Emos just lie to themselves.

You lie to yourself a lot here, too. But no big deal. We're all lying to ourselves. It's called "mind".

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yeah im not even gonna respond. we each live in our own world i guess


Sure. But the world Mr Immortal4 is referring to just happens to be one (of a few) that is regularly pushed upon the rest of it. Which is why IMO, it's both worth the (circumstantiated) debunk and contestation and/or ridicule.


Anyway, I'd like to see a decent experiment NOT couched in conditioned experience. Oh wait, probably can't do one of those.

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i hear you, and ordinarily i like to contest the small minds that think things are simple and just so.


but in this case, having had a couple other discussions on the topic of human behavior with i4l, i feel like its like trying to explain the sun to a deep sea fish or a creature that has spent their life in a cave or something. no matter how much i explain that things aren't actually like that, and try to explain how they actually are for some of us who have awakened further, its something that one either already knows and doesn't need to be told, or they have no idea about, and no amount of exposition is going to properly elucidate it for them.


So in my esteem, until i4l evolves up out of his sexual and physical energy centers, he is just stuck thinking that the status quo way of looking at women and human behavior is all there is, and there is little i can do about it but give him time to evolve. You can't force these things, if you can affect them at all, its gently IME.


so in the spirit of choosing my battles wisely, i am going to leave him to wallow in his ignorance. Sorry K, maybe you can see where i am coming from, maybe it seems like "giving up" but i feel like i already said everything i had to say, and its like talking to a brick wall.


"if this is true." how quaint (i don't make things up to seem cooler on the internet! probably because i don't give a fig what people like 14l think of me! lol)


anyway im done with this one, better debates in the future K, i promise

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i hear you, and ordinarily i like to contest the small minds that think things are simple and just so.


but in this case, having had a couple other discussions on the topic of human behavior with i4l, i feel like its like trying to explain the sun to a deep sea fish or a creature that has spent their life in a cave or something. no matter how much i explain that things aren't actually like that, and try to explain how they actually are for some of us who have awakened further, its something that one either already knows and doesn't need to be told, or they have no idea about, and no amount of exposition is going to properly elucidate it for them.


So in my esteem, until i4l evolves up out of his sexual and physical energy centers, he is just stuck thinking that the status quo way of looking at women and human behavior is all there is, and there is little i can do about it but give him time to evolve. You can't force these things, if you can affect them at all, its gently IME.


so in the spirit of choosing my battles wisely, i am going to leave him to wallow in his ignorance. Sorry K, maybe you can see where i am coming from, maybe it seems like "giving up" but i feel like i already said everything i had to say, and its like talking to a brick wall.


"if this is true." how quaint (i don't make things up to seem cooler on the internet! probably because i don't give a fig what people like 14l think of me! lol)


anyway im done with this one, better debates in the future K, i promise


Oh crap, no! my post was not intended to push anyone into a position they do/did not wish to uphold. I don't know where/if Immortal4 has anything stuck or whether he's just being provocative as I've seen him before. But IMO Neither of those absolves me of some kind of responsibilty to suggest that other ways or points of view are available.


Of course the present problem IMO is the latter POV can be described as wholly subjective (i.e. 'mine') and not claimed from some authority like Immortal4 has been able to do thanks to the (published?) experiment. The burden of 'scientific proof' in this one rests squarely on my shoulders (or anyone else that cares to redo the cited experiment or point to flaws in its design or to do the legwork to find an experiment and results that contradict the cited experiment. If I'm going to 'play fair' with Immortal4 then I'd have to do that work. I'm not going to shove my 'unscientific' opinion down him but nor will I sit back in my 'greater understanding' without 'proof' and refuse to explain where I stand on the matter. I don't reckon an apology is warranted, it's IMO/IME a difficult game this 'science':-)

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for example i was dating a model-looking ginger beauty with a trim body and a symmetrical face (lol) but i left her for my girlfriend 3.5 years ago.



You still got her #? ;)

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i hear you, and ordinarily i like to contest the small minds that think things are simple and just so.


but in this case, having had a couple other discussions on the topic of human behavior with i4l, i feel like its like trying to explain the sun to a deep sea fish or a creature that has spent their life in a cave or something. no matter how much i explain that things aren't actually like that, and try to explain how they actually are for some of us who have awakened further, its something that one either already knows and doesn't need to be told, or they have no idea about, and no amount of exposition is going to properly elucidate it for them.


The people who always talk about "awakening further", act like they have "higher consciousness", and talk about "enlightnenment" are consistently those with the lowest understanding.


The way you think "things are like" is just idealism and not wanting to accept reality.


One thing I have found about everyday people who like to think of themselves as "spiritually enlightened" is that they ultimately place limitations on themselves. I do not support repressing oneself, limiting oneself, or having self limiting beliefs, in the name of being "spiritual".


So in my esteem, until i4l evolves up out of his sexual and physical energy centers, he is just stuck thinking that the status quo way of looking at women and human behavior is all there is, and there is little i can do about it but give him time to evolve. You can't force these things, if you can affect them at all, its gently IME.


99.9% of people who talk about "evolving beyond the lower energy centers" haven't developed these centers nearly enough to even be talking about so-called "higher" energy centers. It's just a complete misunderstanding. You need all centers of the body developed to a high degree. Without a highly developed lower dantien for example, to even attempt developing the upper dantiens is a recipe for disaster.


so in the spirit of choosing my battles wisely, i am going to leave him to wallow in his ignorance. Sorry K, maybe you can see where i am coming from, maybe it seems like "giving up" but i feel like i already said everything i had to say, and its like talking to a brick wall.


"if this is true." how quaint (i don't make things up to seem cooler on the internet! probably because i don't give a fig what people like 14l think of me! lol)


anyway im done with this one, better debates in the future K, i promise




You say you don't care what I think of you, and yet your response here clearly betrays that you in fact do. Quite an indignant emotional reaction you are having here. Chill out, all your idealism, and false spirituality, is making you reactive.

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pretty much what i'd expect you to say.. including the presumptuous comments about how im not actually awake enough to comment on you (or maybe im in the .01 percent! whoopee)


anyway i don't really care to talk to you about it at length since you can't debate issues without getting crappy about my "false spirituality" and other ignorant claims. you can have your cave lol. you approach beauty from a purely physical standpoint, and thats fine. to me, that is a small part of the big picture. as i read in another thread recently, thats like calling a cupholder a car. its just a small part of a car.


all the science that supports that idea is there, sure. phi ratio is phi its just not all that goes into everyones conception of beauty. so instead of taking it personally, and getting your panties in a knot because i disagree with your analysis, why don't you go chill out and drink a beer, or whatever you do, and try to realize that people are telling you about higher consciousness because they are trying to help you, not because they have a false spirituality. my spirituality is not diminished because of your attempted insults, nor are my awakened higher centers of consciousness. only your integrity is sullied. So carry on if you want, but i will still try to share the point of view of one who has evolved up out of a purely physical way of looking at things. thats all. A lot of bad behavior comes out of being stuck in a gross way of looking at things, and a lot of mistreatment of women is born of attitudes like those expressed in this thread. I think its not the whole picture, and im going to tell you that every time you post some pseudo-science that tries to back up a neandrethalic view of women, beauty, and life in general. or anything PUA or misogynistic or misanthropic. so get used to it. its not idealism, if you need to pidgeonhole me for your own sake, its closer to realism than you'd like to think lol

Edited by anamatva
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having had a good night sleep on this im just gonna post one last post and call this thread quits.


so a couple things for you i4l


1. ad hominem approach to debate makes you look childish lol

2. the idea that because someone is having an emotional reaction, you are somehow right, is also a logical fallacy. i feel passionately about a lot of things because, well, thats my nature. it has nothing to do with how right (or wrong) you are.

3. logical fallacies aside, the distillation of the point that people are trying to get across to you is Very simple. There is a very broad spectrum of expression that human beauty takes, and a wide variety of ways in which people are found "beautiful" by others. Can you understand? its that simple.


so after stooping to respond to your demeaning posts, i realized that trying to speak logically to your ad hominems was a waste of time. This is all i really have to say. Keep reading #3 until you understand it. Its kind of important for a mature human being to get that point. And remember, people really are telling you this stuff because they care about you. And because its important that these seeming truths get a counterpoint in a public debate.. but thats another story


over and out

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