
The Star Exercise

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Since the 1800s, writers, historians, western occultists, theosophists, and others have written about a legendary practice called the Star Exercise. Most have connected it with the legend of Shangri La, the legendary Great White Brotherhood, and a special time of year or festival called Wesak. However, for many years, you could not find any information on any of the particulars as far as how to practice or perform the Star exercise.


In the 1920s, the Lightbearer, the Baron Eugene Ferson revived and brought to humanity and to the public, for the first time, methods and instructions for how to practice, and what the benefits and reasons for the practice are.


To learn the Star Exercise, it would first be useful to get a grasp on certain fundamental concepts.


Life Force Energy-


Universal Life Energy and Mental Contact with Universal Life Energy-


The Star Exercise is the physical method for continually contacting the Universal Life Energy from outside the body, to support and provide the foundation for Life Force energy inside the body. Energy pours into the body from the hands, and even from every cell, but all points meet, and where all the energy enters the body, is the Sacral chakra, at the bottom of the Spine. From there the Star Exercise brings the Universal Life Energy from the Sacral Chakra to the Solar Plexus where it is distrubted to all parts of the body.


The benefits from the practice of this exercise will surpass anyone's expectations. This really is the Fountain of Youth that so many people desperately seek. So many people would do anything for the Fountain of Youth, and yet here it is if they would only seek it out and find it. When you become more proficient with practice, you will find you will never get tired or exhausted again. When you exert yourself, you will always have that second wind, third wind, and fouth wind. You will always be able to find the heart, inspiration, and physical energy to keep going. You will become the Energizer bunny, and you can keep going, and going, and going.....


The same thing goes for mental activities. I know many people now are seeking ways to gain more concentration and more focus. This is shown in universities all across the country, when students want to get a hold of drugs lke Aderol or Ritalin, in order to study for more hours, to keep them going and going, to get more cramming in for their next text or exam. Well here is your answer, the Star Exerciese, you will not need artificial drugs to artificially prop you up and keep you going ever again.


So many people also, want to live their life in a way that is exhausting. They like to go out all night and party, listen to extemely loud music all night, dance, socialize, compete for the attention of the opposite sex, etc. They like to stay out all night and into the morning. They want to party until 10 am the next morning. Pass out and crash, and wake up the next night and do it all over again. The only way they can do this is by contantly using artificial means, like drugs and alchohol. They need that artificial drive in them, keeping them going, propping them up. The Star Exercise will give you all the energy you need, and will help you achieve physical and mental harmony, which will help you make better use of your time, have a more prductive schedule, and understand how to recover better.


After you have developed a strong connection to Universal Life Energy and the bodies' channels open up, deep within you the Flame of Love will spring forth. It will burn away all disharmony from your life, give you courage, poise, strength, inspiration, hapiness, and the ability to achieve anything you set your mind to.


To start out the practice, simply stand in the Star Exercise posture, for 3-5 minutes and eventually building up to 10-15 minutes several times daily. While in the posture you can silently or aloud say to yourself "I am one with Universal Life Energy, it is flowing through me now, I feel it". Truly be aware and actually realize this as you say it to yourself. In fact any time in your day, before you do a task, or if you're tired, simply say that affirmation to yourself, "I am one with Universal Life Energy, it is flowing through me now, I feel it"


Here is an excellent educational resource, by the Lightbearers, based on the teachings of Eugene Ferson. The Star Exercise, both the 5 pointed and 6 pointed Star Exercises-


And more details about the Star Exercise by Eugene Ferson from the Science of Being-



When performing the Star Exercise you physically open yourself to a continuous influx of Universal Life Energy which goes wherever it is needed, re-establishing Harmony and Balance. In the following paragraphs is the method for the Star Exercise.


Open the body to Mother Nature by standing in the Star Position, preferably outside or near a window to additionally benefit from the fresh air. If you can not stand in the Star Position, then try lying on Mother Earth, in bed, or even sitting. The feet should be about shoulder width apart, with arms extended out on each side, at shoulder level. The left palm is facing up and the right palm is facing down. While in this position, take a few moments to check yourself. Consciously relax your body. You should be erect, but not tense. When possible, wear loose, comfortable clothing and no shoes. As with most exercises, it is best to do this on an empty or near empty stomach, as the influx of energy is powerful and can do a number on undigested food. The elder Lightbearers taught us that Universal Life Energy is like electricity, so treat it with Respect and use it Wisely.


Now, begin to breathe deeply, in through your nose and exhale out through your mouth. In the beginning, your arms may feel tired, however, do not force yourself to keep them elevated. Slowly lower both arms, with your hands cupped up in front of you, to keep the flow of energy continuous. Once your arms are rested, go back into the Star Position. At first, three to five minutes, twice a day, is all that is needed. The best times to perform the Star Exercise are upon rising in the morning and just before going to bed. As you become accustomed to the inflow of Universal Life Energy you can extend the duration and number of times you perform the Star Exercise. When applied consistently, this exercise will bring about positive results in your life. It should become a part of your daily routine, starting today, for the rest of your life!


In 1998 Jon Peniel revealed further variations, and traditional methods of performing the Star Exercise, including breathing methods, how to practice together with a group of people, the larger historical context, and how the Star Exercise is incorporated as part of a larger system of Meditation/Energy practices/Yoga.


Here is the Star exercise to develop qi flowing inwards as well as outwards together. And to store/charge/refine the energy vibration of the body. It may in fact be the original Qi or Yoga technique


One way to practice would be to do deep rythmic, intense abdominal breathing through the nose, Then inhale and pause for as long as is comfortable, and do the affirmation. Hold the breath as long as comfortable, and then exhale.


Or even another way, you can do intense rapid deep breathing through the nose, then hold and do the affirmation


Breath of Fire can be added to the Star Exercise practice-


You can practice this for the rest of your life and the incredible vitality and radiant health it will bring will exceed anyone's expectations


more info and proper instructions on the Star Exercise

Free reiki energy yoga exercises - The Star Exercise

online meditation reiki yoga exercises the star exericise




You'd also want to practice the whole Yoga routine that the Star Exercise is a part of, if you can. It is very exellent.

yoga videos discounts - ashtanga, hatha, bikram

The History of Tibetan Yoga


Another site about the same Yoga style-

yoga postures

Edited by Immortal4life

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Oh cool, I am happy to see most of the responses in that thread were positive.


Yes I practice the Star Exercise and speak from my own experience with it.

Edited by Immortal4life

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I once did the Star Exercise in a group of 52 people, where each was performing it with a partner, as an exercise in 'conscious suffering'. We faced each other while performing the exercise with a partner. Initially we started out with the leader/teacher (Richard Moss, M.D.) talking us through and encouraging us as we held our arms straight out and channelled the energy...After what seemed like eons, he had us look at our partner and for a long time we verbally encouraged each other to keep going and not let our sufferingly heavy arms down for a rest...people were crying and screaming and in every way possible were encouraging, threatening and pleading for their partner to keep going even as their own arms and shoulders were screaming with searing pain...


...after some unknown time, he told us "now no talking, just use your eyes" and we all became quiet, going deep with the intense pain we both felt as we locked eyes and pleaded silently with each other to keep going, don't give up...honestly, people had been screaming, weeping, losing it, and now the room was quiet...some people had already dropped out... then, we were to turn away from our partner and go it alone. This is where it really became hard. About 45 minutes into the exercise, I put my arms down for 10 seconds, couldn't take the pain any longer, but got them right back up...and kept them up for another 45 minutes. Honest to God. An hour and a half of doing the Star Exercise, arms out at a 90 degree angle, with only 10 seconds of having my arms actually became a little easier the last 15 minutes, my body must have run out of lactic acid...but the entire experience was transformative. (Just try doing it for 10 minutes sometime). Why I did it, I don't know. Would I do it again? You bet.

Edited by TheSongsofDistantEarth

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The Star or Pentagram Exercise is the most fundamental exercise prescribed by Rosicrucians of different brotherhoods. It supposed to increase the flow of energy in the body and is supposed to bring wealth, fortune, and success along with good health.


The fundamental principle behind this technique is that it is always in the ratio of 3:5. Thus for every 3 minutes in the active phase where your arms are out straight out, your body looking like a star, you will spend 5 minutes in the passive phase with your feet together 60 degrees apart, with your hands clasped above your head, palms pointing up.


I had a teacher before who did this exercise for 2 hours a day, and he had the most incredible aura I've ever seen. My third eye was only partially open yet I could easily see his energy feet away from his body. Most people looked like a dim candle.


When you have an aura like that, you want to spend serious time learning how to compress it.

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Im realy liking your posts lately.


I am wondering if this would work if I just use the principles of using the left hand to receive and right hand to give energy. Many systems of qigong and meditation use left over right for certain purposes or using the left to receive and right to give. E.G. Yan Xin QIgong uses right over left both suspended in the air over the navel.


As for the six pointed star exercise... it's kinda like meditating on the sun I guess? Or just a zhan zhuang that has the hands up, some use it to meditate on the sun or sky.


IS there any difference in the universal energy as opposed to others? Isn't all energy "universal energy"? OR rather, can't it be accessed anywhere? Isn't it timeless, or spaceless, so it's everywhere, or it can be accessed anywhere? I guess the fact that the focus of the energy being received is "universal cosmic energy" means that it is somewhat in a purer original form. Sort of like chi? or shen? energy from "the heavens"?



When I was doing the star exercise recently, I kind of imagined energy (any kind of energy) that is in the vicinity passing through me and going out my right hand. I thought that was what it means to "be one with the universal energy." But now thinking about it as a purer form of original energy, then maybe it isn't.


Does the aura and body (and dan-tian) have to fill up first before the right hand can be used to drain energy out?

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Im realy liking your posts lately.


I am wondering if this would work if I just use the principles of using the left hand to receive and right hand to give energy. Many systems of qigong and meditation use left over right for certain purposes or using the left to receive and right to give. E.G. Yan Xin QIgong uses right over left both suspended in the air over the navel.


Yeah there are various methods and ways of using the hands in energy practices. Various systems use various ways. Some take energy in, some refine it and seal it in the body. Some circulate in in various ways. Some use one had over the other hand to create a sort of energy field I think...


But yes I think left hand receiveing in and right hand giving out, or blessing, is a good method....


As for the six pointed star exercise... it's kinda like meditating on the sun I guess? Or just a zhan zhuang that has the hands up, some use it to meditate on the sun or sky.


All I really know is what is taught on the website of the Lightbearers and Science of Being. They mention it expands your energy, and that it opens more subtle channels. I feel it connects to the pituitary and pineal bodies.


It has only been made available to the public very recently.


IS there any difference in the universal energy as opposed to others? Isn't all energy "universal energy"? OR rather, can't it be accessed anywhere? Isn't it timeless, or spaceless, so it's everywhere, or it can be accessed anywhere? I guess the fact that the focus of the energy being received is "universal cosmic energy" means that it is somewhat in a purer original form. Sort of like chi? or shen? energy from "the heavens"?


I would recommend the Science of Being books for a more detailed explanation-


It is explained in it's most fundamental form, as Universal, or also called Primal Energy. The fundamental Energy that backs all other forms of energy and all physical phenomena.


To the human perception and consciousness Primal or Universal energy manifests and is percieved in 3 rays, which we call vibration.


Physical or Magnetic vibrations, Mental vibrations, and Spiritual vibration


When I was doing the star exercise recently, I kind of imagined energy (any kind of energy) that is in the vicinity passing through me and going out my right hand. I thought that was what it means to "be one with the universal energy." But now thinking about it as a purer form of original energy, then maybe it isn't.


Does the aura and body (and dan-tian) have to fill up first before the right hand can be used to drain energy out?


I think visualization can help and make the exercise stronger, but remember that Primal energy, or Universal Life Energies' nature is that of Harmony and Balance. So it is self harmonizing and self correcting. It will naturally do what it should. Once the lower chakras, and specifically the Solar Plexus are strong and full of energy, the surplus naturally flows out the right hand,as well as the feet and the body in general I believe....

Edited by Immortal4life

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eh.. does it have to be outside? can I do it inside?


it's just you know kind of weird to do it outside in front of everyone and their mom here in America, where there is nowhere one can be isolated.

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Of course you can do it inside, I wouldn't do it out in the cold snow myself.


I think they are just saying fresh air is better than stale air, you could open a window in the summer if you like. I don't bother in the winter.

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I had read somewhere at some point something very interesting about the Star Exercise. What I read was that when soldiers who had to trek through the mountains and swamps, and trek very long distances in a day, like walking and hiking for 8 hours or more in a day.... at the end of the day when they finally made their camp, the exhausted soldiers would lay on the ground. When they layed on the ground they would stretch their arms out, and streth their legs out, very similar to the Star Exercise. When they were so exhausted, pushing the limits of human endurance, the natural thing they did, without thinking, was stretch out in a laying position similar to the Star Exercise. They instinctively knew, and naturally knew, this was the best posture to replenish their spent energy.

Edited by Immortal4life

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Looks interesting, and Im feeling ready to try a new practice, so Ill do this one for 5 days over the next week and Ill report back.

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If I see one more interesting post on this site I swear I'm making it my homepage. The plethora of thought provoking tidbits overwhelms my wee little noggin. Why didn't I find this sooner?

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The Star or Pentagram Exercise is the most fundamental exercise prescribed by Rosicrucians of different brotherhoods. It supposed to increase the flow of energy in the body and is supposed to bring wealth, fortune, and success along with good health.


The fundamental principle behind this technique is that it is always in the ratio of 3:5. Thus for every 3 minutes in the active phase where your arms are out straight out, your body looking like a star, you will spend 5 minutes in the passive phase with your feet together 60 degrees apart, with your hands clasped above your head, palms pointing up.


I had a teacher before who did this exercise for 2 hours a day, and he had the most incredible aura I've ever seen. My third eye was only partially open yet I could easily see his energy feet away from his body. Most people looked like a dim candle.


When you have an aura like that, you want to spend serious time learning how to compress it.



Why compress it? To avoid intermingling with other peoples energies?

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If I see one more interesting post on this site I swear I'm making it my homepage. The plethora of thought provoking tidbits overwhelms my wee little noggin. Why didn't I find this sooner?

The Star will be where i will begin to practice. It seems so simple.

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Quick question. If my arms get tired do I just give them a short rest or do I sit for a sec and reset the whole exercise?

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I guess consistency is key.


The first time I did it I was high (on marijuana) and I felt something lol. Not smoking anymore though...


I do it on and off but jeez, everyday!? I did it at 2:30 am the other day during the weekday while everyone else was sleeping...


I could easily hold my arms up for 10 mins. I mean they weren't straightened like hell but still good enough.


If you get tired yea you can rest it's no biggy. Maybe Im just not doing it in some strict rigid technique. I just stand in the position, after getting relaxed and I think the affirmation "I am one with the Universal Life Energy. It is flowing through me now. I feel it." And I use tactile imagine from Robert Bruce's NEW Energy Ways, to "imagine" or "feel" energy coming in my left palm and going through my solar plexus, and into my dantian or like I'm a circuit into the Earth. Im more concerned about filling up with the energy first and then have excess flow from the right palm.


Like I said I guess consistency is key.. I haven't done it everyday, I feel like I need to be doing it outside rather than inside otherwise it won't work.


Anyone get results from doing it inside? Even with windows close? Im kinda hesitant to try. Having windows open it's probably preferred you have the blinds open too I guess.

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