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No one got an opinion? That's disappointing! Enrolment closes tomorrow and I'd like to have more informed opinion before I make up my mind whether to go for it.

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No one got an opinion? That's disappointing! Enrolment closes tomorrow and I'd like to have more informed opinion before I make up my mind whether to go for it.


Hey! I read your post but have no knowledge to share with you. I claim ignorance on the subject. :mellow:


Peace & Love!

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I hardly know anything on taoist practices,

i'm more of a bum than a toaist...



if this is the barefoot doctor's website


then i must say it looks terribly commercial,

and that is often a bad sign.


I know what you mean. It does look very commercial, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not quality. I'd hate to miss an opportunity because of some poor website design attitude.

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I know what you mean. It does look very commercial, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not quality. I'd hate to miss an opportunity because of some poor website design attitude.



Money comes and goes, but experiences stay for a lifetime(unless you go senile), good and bad. You can always make more money, but some experiences don't always come along again for one reason or another.


In my experience it's much worse always wondering 'what if', really what have you got to lose...... I mean in the grand scheme of things. And it sounds to me like you wanna go.


His earlier books are good, if that's any help.


Edit: It's got a money back guarantee too if you don't like it.

Edited by Ninpo-me-this-ninjutsu-me-that

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Money comes and goes, but experiences stay for a lifetime(unless you go senile), good and bad. You can always make more money, but some experiences don't always come along again for one reason or another.


In my experience it's much worse always wondering 'what if', really what have you got to lose...... I mean in the grand scheme of things. And it sounds to me like you wanna go.


His earlier books are good, if that's any help.


Edit: It's got a money back guarantee too if you don't like it.


I know, but I think you'd have to be a bit of a heel to take him up on it. I know that's how i'd feel. Still the refund offer is apparently geuinne.


Money comes a lot less easily than it goes for me. I'm not working at the moment. I can afford it.


However at this point, all is moot. I signed up.


I think the guy is pretty genuine. It's very easy these days to slam people for making money/being successful when it comes to spirituality. Really that's a bit silly though since people got to earn a living, teacher or student. I know he's courted notoriety in the past but that also doesn't mean he's just full of crap and exploiting the likes of me. He's also far from the only teacher in the marketplace and if he has somethign to offer then all the better.


I've been aware of him for years, reading his books on and off starting with the Handbook. It's only now that i'm looking seriously at self development. I need to improve myself and change. Even though some of his work suffers a little obfuscation (Return of the Urban Warrior, specifically), which is a shame, he is quite good. I also find him consistent and actually pretty helpful - he's usually quite good for responding if you email him. That's not bad considering how many emails he must get and how busy he must be.


Of course it could all be bollocks.


Or not.

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if you pay for something like this, you deserve to get ripped off.


Do you really think this guy can tell you something you can't read in a book at the library? Or you don't already know?


C'mon man. Stop looking for someone to tell you what to do and make up your own mind.

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I know, but I think you'd have to be a bit of a heel to take him up on it. I know that's how i'd feel. Still the refund offer is apparently geuinne.


Money comes a lot less easily than it goes for me. I'm not working at the moment. I can afford it.


However at this point, all is moot. I signed up.


I think the guy is pretty genuine. It's very easy these days to slam people for making money/being successful when it comes to spirituality. Really that's a bit silly though since people got to earn a living, teacher or student. I know he's courted notoriety in the past but that also doesn't mean he's just full of crap and exploiting the likes of me. He's also far from the only teacher in the marketplace and if he has somethign to offer then all the better.


I've been aware of him for years, reading his books on and off starting with the Handbook. It's only now that i'm looking seriously at self development. I need to improve myself and change. Even though some of his work suffers a little obfuscation (Return of the Urban Warrior, specifically), which is a shame, he is quite good. I also find him consistent and actually pretty helpful - he's usually quite good for responding if you email him. That's not bad considering how many emails he must get and how busy he must be.


Of course it could all be bollocks.


Or not.


Well, good luck with it, it can't be too bad or everyone would be going for the refund, I'm sure he makes a point of replying to emails to make sure that doesn't happen.


Make sure you tell us how it goes. It's always good to know if it is bollocks :D

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if you pay for something like this, you deserve to get ripped off.


Do you really think this guy can tell you something you can't read in a book at the library? Or you don't already know?


C'mon man. Stop looking for someone to tell you what to do and make up your own mind.

I don't understand this at all. If I knew the daoist arts i wouldn't need to be here in the first place!


I don't see why this guy can't tell me anything. I'm sure there are plenty of books on taoist practise. I don't think he's ever claimed to be the only authority on the subject at all - he just claims he can teach stuff in a simple and effective way. I don't know what other authorities are available, but I do know my local library doesn't have anything at all (mainly because such stuff always ges stolen).


It's not a question of making up my own mind; that's like telling someone who wants to learn tai chi not to pay for classes but instead invent their own form!


Like I said I don't understand your post at all, and, while i'm not here to be th Barefoot Doctor's mouthpiece, I don't think you understand what he's trying to do. I think you give my taoist art skills and knowledge more credit than they deserve; i'm far from experienced. That's why I came here (and posted below about trying to find teachers).

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You'll definately get something from it.

Whether it was worth the money is a different question.


I'm sure there are loads of people who spent much more money on things they got absolutely

nothing worthwhile from. You bought the classes and you're going to take them now!


Life is too short for regret :P

And it's a bad choice to be sad if you can choose to be blissfull and happy.

if you pay for something like this, you deserve to get ripped off.

that's a bit harsh :huh:

Edited by zazaza

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Wishface, can you give an update on your experience with this training thus far? Would you recommend it?


I picked up his new autobiography "Super Charged Taoist" earlier tonight. It looks like it should be both interesting and amusing.

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I've already written on here about my take on BFD - you can search if you wish.





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