
Currently approaching the complete understandings of modern life, please ask me questions about the near past or near future.

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I'm glad I made this thread and discussed the things I have.


All I wanted to do was predict the future and uncover the history of the human race.


I guess... the more you discover, the smaller you become.

Abit of a let-down aint it? :P

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All I wanted to do was predict the future and uncover the history of the human race.


Really? Is that all? Why didn't you try something more ambitious, like creating new life forms, or whipping up a little cold fusion in the garage? It would seem that the only thing you managed to do in the ten days you've been a member is make a total ass out of yourself! It took me MUCH longer to do that! :lol:

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When I was young and dumb I should have kept it to myself.



You're still young and dumb, were you not you wouldn't have felt the need to post the put down.


And were I not still 'young and dumb' also, I wouldn't have felt the need to point it out to you.


The perfect post is no post at all. But that would make for a rather dull forum.


Lucky we have people posting so we can all fulfill our uncontrollable urges at fuck-wit-hood....as can they.


Lets all get it over and done with, and wear our underpants on our head and dribble.



Really? Is that all? Why didn't you try something more ambitious, like creating new life forms, or whipping up a little cold fusion in the garage?


Your sarcasm kills me everytime :lol: I love it. Always makes me laugh out loud.


I would however say both are possible. Cold fusion is a software language, so if he has a pc in his garage he can can. New life forms.....come on..... babies?

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Science claims that the universe is expanding, when i think of expanding, i think of the creation of a vacuum.


We are too small to ever know the truths we will will never know anything of importance... But, it's a lot of fun exploring the possibilities, it's the only thing that brings pure beauty to my life.


But-> If the universe is expanding... what if we are indeed going back in time, and time has been traveling the opposite direction since the last end?


What if the universe expanded infinitely beyond comprehension in the past, and the vacuum of the original expansion has been pulling us back in for the entire time we have existed?


That is why I was asking for questions related to the future and the beyond and the past etc...


Maybe we went through everything we already have, infinitely... what if the instant 5:00pm November 12 2009 has existed, or happened, or infinitely existed or occurred an infinite number of times.


Oh boy, :rolleyes:, what a beautiful place I am.


This does signify an end, or a beginning, because it erases the possibility of an end, or a beginning, it's an occurrence... I know of 0 words to physically express how it perpetuates... We think of everything that exists, physically, scientifically, as something that begins and ends... yet we are bodies, on a planet, in a galaxy, in a universe, in unimaginable, inexpressibly large vastness.


Again, what a beautiful place I am.

"Again, what a beautiful place I'm in." doesn't feel right. The way I see it, doesn't have an in or an out... it just, exists (the closest physical scientific word I can come up with) and our conscience/soul/spirit exists with it.


Therefore we are one with it, truthfully.


Please excuse me for sounding crazy.

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You know, I'm sorry for my statements in your two threads I've written in.


If you are truly "approaching the complete understandings of modern life," with enough oneness to truly comprehend the reality of near past and future, then I commend those new understandings.


It is silly of me to get upset at you for declaring your title statement above^.


I don't have the experience myself to make any judgments. I can only read what you write, one post at a time.


Edit: Like my avatar? :lol: It adds some ninja to the forums. That can't be a bad thing.

Edited by Capital

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You know, I'm sorry for my statements in your two threads I've written in.


If you are truly "approaching the complete understandings of modern life," with enough oneness to truly comprehend the reality of near past and future, then I commend those new understandings.


It is silly of me to get upset at you for declaring your title statement above^.


I don't have the experience myself to make any judgments. I can only read what you write, one post at a time.


Edit: Like my avatar? :lol: It adds some ninja to the forums. That can't be a bad thing.


I too am sorry for what I do at times, I meditate in my full body and blabber craziness about these forums, I seek childish advice at times, I question the beliefs of others, I do so to fulfill my own personal destiny and I have no intentions of interfering with the destiny of others.


I wish I would have complemented your avatar the moment I saw it, because I admit, It gave me an unexplainable surge of emotion, Intrigue.

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Please excuse me for sounding crazy.


I think you should embrace the sounding crazy, it's necessary sometimes, particularly on the verge of enlightenment i'd suspect. In fact if you'd just answered every question with a 'ROFL' or 'LOL' i'd be right with you.


It seems that people have only asked you philosophical questions, when what you really wanted to be asked was questions about the past/future of the human race. It's that whole mention of enlightenment thing, people get very philosophical and immediately want to know things like why and how do i fix it. (which in essence is really something like because it is and it's not broken).


So... some general and specific questions...

Will humans be basically the same in 20, 200 and 2000 years or will we have evolved? And if so, what caused the evolution?

Will the human race become interstellar travellers, and if so when, and what colour scheme are our vehicles?

Will Taoism exist in the year 3032?

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I think you should embrace the sounding crazy, it's necessary sometimes, particularly on the verge of enlightenment i'd suspect. In fact if you'd just answered every question with a 'ROFL' or 'LOL' i'd be right with you.


It seems that people have only asked you philosophical questions, when what you really wanted to be asked was questions about the past/future of the human race. It's that whole mention of enlightenment thing, people get very philosophical and immediately want to know things like why and how do i fix it. (which in essence is really something like because it is and it's not broken).


So... some general and specific questions...

1Will humans be basically the same in 20, 200 and 2000 years or will we have evolved?

2What caused the evolution?

3Will the human race become interstellar travellers, and if so when, and what colour scheme are our vehicles?

4Will Taoism exist in the year 3032?

DISCLAIMER: Please do not hold strong judgment against my views.


I appreciate your post very much.


As for the questions, my answers would bear more confidence if you asked me while I was in that state, but based on what I've learned since then, I would assume the following;


[1]I don't think it is the end of our race, butt the world as we see it. Empty morals, technology and everything that holds empty meaning will be lifted from those who remain; I could see that going two ways.

-One, and most likely, we are struck by a massive realization, our materialistic values are lost, and humanity will feel naked and empty without them. Humanity will suffer a shock and they will be infatuated with their duty of warning others of the future. This is based on the 2012 mess.


-Two, civilization will not suffer a massive burden, and the corruption of the world will grow, and those with faith will gain amazing enlightenment but the suffering will be greater than ever before.

Either way - Faith, Hope, Enlightenment; those traits within humanity will gain importance and they will gain value.


[2]I am split between two strong views here as well...

-One, Evolution is directly related to the will of god and it occurs as a lesson for our conscience. I feel as if we are all one large wave of consciences that have been traveling together since the beginning of time, and nature is just a picture of all that we have been through. Our bodies and our sins today are the ultimate example of how awful we can be, how far from the light we can be and still survive. I think that is why we have a conscience, so we can use it for the next stage of our spirits.

-Two, Evolution is due to the grand scheme of the universe, therefore it is god's will on the universe, to have an effect on our own conscious evolution. Our earth's fairly steady magnetic field is the factor that our evolution depends on, and I think that if this is true, many significant civilizations of the past have taken note of this by looking to the stars for answers.


Evolution (2012 Significance) With my second occurrence in mind, there has been much talk of "Planet X" and I have already made a post for people to consider the possibilities. Earlier while I was in my "enlightened conscience mind" I went off on a tangent of universal possibilities:

We are trying to be at ease with the energies of our bodies... our emotions, our daily interferences...


We all know how small we are in the universal scheme of things, and our distance from the sun has a massive impact on the magnetic fields that we are accustomed to...


Now... it's possible that civilizations of the past had an odd, abstract understanding of the grand scheme of things, by methods that we - the age of technology - may not widely accept...




What if this Planet X does come... what if the gravity of this plant effects the evolution of all the species on out planet?


What if the planet has been passing us every 2000 years, coming closer and closer each time?



It's safe to say that it's a possibility... But what if it's the truth...


What if 'Planet X' does come... What if it comes close enough to disrupt our earth's polarity?


Technology would cease, our atmosphere would shift catastrophically...


The possibilities of outcomes are endless, but I feel like it could very well be the end of our physical lives for billions and billions of people.


And those who remain will lose all that they knew, the will not be saved... They will live in suffering and they will do their deed of warning future generations of what will eventually come again.


[3]I love this question, :), Thank you. We will be eternal light travelers, and the color of our transportation will be one with the color of our being.


[4]If humanity exists there will be a very refined Tao.


These statements should not be held credible, this is simply food for your thought.

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