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How would you describe your subjective experience of being physically grounded?

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Here's yer chance to really shine, to wax poetic and throw caution to the wind. No critical thinking, no advanced medical experience. Just tell us what it feels like when you exchange energy with the Earth. What was your experience of rooting? How did the sensations evolve?


And if you don't exchange energy with the Earth, then kindly cop to yer non-Earth energy exchange situation and abstain from passing yerself off as a zen master.

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Themind has more silence between the thoughts which are more muffled and much lighter than when ungrounded. This is my post-zhan zhuang experience. From bodily meditation on grounding, I've felt a really welcoming, warm, non-causal happiness while meditating with a group. That's just my experience, I've heard both medical science and traditional chinese medicine explain it... I feel that it is all much simpler in reality than in theory.

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Only when one sees Earth and all elements as equal with space does one feel truly relaxed and "grounded". Where even noises and thoughts are experienced as empty silence, quiescent and without blemishing equanimity with the relaxation of the body and mind that thinks it's thoughts. It's like an empty wholeness, and constant exuberance where any feeling can be experienced both from within and externally, without any sense of clinging or ultimating density. Like a constant bubbling without a hard center. One feels strong, but light, heavy but without roots, or with roots that have no center, or a center that is everywhere...


It is spoken of as bliss, and endlessly energetic. All poetic metaphors, but true as well.


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sensations expand beyond the body. As if my feet are pressed firmly to the ground, but more importantly the ground is pressed firmly to my feet - perfect balance. the earth supports me on its surface and I support the earth on my surface.


sometimes a deep rumble. the feet are like an ear pressed to the ground, listening.


in the office, with my headphones on and my eyes on my monitor, I can feel the movements of others on this floor a part of me can tell who is nearby by the feel of the vibration. Doesn't work consciously. I go deep inside and ask that awareness is sparked when a particular person walks by - without fail my head automatically turns when that person walks near by.


Sometimes the earth sends messages up through the feet, sometimes my body sends messages down into the ground - but normally it happens simultaneously - only limited awareness makes distinctions.

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downward flowing


warm sometimes








I am rarely grounded so these are just glimpses

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Very cool stuff so far. Thanks.


On a nuts and bolts level, I have found that performing the deadlift probably does more for your physical self than any other single (weight training) exercise. I've done them for years and have assigned them to just about every personal trainer client I've had. There are entire books and workshops devoted to this one technique.


Proper form is essential, as it is with every exercise. Feet must remain perfectly parallel - the distance between the balls of the feet and the heels must be the same. I ask clients to imagine large, one inch bolts coming out of their heels and extending into the earth. Pressing the energy through the heels is critical.


I started a deadlift renaissance at my gym a couple years ago. Everyone who started practicing them saw all their strength and size factors go up significantly. It was very encouraging to witness.


The literature devoted the role of weightlifting and getting grounded is sparse, but this lift will definitely give you a sense of treading consciously on the earth with balance and stability. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it makes you so strong, especially in your spinal erectors.


There is a time and a place for everything, including strength training. This might be appropriate at some point in your life, and other times not. But for a recharge of strenth, and a palpable sense of groundedness, give them a shot sometime.

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More like I'm doing things on purpose, includes being here. Definite solidity.

The opposite is floating - light headed, buffeted by everything. Very anxious.

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