Sloppy Zhang

Dealing with Your Demons

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The Primal Terror experiences (not to mention seeing Hell Realm Beings [whether true or not]!!!!) is a big worry for me because I have major problems dealing with fear and terror. I've had this problem according to my parents since before I could walk. I must have had many horribly, unbelievably evil past lifetimes to be dealing with fear my whole life. Oddly it is the one emotion I know all too well. Most others I have a harder time being aware of.
I have a friend who is recovering from some (supposed) astral entity attacks.


But she had a lot of pre-existing fear issues, and had "drawn" attacks upon herself throughout her life (in the physical plane as well).


So, I don't think everyone is prone to these - but particularly moreso those with deep, underlying fear issues. That is really what you need to resolve, then - the root cause of your fear. Everything else is likely just symptomatic of that.


Most people will get through their spiritual crises, if they stick through it. And I'm not sure there is a shortcut to this. Everything has risk though. No risk, no gain.

Edited by vortex

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I forgot to ask. What is wei qi?

External qi, Produced by the lungs. It protects you.


But the lungs are also your fighting squadron, and being the Po, the part that can be more easily lost.


So it is common to have the lungs being lost, as a result have weak wei qi, be prone to weird thoughts (or entities attack) and have a low immunity against illness. It's all related to the qi of the lungs.


Nice to know you are better.

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Hey SereneBlue!


That's absolutely the spirit!


This is IMPORTANT. "Stop fantasizing. Stay in this reality!" because that's where you live.


Also, as Scotty and Seadog said "Be a warrior, don't indulge in such shit, look it straight in the fucking eye and see it for what it is."


The folks on TTB's are smart as well.


Get yourself straight on what an archetype is, what a fantasy is, what your cognition can do (it's amazing), what various states of consciousness are and what things have an effect on them (almost everything;-))


Check for fatigue, bad nutrition, dehydration, isolation and any health concerns, if you smoke or drink to excess, stop doing it.


My understanding of spiritual practice is that it is supposed to empower you to live life the best way that you can because through it you learn how you function and how the world functions rather than blundering your way through or being buffeted by it, lacking clear intention and believing any old story you're told or that you have come to tell yourself.


Good results should be measurable e.g. better health, becoming stronger and more stable emotionally, physically, better intellectual grasp of the world and ability to contribute positively to it through your talents and insight. And any pain should be brief.


You decide what goes into your mind as much as you decide what you eat. You can decide to not experience the insanity. You don't have to go there. You can be a materialist and be spiritual too;-)


Be well, be safe, be happy!



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Last night I recreated the situation that freaked me out as close as possible. Visualized and felt everything that I saw and felt when it happened. Then I took the advice from this thread: stared it in the face, realized that everyone has that part to them (they just don't always get around to opening that "present"), and that it's something I need to accept.


Opened myself up to it, trying to stay as non judgmental as possible, and it pretty much dissolved itself. Really had to struggle to visualize and feel the same things I felt just moments before.


I think one of the key things is realizing its internal, definitely. There's little you can do as long as you think its external, as long as you think it's some kind of foreign being. Once you "bring it into you", once you realize its in you, well then you can deal with it.


So thank you everyone, I feel like I've taken a very necessary step, I learned a great deal from this experience and this forum. Long or short, I read all the posts here and I took all of their advice to heart, and its helped me a great deal, and hopefully will continue to help in the future :)

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Last night I recreated the situation that freaked me out as close as possible. Visualized and felt everything that I saw and felt when it happened. Then I took the advice from this thread: stared it in the face, realized that everyone has that part to them (they just don't always get around to opening that "present"), and that it's something I need to accept.


Opened myself up to it, trying to stay as non judgmental as possible, and it pretty much dissolved itself. Really had to struggle to visualize and feel the same things I felt just moments before.


I think one of the key things is realizing its internal, definitely. There's little you can do as long as you think its external, as long as you think it's some kind of foreign being. Once you "bring it into you", once you realize its in you, well then you can deal with it.


So thank you everyone, I feel like I've taken a very necessary step, I learned a great deal from this experience and this forum. Long or short, I read all the posts here and I took all of their advice to heart, and its helped me a great deal, and hopefully will continue to help in the future :)


Very nice post. And I am sure that what you have just said will help others.


Be well!

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Sereblue this is my take on your fears:


There are a couple of truly horrible expereinces one can have on the spirutual path. One is the kundalini syndrome and the other is the dark night. One can also in rare instances become psychotic. Kundlini syndrome isen`t realy very frequent although it absolutely happens to some degree. Having contact with KAP people will almost ensure it does not happen or that if it does it can be corrected in a week or two that is their specialty. So cross that of your list of fears. The Dark Night one cannot control like with the kundalini syndrome. For most people it is not that bad at all. Only some people have the realy, rrealy horrible ones like Daniel Ingram. What one can do is delay the likelyhood of entering the dark night by not doing insight practices before one feels ready. The Dark Night happens after the arising and passing away which is a quite high insight stage and you are not likely to cross it without hardcore insight bopractice although it sometimes happens spontainioulsy to even no practioners so there are no guarantees. My teacher who has gone through the Dark Night says that it is not to be feared at all. Although he knows how rough it can be for some people he says that aproached correctly it will be much milder and almost expereinced positively. If you do enter the dark night you can PM me and I promise I will arrange some private lessons on skype for you wether you have money or not.


Becoming psychotic from such practices is quite rare and usualy do not last very long. If it does happen it is usualy quite easy to correct by grounding your energy. It is completly different from other types of psychoses by being almost exclusively a result of too much energy in the head and as such fairly easy to treat with the right tools. So fear not, this is highly unlikely and fairly easy to solve.


Beyond these there are of course the emotionla releases that often happens regulary and some facing of demons. This can be rough but is mostly something people get through without too much trouble. Painfull yes but no dark night or kundlini syndrome. In general the pleasure and positive things outweighs the bad ones enorumously.


I will write you another post about practices for fear, timidness and laying a good foundation later. For now I just advice lots of secret smile, kidney, lung and spleen sound escpecialy and inner smile especialy to those organs. Also check out the Hacka, Haka, Hakka or whatever it is called dance of the Maoris. It seems to me to be the best way to go from timidness to the opposite of Timid in two minutes. I am sure you will find it online somewhere. I will have look myself later. I think it is superb for you and I will explain more of why later.

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Sereblue this is my take on your fears:


There are a couple of truly horrible expereinces one can have on the spirutual path. One is the kundalini syndrome and the other is the dark night. One can also in rare instances become psychotic. Kundlini syndrome isen`t realy very frequent although it absolutely happens to some degree. Having contact with KAP people will almost ensure it does not happen or that if it does it can be corrected in a week or two that is their specialty. So cross that of your list of fears. The Dark Night one cannot control like with the kundalini syndrome. For most people it is not that bad at all. Only some people have the realy, rrealy horrible ones like Daniel Ingram. What one can do is delay the likelyhood of entering the dark night by not doing insight practices before one feels ready. The Dark Night happens after the arising and passing away which is a quite high insight stage and you are not likely to cross it without hardcore insight bopractice although it sometimes happens spontainioulsy to even no practioners so there are no guarantees. My teacher who has gone through the Dark Night says that it is not to be feared at all. Although he knows how rough it can be for some people he says that aproached correctly it will be much milder and almost expereinced positively. If you do enter the dark night you can PM me and I promise I will arrange some private lessons on skype for you wether you have money or not.


Becoming psychotic from such practices is quite rare and usualy do not last very long. If it does happen it is usualy quite easy to correct by grounding your energy. It is completly different from other types of psychoses by being almost exclusively a result of too much energy in the head and as such fairly easy to treat with the right tools. So fear not, this is highly unlikely and fairly easy to solve.


Beyond these there are of course the emotionla releases that often happens regulary and some facing of demons. This can be rough but is mostly something people get through without too much trouble. Painfull yes but no dark night or kundlini syndrome. In general the pleasure and positive things outweighs the bad ones enorumously.


I will write you another post about practices for fear, timidness and laying a good foundation later. For now I just advice lots of secret smile, kidney, lung and spleen sound escpecialy and inner smile especialy to those organs. Also check out the Hacka, Haka, Hakka or whatever it is called dance of the Maoris. It seems to me to be the best way to go from timidness to the opposite of Timid in two minutes. I am sure you will find it online somewhere. I will have look myself later. I think it is superb for you and I will explain more of why later.


I would recommend reading Frantzis' two books on Taoist Water Meditation (Relaxing in your being and Inner Stillness). He covers the topic of inner demons in depth.

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