
Visited in dream?

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Hello all, I know there are some folks here who read about Tibet, and other things more than I do. So I just have to ask.


I had a dream a while back, at a time when I was focusing on external Iron Body conditioning (Pai Da Gung). I would do a couple of the postures/excercises I was taught for internal Iron Vest, the rub in a little jow, then whack myself, then more jow, and end with a little more standing.


Well, I realized that whacking myself into 'Iron' would take forever, and likely be dangerous, as well as possibly futile.


But during this time in which I realized what was wrong with my practice, I had a dream in which someone guided me, and showed me some things. Or at least I feel that someone--someone I've never met, was telling me what I needed to look for and do in order to acheive what I was looking for.


Basically, in my dream, I was in a place outdoors and there was a man there- He looked like he was of Tibetan descent-with a black mustache and full head of hair. He was chanting--it made no sense, and didn't really seem to be any actual language--it sort of sounded like the way water sounds when you pour water into a half full bucket. It was like-'yodiyodi yodi odi yodl odi' like a sort of blabbering, but purposeful. It had a deep sound to it, and a slight but noticible reverberation. He held his hands in a configuration of sorts. He was communicating with me through his mind-without words. I was aware that he did not speak my language-english. He had me feel his solar plexus, which felt as hard as steel. He was telling me that in order to achieve the skills I was after with Iron Body and Iron Palm I would have to do serious internal work, refining my energy and mind. And that what I was doing was the wrong way, and would get me nowhere.


He was wearing a medium toned brown long sleeve shirt and matching pants, no shoes. He then walked over to what resembled a charcoal pit made of stone-no charcoal in it though. It was about 4 feet long, 1&1/2-2 feet wide, and about the same depth. Going across it lengthwise was a central metal collumn, which had sharp spines coming out of it in all directions--they resembled huge thorns. He then hopped unto it with his bare feet, continued his chanting, and after taking a step or two in the huge spikes (each was probably 13 inches long or so) he assumed a horse stance and clasped his hands together in front of himself as if in prayer-eyes open, chanting. He was showing me his lightbody skills-which were rather unbelievable.


Then the dream ended.


Doe this mean anything to anyone? Have I been contacted by some master in Tibet? Was this my intuition and subconscious mind telling me I need to recconect with myself in order to regain the forgotten power of the mind?


Did anything I described sound like something any of you have seen or heard of?


Or was it just a cool dream?





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I have a lot of dreams like that. It's awesome if you remember the teachings...but who knows if it's real or just imagination. Our minds are so powerful. When things happen in day to day life that corresponds with the dream, then you know something is up...yet it's still unexplainable and almost unbelievable.


But the dream guy seems to have had a good point: whacking yourself and then putting on jow will only get you so far. Good lesson.

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When I was a boy I had dreams of men wearing white robes teaching me. One of them was a black man. This was odd because where I grew up I only saw black people on TV. If I am not mistaken he told me his name and that he was Noah of the bible, but that was not his name. I was 7 or 8. This dream was but one in a series of lesson dreams where in the dream spirits came to me, that were dead, and taught me to prepare me for life. They told me I would forget most of what they taught until the time was right.


Once I had a dream when I was 11 or so, a man appeared in the dream and told me his name, I looked it up later and found out he was a dead man. He told me things about my life which later came true. I had never heard of the man before that i can remember, which is interesting.


I still have no idea what to think about these dreams.

Given my childhood they could have easily been related to my environment. However I do not know where elements like names would have come from.


I can only speak for myself and say that I do not know the answer and I accept that. If they were teaching me, why when I was so young? Why not later in life? Why with lessons i could not recall? Why would a dead man contact me to teach me?



A close friend of mine has received martial arts (bagua) corrections in a dream as well. I once dreamed (4 years ago or so) that I was challenged by a guard of a woman in a dream and having fought me for some time he stopped suddenly and awarded me a sacred staff like object which he was the keeper of. One thing is for sure, I awoke with a sense of purpose.



Whatever the case, do not forsake or ignore your dreams.

They have a meaning, where that meaning comes from does not matter so much as the meaning itself.


Besides, who wants to hear that Noah was Black with blue/grey eyes and that his name was roughly phonetically translated as: Emanuel? It certainly wasn't anything I was ever taught in waking life.

Edited by Josh Young

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My experience is that there are two broad categories of dreams:

1) symbolic

2) actual


They are palpably different.


From your description it sounds to me like you had an actual interaction with someone who was capable of help. :)

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As for the 'actual' drem being a person who could help me, its kind of serendipitous that you'd type that (I assume you meant to include my dream in that statement).


See, When I woke up, or rather, as the dream was ending, I got the sense that I was being pointed in the right direction. I was given the feeling that I needed to look inside, in the internal practices, meditation and chi gung--on a level more profound than I am currently able to.


I got the 'Understanding qi gong' series by Dr. Yang, Jwing Ming. It provided some clarity, but does not really give a schedule or specific practice to go by.


Several things since the time around that dream have pushed me in the same direction. I ordered a book, 'The Essence of Internal Martial Arts, vol. 1' by Jerry Alan Johnson. When the book arrived, I realized that I had gotten Volume 2 instead. I was after the Palm training/vibrational training material in volume 1, so I went ahead and ordered it. In my opinion, these 2 books are some of the greatest books I've ever bought in regards to martial arts. The 2 volumes go together/sort of inseparably. Anyway, they contain some energy practices that I just dont feel capable of doing for sure, as I've never really had a teacher for stuff like small circulation. I was inspired by what I read though, and realized I needed a more solid, deeper foundation before attempting some of the stuff in the book.


So, I checked out this place, and low and behold, I found the KAP class-which I can do from home! Too bad I missed the free KAP sponsorship the other day by about 5 minutes.


So as soon as I can afford it, I'll be signing up!!


Its funny to me--whether it was my mind, or someone guiding me from elsewhere, I have been moving in this direction, and here I am.


Pretty cool if you ask me.



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Agree about "symbolic" and "actual," Trunk, though "actual" ones liberally use symbolism and "symbolic" ones refer to "actual" events of one's life... but somehow one always knows the difference.


"Actual" are real events taking place in nonordinary reality, or dreamtime, or another dimension, or another level of self, or what have you. I have these from time to time, and remember them vividly for a lifetime, in minute detail. The first one of these, I wasn't yet four years old, was a massive foreshadowing of my life-to-be, and I'm still working with its material. They typically affect the future.


"Symbolic" are also real events having taken place in this-here life, usually in the long-forgotten, early, ever-unconscious past. They are the most common variety, and mean there's things to process that won't leave you alone until you've processed them. Nightmares and PTSD dreams are almost invariably of this variety. Convoluted dreams are of this variety. Recurring dreams are of this variety. Dreams accompanied by strong feelings in general (without clear meanings though) are of this variety. I don't have these anymore, since little of my past (even the earliest part) is unconscious anymore.


There's also the here-now "right meow" dreams that reflect what's going on in the non-dream world interfering with the dream. Example: an alarm clock in the non-dream room gets included into the sounds of the dream and interpreted as the mooing of the cow or the voice of god or whatever. Or you dream of eating a pickle and wake up to your cat licking your lips (true story :D ).


But then there's dreams within dreams, you can go to sleep and have an "actual" dream where you might go to sleep and hey presto, have an "actual" dream from meta-dreamtime, revealing meta-nonordinary reality... Taoist classics are fond of these stories. I know many. I don't think I ever had one of these.


Then there's the no-dream deep reality dreams, my favorite. They are the battery-recharging absolute dark nonexistence of True Yin full of all potentials, actualizing none. This form of dreaming is the healthiest. It is very different from merely "not remembering your dreams." This one you remember -- for what it was -- dark nonexistence. You know you've been there because you feel happy before you feel awake, that's the sequence: happiness first, consciousness later. Sages dream like that always I'm told, and that's how some of them (taoist classics again) can sleep for years, even centuries, without getting bored... I have these occasionally when I'm very, very good. :rolleyes:

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Doe this mean anything to anyone? Have I been contacted by some master in Tibet? Was this my intuition and subconscious mind telling me I need to recconect with myself in order to regain the forgotten power of the mind?


Did anything I described sound like something any of you have seen or heard of?


Or was it just a cool dream?




ALL of the above!


Wishing you the best whatever you choose, but you gotta choose...



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I thought I`d get back to you on the "Is this real?" question.


It's a VERY good question and probably THE question that brings so many of us to TTB's and elsewhere.


You can go very deep and wide with that question, and questions like it. You can also answer it very fast to your benefit. You can also answer it very fast to your deficit.


I think that deciding which answers are appropriate in any given situation is the hardest part. But that's what I reckon most of this is all about - also requires a disclaimer that that's just me;-)


With love!



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"with a black mustache and full head of hair. He was chanting--it made no sense, and didn't really seem to be any actual language--it sort of sounded like the way water sounds when you pour water into a half full bucket. It was like-'yodiyodi yodi odi yodl odi' like a sort of blabbering, but purposeful. It had a deep sound to it, and a slight but noticible reverberation. "





This reminded me of a CD I like to listen too by "Daan van Kamphout" a sjamaan. He has developed "Systemic Rituals" thereby he uses allso the singing/chanting for healing in the large groups.

This type of purposeful singing he heard /hears in his dreams. When you go to his website, one song starts.


Wish you a good journey.



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