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Everything posted by Ish

  1. Will do thanks for the advice!
  2. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Did you even read my post? It's a foundation i.e a prerequisite. No one ever said what you just wrote. You seem to imply you know a lot about immortality, care to share your knowledge?
  3. From my feeling it locks the chi in the muscle rather than smooth flow in the channels. So even in some hard Qigong it's still not musclar tension, its the flow of chi that is powerful and causes vibration. The chi here feels solid and vibrant - it consolidates. You will get a more "hollow" effect if you tense muscles. I guess some brief dynamic tension would be fine to engage and tone the physical but IMO not good for internal power. I remember Michael has some dynamic tension patterns can you tell us more about them RV?
  4. "The Immortal that can be rated with stars is not a true Immortal" -TaoBums De Ching
  5. Hey maybe you can transfer some of your stars to me, unless you are attached to them...
  6. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    You can't do the Immortality stuff until you have the very strong foundation according to this book. The foundation work i assume you would call Qigong and it is necessary.
  7. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    1) No idea, it has a load of information and practices though. 2) All of those. 3) Authentic in my opinion.
  8. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Definition of alchemy? Then i can tell you whether it is just Qigong or alchemy.
  9. Don't bother with dynamic tension if you want internal development
  10. LOL an "immortal" obsessed with attainments and stars and friends hahahaha
  11. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    If anyone wants to ask some questions thats fine, i'm not going do a write up on such a huge book (refer to Effi's picture) .
  12. Yeah this is interesting would like to hear more detail about this in Xiao Yao Pai.
  13. How about you prove in any way that you are as exalted as you state. Note you bragging about your attainment goes against what the Dao De Jing says. And it's Dalai not Delai.
  14. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Funny. I found the Taoist yoga book not bad at all. Maybe we have different versions. With regards to Jim's book it's more the ranting and the like, it's not a confusing book in itself.
  15. Zhen Yi sect so the neigong is similar to that in Jerry Alan Johnson's book?
  16. Taoist Yoga Discussion thread

    In Mo Pai it says the Yin and Yang repel each other - which is what makes the level 4 fusion of the yin and yang so difficult.
  17. Getting punched in the gut...

    So you inhale when taking a blow? Interesting, i normally hear to exhale.
  18. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Did you watch the interview a few pages back? Very interesting stuff.
  19. Buddhist & Taoist Cultivation

    That's for Hinayana. For the other vehicles Arhatship is not seen as close to Enlightenment. Tantra and the higher vehicles have plenty of practices that work with the energy and body. These are seen as very important to achieve realisation in a single life time. Remember the tale of (I think) Milarepa and Gampopa where Gampopa could already sit in samadhi for weeks without any disturbance. But still Milarepa said it was nothing compared to result possible with Tummo. Of trying to attain enlightenment by sitting in that kind of Samadhi I think Milarepa said it was like trying to get oil by pressing sand.
  20. I've read about some methods that involve sun gazing from another school and they mention the necessity to do moon gazing also to balance the heat and to make sure the eyes aren't damaged. Any comments on this from your perspective?
  21. Getting punched in the gut...

    IMO it's bad for you. The proper way to do it is gradually building up the power of the blows while doing internal work alongside it. This just sounds like throwing you in the deep end so to speak, and having to heavily tense and take the blows will just build external resistance while neglecting the internal side.
  22. Is that the Kalahari Bushmen?
  23. Maybe some general strategies but 5 minutes of sparring will make you a better fighter than 5 years of playing chess.