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Posts posted by sean

  1. 43 minutes ago, ilumairen said:

    Have you started it yet? Any thoughts?


    Yeah, it's quite fascinating. The premise is that many of us living humans are effectively already ghosts. It then proceeds with a kind of haunted version of the Daodejing, a Daodejing written by a hungry ghost , the "Dao of the Living Ghost" 生命鬼道.




    Ticking a lot of boxes for me because I love Daoism, ghosts and horror. 😄 Was also pleasantly surprised to see my late teacher Liu Ming mentioned as a source in the first chapter.




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  2. On 9/20/2019 at 6:16 PM, Taomeow said:

    From there the sun of occultism rises, heralding the dawn of modern history.  From there it unfolds its "tales of power." 


    Yet at the core of the first two is the shaman as the intermediary between the tribe and the spirit world, serving the tribe -- in the second two cases, the sorcerer, priest, General serving themselves and their own power-amassing goals.   


    On 9/20/2019 at 11:45 AM, Apech said:

    However the difference might be that whereas the shamans continue to base themselves in the reality of that other world and how to access it - many western occultist tend to get sucked into grand theories and hierarchies which if they were to consider it are obviously a reflection of their own projecting minds, somewhat bedazzling if they are very up themselves and also a bit nasty if their intent is malevolent.


    (All bold emphasis above, my own.)


    Very interesting.


    So occultism, distinct from shamanism, seems to aim or at least gravitate toward grandiosity, hierarchy and personal power inflation.


    Off-the-cuff, another common and related feature seems to be a focus on vertical ascendance. Whereas shamanism seems more grounded, rooted, tortile. 🐍




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  3. 4 minutes ago, Zork said:

    I don't want anyone to go into details. The exercises have been leaked in the past so a general description will suffice. I don't want to practice the mopai system if that is what they fear.


    All i asked is for them to name the exercise that is neigong in nature so as to dispel doubts.

    By not answering all they do is to frustrate and disrespect me for no reason at all.


    Gotcha, OK, so simply naming this neigong exercise in their practice would be enough for you to feel heard, respected and concede that their practice is indeed neigong?




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  4. 15 minutes ago, Zork said:


    I already told you Sean!

    I asked a question that betrays whether there is neigong involved in their system or not. The question is "which of the 3 levels available to your group transmutes the 3 treasures?".

    If none does, they don't do neigong period!

    If one of them does all they have to do is point at the exercise.


    As i said i already asked the question and they never answered because if you look at the hints there is no neigong involved at the levels they have available.


    OK, I think we have exceptionally different conceptions of proof so I'm trying to get clear on what your full criteria is.


    So, at a high level, "proof" for you would be a description of practices that "transmute the three treasures".


    Let's say they described such a practice and made this exact claim. Specifically what components would have to be present in their practice for you to agree that, OK, yes, this practice does in fact "transmute the three treasures".




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  5. 14 minutes ago, Zork said:

    I have already asked that question repeatedly Sean. The question was : which of the 3 levels available to your group transmutes the 3 treasures?



    No, I was asking you what your criteria is for this "proof" keep asking for.


    Like, can you give me an example of what MildMouse23 could say that would cause you to respond "Oh, shit. OK. Looks like you're right. That is neigong you're practicing and not qigong. You proved it, conclusively. Thanks."


    Or is that just not even a possible scenario based on your current convictions?




    • Confused 1

  6. 5 minutes ago, Zork said:

    This only proves that Chang uses neikung. You supply zero proof that your group uses neigong.


    This keeps coming up. Can you describe the criteria for which their group could sufficiently prove to you that they "use neigong"?




  7. @Starjumper I realize you're like the deadliest, most extremely heterosexual boomer alive in the world today, so it's probably tough not to trip over your own swole dick here, but maybe asking sincerely worded questions in good faith would be more effective? That is, if you genuinely care for dialogue. If you already know the answers, which it sounds like you're sure you do, maybe there's no point in even asking most/all of these disingenuous questions? Just a thought. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




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  8. Just now, MildMouse23 said:

    Marketing is a the wrong way to think about it.


    This is definitely not an environment where we could "market" to.


    We are just here to do damage control.


    I meant marketing more in the sense of "communicating effectively with intent" which your initial attempt at a FAQ did so poorly it may be indicative of a deeper failure to articulate your own praxis at all, obviously here on this forum, but perhaps even internally within your group. I get there's challenging hostility here that you feel it's important to push back on, but maybe investing in clear, direct communication for this FAQ is an opportunity for you as well.




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  9. 1 minute ago, manitou said:

    $36 to $131?  Holy moly.  I hope you enjoy it :)


    Just reading the little description you posted, sounds awesome.  My current practice is to try and shed thoughts of yesterday and tomorrow.  The ghost can change its fate.


    Yeah, pricey even for the paperback, I like supporting small publishing companies when I can though.




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  10. 26 minutes ago, Zork said:

    Their definition of Neigong is nonstandard and tottaly incorrect.

    There are many qigong systems that use yin qi.

    That doesn't make them neigong!

    MoPai by Chang past level 4 is neigong.

    Pre Level 4 it is qigong.

    If crap like that makes it to their terrible FAQ* it has no place here.


    *Seriously people, which FAQ in the entire history of FAQs starts with information on where to find the instructors?:lol:

    No info on what mopai is? No mention of MoZi? <_<

    And instead we get random info on ad hominem attacks aimed at Jim that no one mentioned in years!


    To be fair, the FAQ isn't here, it's only a link in someone's signature. Otherwise, beneath the distracting sense that you're yelling this entire post, LOL, I think are some legit criticisms of the FAQ, even just from a basic marketing perspective.


    Would love for it to start by answering basic questions, like What is Mo Pai? Who started it? Who holds the lineage now? Are there multiple schools? How does Mo Pai compare to other living neigong traditions?


    Instead we're thrown into the deep end about anus wires and an unintroduced character named Jim's cancer. 😳


    Hopefully constructive criticism.




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  11. On 9/21/2019 at 8:21 PM, MildMouse23 said:



    I placed a FAQ in my signature, I hope this is ok.


    If you think of any more questions I need to put there please let me know.


    Fine by me.


    I was originally proposing that we'd solicit questions from the community. But if you'd prefer to just incrementally update your FAQ as you encounter common misconceptions or whatever that's fine.


    My other two cents, "Is Mo Pai Qigong?" seems like it could use a bit more explanation, e.g. from your school's perspective what is qigong, what is neigong, why specifically is your system neigong, why do you mix Chinese romanization spellings 😜, etc.




    • Thanks 1

  12. RVLR_WAY_Cvr3_w300-662x1024.jpg



    The Way of the Living Ghost is a cautionary treatise. It is a work about being hollow and overfull, and about seeing “now” and “then” through darkened eyes. It is about hunger, need, loss, violence, and injustice. It is a meditation on paradox and inertia. All of these are hallmarks of ghosts, but the living ghost can change its fate.

    This enigmatic work by Dr Anderson combs through the Daodejing, line by line, in new translation giving robust commentary to the dark side of the Dao. It is a direct response to the pronounced current in Daoist literature which recognizes some form of “cultivated” or “perfected” person, but awards scant recognition of the “unwhole” or “imperfect” parts of a lived life. We invite you to delve into this work and explore the necromantic philosophy espoused herein and learn the ways of the living ghost.


    My copy of The Way of the Living Ghost arrived today. 👻 Stoked to dive into this one.




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  13. 24 minutes ago, EFreethought said:

    I am studying Clojure and other variants of Lisp. I would love to get a job doing some type of Lisp. I think the ancient Lisp masters hit upon some enduring wisdom.


    Very cool. I really like Clojure. I built an admin dashboard at my current job in ClojureScript, with Reagent and re-frame. Pleasant experience. I barely enjoy coding anymore without immutable data structures at least. Shen looks like an interesting Lisp as well. Though, outside of Elixir/Erlang, I seem to be gravitating more toward Haskell and ML family languages rather than Lisps lately. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

