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Everything posted by ralis

  1. Santa Claus Myth

    "One pill makes you larger"....
  2. Canna Bums

    Bubble bags?
  3. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Draco couldn't stop spamming even after being asked not to do so. Some never learn!
  4. Tobacco

    I just ordered NZT-48 on your recommendation. Looking forward to superpowers.
  5. FYI, planet earth has been around for 4.5 billion years with life forming 1 billion years later. I think you missed the emergence.
  6. Canna Bums

    That is a really profound cryptic response!
  7. Humans Without Souls

    You consider yourself a necromancer? Any idea what that really is?
  8. Humans Without Souls

    I guess this is what humans have in store from Gaia's artificial intelligence? I can't wait!
  9. Humans Without Souls

    Soulless Robot Zombies.
  10. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    52 deg here, blue sky and sunny. Wearing a tee shirt.
  11. Humans Without Souls

    The previous post mentions aliens without souls. Golems? Deus Ex Machina.
  12. Humans Without Souls

    There is a difference between AI and the planets biosphere. AI is based on 1010 etc. and the biosphere is a complex nonlinear dynamic system where small initial conditions drive widespread effects.
  13. Humans Without Souls

    When I have time I may do that. Thanks!
  14. Humans Without Souls

    Thanks for the info. As far as I am concerned he can have his own PPD and have his own private conversations.
  15. Humans Without Souls

    Why are you interested in this? Draco's posts make very little sense when he is positing a universal AI as well as Gaia controlling the world with intention.
  16. Humans Without Souls

    Then I would term it trolling.
  17. Humans Without Souls

    That name brings back memories. Was mskied banned?
  18. Humans Without Souls

    Why are you responding to your own posts? Either editing or an addendum is appropriate.
  19. Humans Without Souls

    Not at all! Draco has been watching too many Matrix movies. AI being spread throughout the galaxy is something out of SciFi. The biosphere is far too complex for a simplistic reductionist supposition. So far I have not seen any computer chips coming out of the ground.
  20. Humans Without Souls

    Instead of little remarks why not explain your supposition?
  21. Humans Without Souls

    Not buying that at all. I am familiar with the Gaia hypothesis, but your supposition is stretched really thin.
  22. Humans Without Souls

    A product of Gaia? Show some evidence of that. AI as an academic discipline began in 1956 which included Alan Turing's work and is not produced by Gaia in any way shape of form. Must be integrated?
  23. Who are these happy people?

    The Milgram Experiment as well as the Stanford Prison Experiment are worth reviewing. Obedience to authoritarians whether religious or political can and will lead to the worst of atrocities. https://www.simplypsychology.org/milgram.html https://www.prisonexp.org