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Posts posted by S:C

  1. 2 minutes ago, Maddie said:


    Objective measurements are measurements that are not subjective. Anyone can take them and get the same results under the same conditions. Anyone taking room temperature using a thermometer is going to get the same result if they use it correctly, regardless of who measures it. 

    (I really shouldn't be posting anymore, but thanks, @Maddie. But I respectfully disagree: your example might work if all people are in the same spot at the same time, but that is a mere hypothesis, an ideal that cannot be fulfilled, - whatever you measure it is still limited to space and time and the conditions and circumstances at that present moment. .... However what people seem to be discussing here is more a thing of personal - that means subjective experience, - in my definition of these words. It might even be a sum of people in accordance, agreed, but that doesn't make it objective in my very humble and very limited opinion. Maybe Mr. @HumanElectric would be keen to help me with my wrong conceptualization of 'objective'... I would be very much obliged and hope to stay out of further discussions ... today... and just be a noninvolved observer...)

    • Like 1

  2. 4 minutes ago, HumanElectric said:

    if none of us did, it invalidates our objective experiences?

    Why on earth should any experience of an individual or a group be able to claim "objectivity" for themselves?! 

    What exactly is your definition of "objectivity", if I may ask?

    (I don't confirm or deny any other claims on this thread.)

  3. 1 hour ago, Maddie said:

    Stage tricks

    I was quite amazed when I had heard about Simon Magus in the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 8:9-24).

    And I do suppose, there were many more stories, that aren’t told anymore today. Most of the gems either seem lost or vanished or censored. 
    Someone here was at times discussing the gospel of Thomas, but I forgot who did. It was quite an enjoyable conversation.

  4. Christian Mysticism, if there is any resource  and thoughts on the gospel of Thomas would be of interest for me. 
    But I can continue to read what is posted elsewhere about this, so I am indifferent whether there is a subforum or not.

    (Whatever was Leonard Cohens belief I’d be curious too…) 

  5. On 14.11.2023 at 5:06 PM, thelerner said:

    Anyone can fill your head with any which crap.  Welcome to the machine. 

    In my head a whole symphony orchestra plays a serenade to the quote author out of this felt resonance today. Internally I applaud, but am baffled why this feels so true. Magnificent.

    • Like 1

  6. 1 hour ago, Mark Foote said:

    Whatever is feeling… perception… the habitual tendencies… whatever is consciousness, past, future, or present (that person), thinking of all this consciousness as ‘This is not mine, this am I not, this is not my self’, sees it thus as it really is by means of perfect wisdom. (For one) knowing thus, seeing thus, there are no latent conceits that ‘I am the doer, mine is the doer’ in regard to this consciousness-informed body.”

    (MN III 18-19, Pali Text Society Vol. III pg 68)



    Got "perfect wisdom"?  how can a person acquire "perfect wisdom", without "right view that is ... a component of the Way"?  How can a person have "right view that is ... a component of the Way" without "perfect wisdom"?

    You drive what I'm seeing at?



    [How did I lose the ability to split quotes? Is this no longer desired?]

    Right after I posted the above answer, I felt quite sad, exhausted and resignated and like I will get a cold. Now I am confused again, but my headache is gone. This is not relevant, no. I might be tired though and thus unusually slow to get ‚it‘.

    Your own questions seem to suggest that it is a reflexive circle.


    However I don’t get the video metaphor, was this a cinnamon muffin (perfect wisdom) and he couldn’t swallow it so he needs milk (right view)? 



  7. From another thread:


    6 hours ago, Daniel said:

    If Buddha is not teaching ontology ( did I understand that correctly? ) then, where is this assertion about reality coming from?  


    "Reality is the mind of Buddha?"   <--- this is a truly bizarre assertion.  I'll skip that for now

    Gautama wasn’t teaching ontology, too?! But how then could he teach morals? Isn’t ontology a step before? (Genuine interest, I am seriously startled at this statement.) 

    Isn’t it possible to deduct what his metaethical and ontological perspective was through the canonical texts? 
    Is there anyone I could ask this who has a well rounded knowledge on this subject/matter? 

    [I am still trying to find answers on the questions of the first posters, it all seems bit of like an avalanche, sorry for the timely delay, might need a few days vacation to write that all out.]

  8. 5 hours ago, Daniel said:

    cannot be discussed by anyone simply because THEY are not able to discuss it [intellectually]

    This reminded me of artists sayings that they have to step aside to let the artwork perform itself or explain itself. [I am not denying, it is hard to grasp with conventional two fold Aristotelian logic. However am not educated enough to express words or sentences in any other way.]
    It does maybe have a connection to the metaphor of the ‚little man inside the brain‘, you and kakapo were discussing. 
    The difficulty happens because what we are talking about is very close to the baseline of perception and formation of concepts - in my opinion. 

    • Like 2

  9. 22 hours ago, Taoist Texts said:

    ekaggatā (…) 

    you quote this


    might be the paradigm shift - and the ‚usual one pointedness‘ might come through conscious stepping back or letting go (just as @Mark Foote knows how to describe so eloquently) , so how the paradigm shift might have been set in motion can be debated but not verified?

    another point connected to the non-dual misnoming in the other thread concerns the ‚right‘ view question (I had hoped I could restrain myself from expanding further on it, but no): 


    isn‘t that connected to what @Apech structured up there in the nondual misnomer thread so coherently? the linked sutra talks about ‚right with defilements‘, ‚noble right‘ (so without defilements) and wrong. the right without defilements could maybe be a ‚right of a higher logical order‘, as explained by the Zhentong Madhyamika, a ‚right’ without contradictions, - Nargajunas absolute negation might ring a bell here to.
    at some point of evaluation (in the right with defilements view) sense data view and right interpretational view and following that the consequences for (right) deed or refraining from that lets you maybe (?) always (?) end up at a contradiction, stalemate or an impasse in your evaluation if you dig deep enough. Thus … there is a right without defilements (or contradictions), but how to get closer… well who knows, could be purely hypothetical, but logically wouldn’t need to be, - could be ‚real‘? Something that touches upon this somewhere in the texts?

    It could also shine a bit of light on the controversy among the branches of Buddhism, if and when lying can be considered appropriate, if I ain’t mistaken, please correct me if I am…

    • Thanks 1

  10. 1 hour ago, Apech said:

    if you followed this process of enquiry to the end you would be left with the finest of fine substances which is called Prakriti - which is the basis of everything that can be said to exist - like a universal subtle substance.  But then when you are left with observing the Prakriti having deconstructed all other levels of being you have something else which is there - you the observer.  The observing self is called Purusha and is not like everything else in that it is not made of Prakriti.  So you end up with a duality of two fundamentally real absolutes - Purusha and Prakriti.  This is a great analysis (or so most people think) but leaves a bog problem because if you have two absolutes how do they possibly interact since there is nothing of one in the other - they have no relation.


    So then begins the question - how do I resolve this?  How can I get from a dual 'solution' to a non-dual one?  Or can I subsume all Prakriti in Purusha or visa versa?  Or to put it in more western terms how do I resolve the subject object duality? 

    Merci @Apech.

    It really is a misnomer to say anything is clear, I’ll try to remember that and try to say: understandable from my current perspective at the current time and place.

    • Like 1

  11. 14 hours ago, liminal_luke said:

    right thinking is inherently shrouded in paradox and it's time for breakfast.

    That sounds just right - for now. I do skip breakfast these days, it’s a bad habit of ‘entangled mind’, this stuff is just too personal and thus I will restrain myself from asking what is “right” thinking for you, definitory.

    I will try to answer open questions (hopefully) later with a calmer mind, until so far, thanks at all for participating here. 

    • Like 1

  12. 14 hours ago, Daniel said:

    I've observed non-dualists often get "tangled" in contradictions when rigidly and literally applying this idea of "non-duality".  It's not just contradictions in their argumentation and preachng that becomes contradictory, but, also their behavior.  Their stated dharma deviates from the dharma they actually practice.


    Much of this is explained by realizing that "non-dual" is actually "dual", but that the "duality" is being actively denied.  This denial is what is producing the deviation between the stated dharma and the dharma which is practiced.  The denial also produces the contradictions in their argumentation and preaching.  But, denial is not all bad.  Just like everything, it has its proper time / place / context where it is healthy and useful.  When it is out of context, deviations and contradictions are produced.

    This is an important point to me, I hope to come back to later at a different point in time, so consider it just as a personal bookmark - and please carry on. Thanks @Daniel! That was very clearly written.