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Everything posted by kyoji

  1. Wang Liping & Vegitarianism

    do you practice the alchemical methods of Wang Liping @Taomeow?
  2. Finding a master or school

    As someone who has had experience in this "international language" , i am surprised i put so much emphasis on wanting to be decently proficient in Mandarin before studying in China! One of my favourite women in the world is my former Boss Li's mother... we just call her mama. My first job in highschool was prepping at an upscale chinese place in St.Catharines, ON, and i grew very fond of the family that owned and ran it. She was in her mid 70's, and still more vital than some 20 somethings that i know.... she'd work 12 hour days 5 days a week, making noodles and chinese buns from scratch... The absolute best I've ever had! I was the token westerner, and everybody else that worked there was from China or Hong Kong :-) Some could speak English very well, and others just a bit. But Li's mum, or Mama as we all called her, didn't speak a lick of it, nor I any Mandarin. Yet I "spoke" with mama more than I did anybody else there. We would laugh with each other all the time and sit down and eat at break together. She always knew when I was hungry before I did and would bring me a bite We used to point at objects and ingredients in the kitchen, and i'd say the english word and have her try to repeat it, and then she'd say it in Mandarin for me to repeat, and we would just laugh at each others inability to get it quite right. We had a special bond I did not have with those that I hadn't a problem speaking with. But with Mama, I really didn't need to say a thing, and in some strange way, that said it all. All of our coworkers, and friends of the family that would frequent the restaurant, would see the connection we had, and it tripped most out. They just couldn't understand how we could possibly connect. Maybe the language barrier, or rather the impediment to communication, is language itself. “The fish trap exists because of the fish. Once you've gotten the fish you can forget the trap. The rabbit snare exists because of the rabbit. Once you've gotten the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so I can talk with him?” -Zhuangzi
  3. There is no way in my mind that this is not the work of v-origen Thanks for the fun read guys. Haven't been gathering much cultivation tips or tricks from here lately, but these threads are good for a nice belly laugh.. and a nice belly laugh is good for my health !!
  4. What are you listening to?

    Usually not my cup of tea, but this really struck me tonight, whilst working on bent arm pushing on my gymnastic rings. Really put me in "the zone" let me know what y'all think. not much of an electronic guy but i enjoyed this in the moment.
  5. Such important distinctions to make. Without making such a distinction there would be no opportunity for refinement/cultivation at all.
  6. Just read this pdf and tell me that we are not controlled by those in the know with control and intent. While i do agree with some of your sentiments here, your sense on this matter is limited, which is not to say that mine isn't as well.However, Just go and read this book if you ever feel so inclined. And if you haven't the time, just google who is Edward Bernays? (Hint: Freuds Nephew) When man does not even understand his own mind, how is he to know when his mind is being fucked?
  7. Weather Magick

    Glad someone posted this in here... I was late to the party but was about to put him on light blast, but it seems you beat me to it. He has posted this shit in a quanzhen group on Facebook as well. I can’t tell if he is just taking trolling to a whole new level or ...
  8. What are you listening to?

    Too good. The Thai funk influence just oozes from em.
  9. Letting go of attatchments

    You can lessen your unskillful attachments tenfold, but as long as you live in your flesh sack there will always be attachment. it is more about finding what is skillful and unskillful while faring the way. isn't it so?
  10. Do What Thou Wilt

    i don't think i disagree..
  11. Do What Thou Wilt

    what makes you disagree with the 'stopping thinking' ? in my experience, the more you can drop incessant egoic thinking, the more you can let a far greater intelligence work through you. no thinking required. thinking only inhibits this. curious to hear your perspective :-) Sounds like it to me too @manitou I am rather physics illiterate but so much of the little i have read gives me chills because of the almost uncanny similarities to things usually considered woo woo.. it is just a different language i am not quite familiar with yet !
  12. saw them last month in Toronto... put me in such a trance i lost chunks of time. amazing show.
  13. .

  14. I didn't know Marbs like a lot of the longtime members did, but I always loved his presence on this forum. Whether he really had something to say, or he was just singin' for the sake of the song, he contributed a whole lot to this page. I know that he really loved chuang tzu, so.. O Marbleberry gate, How Could you? O Marbleberry gate, How Could you? Already back in your true form, You've left us here in the Human!
  15. Nei Kung is Bullshit

    Sound quality is great, and so is the sentiment shared.. I think anyone who doesn't share this opinion of nei kung either doesn't know what they are talking about, or they're trying to sell me the 11 minute enlightenment 4 disc box set for 3 installments of 29.99..... Cheers!
  16. What are you listening to?

    Autumn air, a big ol' spliff, enjoying all of the colours.. What a lovely sunday afternoon. Hope you're all enjoying yourselves today
  17. Thank you for the insights. It was just what I needed, exactly when I needed it. Reflecting on this reply before bed tonight. The last paragraph really struck a chord with me, as I know that I will never understand what I seek intellectually, but sometimes "I" forget and end up back here looking for intellectual ammunition, and entertainment. It was a divinely timed reminder. I have accessed some very bizarre and powerful states of consciousness through various means, but because I do not follow a proper method or have a teacher, I have always let my mind runaway amuck shortly after the experiences. I'd attempt to intellectualize and verbalize something so extraordinary that trying to speak about it is really not possible, which is why IMO some of the classics seem so fucking confusing ! It is confusing as all hell. Even the most bardic of masters, as eloquent as they may have been could not do proper justice to any of it, although the pointers are helpful... Every passing day, it sinks in a little more that finding a proper teacher and following a proper method is the most important thing you can do in this work.. Talking about it, thinking about it, debating about it, it seems pointless. And my interest in it all is waning. So much of the time there is really nothing to say, yet we do anyways.. to sound interesting.. to be agreeable.. to posture.. to distract ourselves.. Stirring up red dust and getting it in our mouths. Anyways, ramble over. Thanks again, I truly do appreciate the thoughtfelt response. I should hurry up and sit now Your brother in Dao, Kyoji
  18. This one particular subject has been stumping me lately, and I wanted to throw this out there in hopes that some of the more advanced wayfarers that frequent here can shed some light on the subject, and maybe clear up some confusion for myself and others who are curious about this... Anyways... here goes nothing! How do we reconcile these ideas of already being complete and having nothing to do v.s. following a path and deciding to work willfully towards some kind of personal/spiritual development... and before I get the tongue in cheek Who is asking? all is one typical new age sounding answer, can we please engage in a bit more of a thoughtful conversation on the matter? Of course all is one but my left hand isn't my right nor is my heart my head. Is there really any denying that there are layers and levels to this all and that it does take a lot of hard work and eating of the bitter to achieve spiritual progress... I'm sure there are levels in which there is nothing left to do and you just let the rest unfold. I am also fairly sure the people that are actually at this stage are few and far between. Not like the " doing the dishes is meditation enough folks" will have you believe. It seemed to me for the longest time that the idea of already being whole, was entirely a new age fallacy, until I was visiting golden elixir press and saw this quote from Liu Yiming.. “Golden Elixir is another name for one’s fundamental nature. There is no other Golden Elixir outside one's fundamental nature. All human beings have this Golden Elixir complete in themselves: it is entirely realized in everybody. It is neither more in a sage, nor less in an ordinary person. It is the seed of the Immortals and the Buddhas, the root of the worthies and the sages.” The way this contrasts with statements in other texts of man essentially being a crude animal before deciding to undergo transformations just baffles me really. If the Golden Elixir is already complete, then why are the stories of so many great masters filled with years upon years of hardship and sacrifice in order to achieve great attainments? Statements like that fail to mention that it isn`t an overnight process to lose your acquired nature in order to see / express / be what is fundamental... Sorry if this post is a little all over the place, but the contrast of opinion on this subject leaves me feeling confused really..
  19. I also don't reckon they would agree that the sky is blue if scripture said that it was pink, doesn't make the sky less blue.
  20. to be fair aren't most fundamentalists misrepresenting their own religions anyways?