senseless virtue

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Posts posted by senseless virtue

  1. 6 minutes ago, DodgeFreeman said:

    Think of that person an here should be a weird warm feeling somewhere usually chest or head, that's how they try to dump their garbage into u. Then u sense it an send back all the foulness they sendin ur way, kinda like grounding. An then u pull in everything good they have in them to u. This rebalances u and weakens them.


    You talk about others draining you, but then you give instructions in the above quote how to do energetic vampirism under the guise of retaliation. It's not just your nutritional advice that is unethical.

  2. 26 minutes ago, DodgeFreeman said:

    Just offering advice the person can take or leave it. I didn't push anything.


    Your advice was completely unsolicited and still remains completely unethical.



    An seems like you're u need to check your ego.


    No, you first.



    Unless you're a moderator of some type here on the forum and I broke a rule, chill with the criticism.


    I can be as critical as I want within the limits of forum rules. You say you are offering golden advice, I say you were offering turds.



    I legit was in meditation an felt a negativity projected at me an traced it to my phone, an the response to this.


    Funny. Meditation and spiritual growth is conventionally aimed for the dropping and leaving of negativity and involvement in such matters, but what did you do by your own account? Straight after finishing you took the phone, found out that someone had posted an disagreeable opinion, and eagerly jumped back into the cycle of negativity you are trying shrug off. How is meditation working for you anyway then?



    Dude know that your emotions project and that at ur level, it can cause issues in others.


    I'm sorry if my (lack of?) level is causing you to experience issues.



    So train your self discipline for the sake of other ppl u interact with, an learn to not project unless you want too.


    Want that too from you? Wow, give me all you got, show me your true level of projection!



    That being said, if that advice is somehow not allowed, then petition the moderators to remove it.


    No, I wish everyone to examine your discernment in public view.



    Let's be adults, not criticism junkies. That's the end of it.


    It's alright, criticism can be very fun, too. Through it we are going on a happy ride where only friendly smiles and laughter reside.




    Honk, honk!

  3. On 9/7/2020 at 6:05 AM, thelerner said:

    It's affect on me sexually stimulating, not roid inducing (long bouts of celibacy make me more anger prone).  I'm not taking it these day but its got a time and place in my book.  Nice to have some onhand.


    Unintentional innuendo is the best.

    • Haha 1

  4. 28 minutes ago, DodgeFreeman said:

    Eat oranges and ginger, portabella mushrooms and if you are able eggs or bacon (that's right, bacon has a curative effect in this case).  Green tea, brewes at home not th bottled kind. Cut wheat to minimal but other grains will be ok. Up ur green food intake, I know it's rough for some people but it helps in your case. Eventually you'll have a balance that'll break thru no matter your mood.


    For immediate results suggest chia seeds, in water with lemon and a lil sweetener. Ur energy will skyrocket. It tastes weird but the stuff works.


    It's unethical of you to give (or actually more accurately: push without consent) detailed nutritional counsel to any person whose constitution and actual condition you are not fit to assess. Even if you were a practicing nutritionist, you simply aren't diagnosing anything remotely on an Internet forum.

    • Thanks 2

  5. 26 minutes ago, steve said:

    I'm very glad what I said was helpful and I'm sorry I came across as a dick.


    You shouldn't apologize because sometimes it's necessary to be a bit blunt. You were entirely honest to yourself and to the point you made, and this precisely helped me to gain most of it. My assessment back then was colored by what seemed like a sudden change of tone in interacting with you, but it has changed for better because I recognize I had a noteworthy flaw and too thin skin to admit I was wrong. There was nothing wrong in what you did in my opinion.

    There may be other points that I may address in your post later, but this is all for now.

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  6. 1 hour ago, ilumairen said:

    So my question to the community (and you) at this point is, do we want such indirect (but perhaps reasonably assumed to be about oneself to the “receiving” party) assessments and criticisms to be allowed (potentially as a catalyst to growth), or do we want them “disallowed” under the heading of “personally insulting”?


    What I am writing below is not meant personally to you, but I wanted to comment on your ideas.


    I indirectly addressed this concern in my Vitriol topic that I recommend everyone to read.


    In my opinion there exists no wise categorical solution to the problem of direct and indirect personal slights. Why? It's an issue of the relationship between people, not what is said or how it's delivered.


    A friend can say to me rude things even in public because I know he or she has my back covered and absolutely means well. Even strangers and enemies can say uncomfortable things about me publicly because it's his opinion and right to explain his stance if I'm not somehow fitting his expectations, and the same goes for me against him. It's clear and defined.


    Example: @steve once addressed me in a stern and confrontational manner when I neglected to properly address wisdom practices in internal arts, as if energy work was somehow enough to consider. I felt he was being a dick how he made his point, but it was a very instructive lesson that I have kept reaping rich rewards ever since. Thanks steve!


    This issue only becomes confusing when there are really thin skinned people who haven't learned to set personal borders firmly and may feel everything overwhelmingly offensive or argumentative, which will lead to a pressure for stricter enforcement of no insults policy because it's a common decency to offer others respite. The irony is that the thin skinned in turn use their whining to cross personal borders when they unilaterally start demanding so and so compliant behavior from others in order to maneuver others around their own unstable and weak personal borders. Why the hell should this be a sign of civility if we completely catered to such demands? I can already think of one person who certainly used the tactic I just described in recent memory. As a somewhat related note, the severest forms of abuse are always when a manipulator keeps shifting the perception of personal borders and then the victimized person loses the clear track of who this other person is — A friend or foe? Why can't I understand how he really wishes to relate to me? — to which the manipulator always inserts the trope he didn't do anything wrong, but it was always the victim's fault for failing to take care of this or that.


    Okay, so what's beyond friends and enemies? It's the lukewarm people who don't clearly define their relation to me that are a concern, even in forum environments. They don't actually talk to me, we haven't formally gotten introduced, and yet they seem to know me better than I myself when he needs to refer to me. That's what any bully essentially is: He may come over and trashes me directly or he may indirectly hurt me by spreading mean gossip behind my back, but most importantly, he never relates to me as a person but as an object and plaything devoid of human value that is put aside when the "need for fun" is over.


    Do you now see why Earl Grey might have felt so bitterly abused? Otherwise, you wouldn't understand the pain because you haven't related to him despite his cries.  I've tried my best to help people reconcile, but I can only do so much. Either you understand this point and work to resolve it or this drama may keep cycling on and on.


    PS. Writing about this topic now and recently on Vitriol has made me understand my own bad experiences related to abuse and bullying. It's starting to feel so clear now.

    • Like 3
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  7. Weirdly tinted color overlay of horizontal stripes. From top to bottom: gray, blue, green, red, gray, blue, green, gray.


    I suppose the black tones are supposed represent some type of inkblot figures, but to me there are hardly discernible shapes. The black mass in the top left corner is some weirdly shaped tinfoil balloon.


    The right side is very iffy. It's got a prominent grill shape so I first thought of a fan or a bird cage. Then I realized it could also be prison door with iron bars or a window with thick bars and lights from a town shining inside some apartment. In the front of this door there seems to be a humanoid figure with a right hand extending around the corner. The figure has got shirt on with right sleeve rolled up high. The face of the humanoid seems non-human, the head is tilted quote far backwards and has a tongue sticking high up in the air. Maybe this is one of the fabled reptilians often referred in Gendao's (peace be with him) writings. Parsing it all together, it seems that the humanoid may be holding the balloon by a thread the resolution and noise hides. I imagine it could actually be a child wearing a scary carnival or Halloween mask and trying to give a spooky impression to the person behind the camera.

    • Like 1

  8. 4 hours ago, Takingcharge said:

    im curious, how would distant healing help him with his issue of severely overeating and obsessive habits?


    A master healer's intervention can sometimes produce very good results easily if the karmic issue isn't very deep.


    4 hours ago, Takingcharge said:

    i mean there is tons that i dont know about the abilities of high level healers im open to hearing.

    im personally also looking for a healer with real ability for some issues im experiencing


    It can work well, but it's far more important to commit to one's own personal practice like I discussed. Your own lifestyle, ethical behavior, and energy work commitments are the ever improving foundation for turning your life around: It would be supposing far too much responsibility onto others to expect them to manage your life in minute details.


    4 hours ago, Takingcharge said:

    but is that really the first port of call considering what he presented as his issue?


    The original poster asked for a healing centers and healing powers so this prospect was what came up in my mind.


    It can be a very powerful combination to have both personal practice and clinical distant healing support each other.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Cleansox said:

    How would a person build qi without this? 


    My answer here is not direct to the original poster's line of inquiry, but rather a diagonal approach on the topic how to develop internal side without mediation or energy work.


    It sounds a lot what the Confucians would do. It's not necessary to meditate or involve theories of vital energy if your conduct is entirely spotless and your heart remains calm at all times. Under those conditions it's then natural for humans to spontaneously develop vitality and become enlightened sages.

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  10. @Klinsly While your condition sounds pretty much unique, following a healthy lifestyle and having a solid Qigong style complement it can do wonders if you are both patient and dedicated.


    Basically, any established Qigong style can help you feel better and perhaps improve your health conditions. With that being said, Sight Improving Qigong (Taiji Bagua Qigong) has a very good reputation for healing sight related issues.



    13 minutes ago, freeform said:

    Qigong for xxxx


    Indeed, one could say that the real internal arts put extra oomph to feeling bliss and getting more out of the good old xxx! :rolleyes::lol:

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  11. 3 hours ago, Creation said:

    I wouldn't come down quite as hard on VF as virtue, and I think VF's line of inquiry is legitimate, BUT this last bit "then really what else is he considering" could be construed as an implication of wrongdoing, that he isn't really considering what he ought to to be saying what he says, that the things he does consider are not the right things or are illegitimate somehow.  This is quite unfair to someone with Eric's level of talent and experience - no one should expect him to be omniscient. 


    I forgot to mention this, thanks.


    3 hours ago, ilumairen said:

    I took the post in question to be referring to the OP’s concern (paranoia) over entities potentially coloring and informing what Eric saw/sensed/what not, and not about Eric himself being “paranoid.”


    If this is the case, then Vajra Fist should spend a bit more time constructing sentences with unambiguous meaning.



    @Vajra Fist I would recommend you adopt a bit less reaching tone and not jump to conclusions so eagerly. I don't think is the isolated instance you have done so.


    You didn't seem to react favorably when I brought up an alternative explanation to karma in my first post which I feel was completely innocent. Your posts can provoke similar feelings in others too like I witness in myself not completely understanding your language in the midst of its provocative tone.


    For my own behalf I apologize for not seeing the ambiguity issues in your writing and not asking for clarification instead of retorting with a fairly blunt rebuke.

    • Like 1

  12. 3 hours ago, Nungali said:

    I really cant see  rudeness or a smear there  .


    It seems you aren't looking at the right parts what he wrote.


    13 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

    Ad hominem much?


    When someone is accusing me with an unexplained and vague ad hominem and then carrying on as if nothing happened, even though I clearly brought up the allegation as a separate issue, is this not rude?



    13 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

    Also, if Eric's reading is always for the current moment, then the "dark energy" he apparently saw in OP might have merely been a reflection of his paranoia over entities rather than an entity per se.


    Insinuating anyone as paranoid is not a compliment in any context: paranoia is a morbid mental health condition. Especially considering the context is a diagnostic professional's assessment and critical evaluation skills where the entire career reputation is established upon not claiming costly and difficult to deal with false positives, I would say that it's a particularly damning charge.


    If you went next to a physician's office and publicly held a placard saying "He might too paranoid to diagnose your serious issues right, he might be making things up" in any primarily English speaking country, then you would end up with a civil litigation very fast if not hit with public prosecution first. Why? It's freaking rude and clearly recognizable as smear on another person's character.

    • Thanks 1

  13. @Vajra Fist You are now being very rude and smearing Eric Isen for little reason other than his answers not conforming to your expectations. I would expect more courtesy and thoughtful criticism if it came to seriously scrutinizing someone's professional capability and good will.


    I am not a fan nor a regular client of Eric, but I have always found him acting in good faith and treating me cordially, and his results are something that I could always confirm with the help of other people or other psychic sources. Someone else's experience might be different, but this is mine.

  14. Just now, Vajra Fist said:

    Ad hominem much?


    Sorry, but I really lost you here.


    If I have implied anything insulting, then it was a pure mistake because of my poor language skills; none was intended, I assure you.


    Just now, Vajra Fist said:

    I said, he tested the long term compatability of the two, as recently as two months ago. I would assume long term implied longer than two months?


    Karma is a tricky thing because it's not linear but interacting agency.


    Eric's readings will always change according to person's current karma and circumstances, thus creating a different overall clairvoyant vision as the person lives his or her life in time.


    Just now, Vajra Fist said:

    By that token we should get tested by Eric every day to see whether whatever we are practicing at that very moment is conflicting or not? Sure would get expensive quickly...


    I wouldn't feel any reason to get concerned over changing results even if they reflected reality. It just shows that there is much more to karma and its purification than we can decipher through medical clairvoyance and its limitations.


    Just now, Vajra Fist said:

    I've been in contact with Eric regularly for the past six years, far longer than most people here, but honestly I'm not sure what I've learned during that time. I dread to think how much money I've spent on consultations


    I understand.


    I personally feel Eric's readings are best understood as wisdom practice for yourself so that you get more insight and confidence into your own health.


    For mature practitioners it can be useful for pin-pointing constitutional body chemistry issues or other particular challenges, but otherwise the reading is not by any means a substitute for working on one's own wisdom and skills.


    I find that Qigong style reading is a popular choice with Eric, but it's not a bullet proof way to see through latent karmic issues that may later come to hinder some specific practices or their combinations.

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  15. 9 minutes ago, Vajra Fist said:

    Eric tested them as being complementary over the long term a year ago, and even two months ago. Then early last week they're in radical conflict, apparently, with one blocking the effects of the other. Either Eric was wrong before or he's wrong now. It certainly begs the question of whether he's always entirely spot on. In OP's case he might not have been. 


    Eric's reading is always for your current moment. You really might be going through a phase of karmic cleansing so that dropping either would do you more good.

    • Like 1

  16. 9 hours ago, Vajra Fist said:

    Does anyone else have anger issues arising from practicing FP? I've been practicing less than a week but I'm noticing strong emotional turbulence and irritation, when normally I'm pretty even-keeled and non reactive. It's a very noticeable shift. 


    This is not by any measure a problem that would be specific to Flying Phoenix. All internal arts will bring awareness to experiences you would rather avoid.


    Sifu Terry would call anger and other uncomfortable emotional experiences as "grist in the mill" and encourage you to carry on. Emerging emotional blockages are a sign that you are processing some deep seated issues so keep this in your mind as motivation.


    You didn't directly ask for advice, but I thought you might appreciate my take on this matter. You might want to take a look outside your formal practice and focus a bit on how well are you connected to your true feelings and feeling around certain people — starting with yourself. The Buddhist perspective to both fear and anger is that they are fundamentally about aversion and avoidance. Personally, I feel that facing such issues often benefits from the conscious practice of forgiving and asking forgiveness. Alternatively, it could be a reminder that you have not been true and stood strong against some past injustice that you should simply acknowledge as viscerally as possible in order to process it fully, which can be quite difficult if there is emotional disconnect.

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  17. Very good points, my good Sir! Art speaks and entices us to investigate and let go for a while.


    I don't know if any of the critics have noticed, but many of the fantasy and early science fiction inspired authors used subtle, maybe even sometimes unintentional, subversive tones against the prevailing moralism and lack of mystery in the late 19th century Anglo West.


    Indeed, the lack of mystery and the ennui borne with it are a most certain provocations to the creative spirits and the childlike inquiring minds: There ought to be something more to the world than what the dull rationalism of mechanical obligations and the often judgmental moral certainty (e.g. puritanism) could ever allow.

    • Like 5

  18. 2 hours ago, Taomeow said:

    I discovered Lovecraft only a few years ago, bought a huge tome containing all of his works, and read about a third of it.  Whereupon I donated it, convinced that I've had enough.  I was left under the impression that it emitted the kind of qi I didn't feel comfortable having in my environment.  It's a taoist thing.  I'm sensitive to sha' qi. 


    I've read worse -- the accounts (documentary ones dwarfing works of fiction in their horror) of, e.g., people who went through forced labor camps of the Stalin era, the cultural revolution in China, the Holocaust, the colonial exploits in Africa and South America, a huge amount of ponerology* literature, and yet I didn't feel I can't be in the same room with those books.  That's because between the horror and the reader there was a cushion of compassion emanating from the author, blunting the despair, giving hope, and ultimately uplifting the human spirit because the author, if nothing and nobody else, was on its side.  With Lovecraft, however, even though a lot of it I read as creatively (albeit bizarrely) reinterpreted fact rather than fiction, I felt the exact opposite.         


    *ponerology -- the study of evil   





    Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Scaring the MEOW out of Daoists for over a century now!





    • Haha 3