Golden Dragon Shining

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Everything posted by Golden Dragon Shining

  1. Opening of the third eye and other byproducts along the way

    The depth/ detail of this universe brings joy, even just reading about it ha. What type of noise gave such an unpleasant reaction? Do you see some meaning/ purpose at play at large? an evolution of consciousness. Nature displays Will in it's laws, boundaries, in what gives health/harmony and what results in dis-ease, dis-harmony It makes sense for all animals to have these natural instincts/ intelligence for self-preservation, it may be each have their own destiny/ blueprints/ evolutionary path desired by Nature. Do you perceive energetic imprints? A photo/video of monks, you can sense which is more cultivated/ energetic? I warned a friend of a person I perceived to have dark energy/ possessed from an image, she said she had conversations with him in which he said he felt/was possessed. A confirmation.
  2. Financial tips for the bums

  3. Opening of the third eye and other byproducts along the way

    What are the different sounds peoples make? Do cats, dogs? etc have a different sound too?
  4. Off Topic Discussions

  5. Off Topic Discussions

    Some history Eclectic Philosophy denoting or belonging to a class of ancient philosophers who did not belong to or found any recognized school of thought but selected doctrines from various schools of thought. - adjective adjective: eclectic; adjective: Eclectic 1. deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
  6. Off Topic Discussions

    If you want a harmonious experience you should probably avoid forums altogether. Maybe seek out your local safe space where they will affirm all your beliefs.
  7. Unborn Babies-Soul of the Fetus (Abortion of the Fetus)

    So many abuses of life today, being encouraged by whom? Too many people are not so bright, abusing life without thought/ feeling, I do not think these actions should be rewarded as in this article, that people are released from suffering after the murder of innocence, multiple times in some cases and statistics show it is largely a "lifestyle choice". I wonder at the billions of animals kept in captivity for their entire life and slaughtered? To me this is a type of black ritual magic also, bringing this world into a lower dimension/ frequency.
  8. Off Topic Discussions

    You may get a cheap high from arguments, I think most others have legitimate concerns for the future either way.
  9. Ramble On

    back on track some Video by James T Harris
  10. Off Topic Discussions

    you can't have absolutely no moderation, things like pornography, threats of violence to a person. I see no reason for excessive insults either, it would just be like any other somewhat intellectual debate, evidence, reasoning. A battle of ideas if you will. Just can't keep appeasing the bolsheviks hiding as progressives Moderation doesn't mean perpetuate one sided history. Or one political ideology. Unless that is the explicit purpose of that forum. If it is that just need to be made clear for new members. That this forum is a Progressive/Communist Taoist forum, which is funny as those same people oppressed Taoism, how tolerant hm? again their "love, tolerance, peace" is a... 1 guess "The Communist Party of China, officially atheistic, initially suppressed Taoism along with other religions. During the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, many Taoist temples and sites were damaged and Monks and priests were sent to labor camps" "Taoist practitioners are required to register with the state-controlled Chinese Taoist Association (CTA), which exercises control over religious doctrine and personnel.[2] Local governments restrict the construction of Taoist temples and statues, and call for abandonment of practices they deem to be "superstitious" or "feudal." The CTA dictates the proper interpretation of Taoist doctrine, and exhorts Taoist practitioners to support the Communist Party and the state. For example, a Taoist scripture reading class held by the CTA in November 2010 required participants to ‘‘fervently love the socialist motherland [and] uphold the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.’’[2] "Everything the CCP does serves a political purpose. In order to seize, maintain and consolidate its tyranny, the CCP needs to replace human nature with its evil Party nature, and the Chinese traditional culture with its Party culture of “deceit, wickedness and violence.” This destruction and substitution includes cultural relics, historical sites and ancient books, which are tangible, and such intangible things as the traditional outlook on morality, life and the world. All aspects of people’s lives are involved, including their actions, thoughts and lifestyles. At the same time, the CCP regards insignificant and superficial cultural manifestations as the “essence,” retaining them, and then puts this “essence” up as a façade. The Party keeps the semblance of tradition while replacing the real tradition with Party culture. It then deceives the people and international society behind a façade of “carrying on and developing” Chinese traditional culture."
  11. Off Topic Discussions

    I was here in the early days... just being dramatic
  12. Off Topic Discussions

  13. Off Topic Discussions

    Who here does not have fixed opinions? The difference between us is I would let people express them. How was I banned without people having fixed opinions? If people are neither for or against anything.
  14. Ramble On

    I am non interventionist generally, we've no business in the Middle East neither they in Europe, simple Or the USA, should all be keeping to ourselves that would make things more peaceful.
  15. Off Topic Discussions

  16. Off Topic Discussions

    I offer to moderate the Primordial Chaos Hades, God of the Underworld Lucifer fallen in his rebellion I feel the fox has some significance between worlds In a world upside down
  17. Ramble On

    They wanted us to worship this instead
  18. Ramble On

    Christmas (Yule) and Easter are still mostly Pagan traditions, minus a few things. Puritan Christians had bans on these at one time for being Pagan/Heathen and "Satanic" haha Here is an example of evil pagan satanic worship, these cultural subversives are good with distorting reality/ outright lies and accusing everyone else of being evil/wrong
  19. Ramble On

    Preventing the continued cultural subversion, of all different peoples, trying to influence all other peoples to their own purposes. Is that ok? Again off-topic, I guess part of the greater picture though. When a group of people make it clear their aim is to subvert, control, destroy your culture it is best one starts paying attention. Let's just forget history though right? I wonder who that suits?
  20. Ramble On

    CT, you requested a historical example? Between European Paganism and Judeo-Christianity? I will give an ancient example, their own admission... if I may? This cultural subversion continues to this day, with other names. You will notice they won't capitalize Pagan either
  21. Ramble On

    It is part of history, the Irish were also enslaved in the Americas, little known. History has become far too narrow, with only a few stories on repeat pushing agendas of certain groups. Again I am called Anti-Sem for not being devoted to Judeo-Christianity, so I gave a few reasons why. Apparently Native Americans love Christoper Columbus and his like, they've only positive things to say. Guess I am a heretic hm? I don't seek reparations, museums in every major city, playing eternal victim etc It's history, I want to get on with things, I've a vision, wanting to create, I am not going to accept an alien ideology among my people, why should I. I want my people to find themselves again, renew themselves, ideally, to be the best we can be, without interference. For other people to have this also. Japanese governing Japanese affairs, South Americans etc. I don't see a need for all these special interests groups, only detrimental really. A recent example is Europe bowing to the demands of Islam say, trying to accommodate it... is insane, we've no obligation. Say funny in Sweden for example a Pakistani is called a "minority group" The population of Pakistan is 182.1 million (2013), the population of Sweden is 9.593 million (2013), who is the minority? In truth Sweden should only care for itself, for it's own people. It's just silly cultural marxism has European nations brainwashed for the moment, things are changing.
  22. Ramble On

    Basically the same thing, in a way people today can more readily access. The general meaning is in that sentence, made concise, translations etc. The full text is better. Yes, they were more toward philosopher kings, no love of money, or other things that compromise a lesser person. These people should be in power (who are inclined toward truth, wisdom, justice/ higher ideals, incorruptible)...should make some effort toward it in order to prevent corruption/ the rule of evil, as with the original quote. I think preventing evil/ corruption is incentive enough. When a good person would rather read books, garden, live a wholesome family life etc... I guess a lot of it is naivety, people not understanding evil/ corruption, believing say the government is really just doing the best they can, not serving ulterior financial or other motives against the best interests of the people etc ha. I was the same when younger, after years of study now I know evil exists in this world and we must be vigilant. Even in.. everyday behaviors that most participate in, people think is normal, that I participated in due to ignorance is the consumption of animals, their enslavement etc, it is horrible once you see it for what it is. We've really fallen far I think. The lord of yogis after his enlightenment, his stories, most are in stopping animal sacrifice and animal consumption. All the siddhis/ spiritual powers and this mans concern was stopping animal sacrifice and animal consumption. This is maybe a cause of greater evils.
  23. Ramble On

    [347c] for they are not covetous of honor. So there must be imposed some compulsion and penalty to constrain them to rule if they are to consent to hold office. That is perhaps why to seek office oneself and not await compulsion is thought disgraceful. But the chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse1 if a man will not himself hold office and rule. It is from fear of this, as it appears to me, that the better sort hold office when they do, and then they go to it not in the expectation of enjoyment nor as to a good thing,2 but as to a necessary evil and because they are unable to turn it over to better men than themselves Plato, Republic, Book 1, section 347c
  24. Ramble On

    Well I gave some Pagan values. Heroism as one example compared to saviors as ideals The hero is self reliant, those waiting/praying for salvation are beggars? basically, dependent, something governments desire. The hero says he can change the world for better and does. Those waiting for salvation... well they wait for salvation. And deeper expressions of the hero "The Labors of Heracles are in essence, metaphor for the spiritual path that all beings must take to achieve enlightenment." then you have philosophy/reasoning/questioning compared to religion, requiring absolute belief, without question A return to Europe is Idealist, not impossible though haha. You are Irish CT, you know nothing of Irish mythology? Of Irish folklore? of Druids (remarked as the first philosophers, previous to Egypt and Greece, of Sacred Trees, Ogham, stone circles with astrological alignments? If you like I can go further with this, now I must sleep though