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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Brilliant! Its not statue of the satan that hey have to fight to put up, they just install a copy of some art from the Louvre to celebrate art
  2. Spirit Science

    Shhhhh .... <whispers> don't wake up the dog ... visitors seem to be able to have deep and intelligent discussions when dog is asleep otherwise dog starts barking .
  3. My cat invented water basketball

    Now you have done my head in .... all day I am going to have to be thinking what rubber bands in the water bowl is cat symbolism for ... ???? check your fan belt on the car , I can detect a slight worn noise. ??? stop leaving those damn rubber bands around everywhere. ? why wont these stupid springy worms drown ?
  4. I am assuming you know the Joke about 'Abdul' who is angry with the people in his town ?
  5. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    It would be rather expensive ... how about this ... for a fraction of the price you could hire me and a goat ( I have two front hair curly bits on top of my head like that Pan fella ) ... you know like one those 'human statues' ( I want to explain with a pic but I found this instead ... is this the answer ??? PS. You may need to drug the goat so it keeps still ... actually, you can drug me too while you are it
  6. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    .I worked in Queensland for a while stayed in an employer rented house in this .... specific ... area. From a distance I noticed large advertising billboards. WTF the highway doesn't go over there ... who can they be advertising to? So I went for a drive to check it out. "Jesus Loves YOOOOUUU! " , "Repent NOW! " etc etc ... in small rural 'hobby farm' streets, some across the whole front lawn obscuring the house, gardens, sunlight and view and no one in the distance to read them
  7. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Okay .... that's even toooo horrible for me ! Brian's suggestion I meant the <shudder> 'clown'.
  8. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    I know how these type work ... they make a declaration against the Law and then declare it is okay ... and it is unless they are challenged - legally, they don't have a hope, pull down the old one or allow another one up ... and if the do that, it should be one that opposes the other ... for balance of course
  9. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Oh surely if a bit of 'Goat on goat action' is suitable for the British Museum its suitable for posting here ?
  10. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    I was hoping there might be some more suggestions? ... no ? This site might help them decide ... apparently there are already some 'sinister statues' around;
  11. My cat invented water basketball

    Had a friend that had a bull mastiff. They adopted a sick puppy that got put in a doggy basket next to the mastiff with a little toy off the girls bed. Puppy died and doll was removed back to the girls bed every day the mastiff put the soft toy back in the basket and the girl would put it back on her bed ... until one day the girls bed had the toy gone and back in the basket and a dog piss right in the middle of her bed - the mastiff had never done that before ... the toy stayed in the empty dog basket after that.
  12. Spirit Science

    . “Thou therefore who desirest Magical Gifts, be sure that thy soul is firm and steadfast; for it is by flattering thy weaknesses that the Weak Ones will gain power over thee. Humble thyself before thy Self, yet fear neither man not spirit. Fear is failure, and the forerunner of failure: and courage is the beginning of virtue. Therefore fear not the Spirits, but be firm and courteous with them; for thou hast no right to despise or revile them; and this too may lead thee astray. Command and banish them, curse them by the Great Names if need be; but neither mock nor revile them, for so assuredly wilt thou be lead into error. Be thou therefore prompt and active as the Sylphs, but avoid frivolity and caprice; be energetic and strong like the Salamanders, but avoid irritability and ferocity; be flexible and attentive to images like the Undines, but avoid idleness and changeability; be laborious and patient like the Gnomes, but avoid grossness and avarice. 20. So shalt thou gradually develop the powers of thy soul, and fit thyself to command the Spirits of the elements. For wert thou to summon the Gnomes to pander to thine avarice, thou wouldst no longer command them, but they would command thee. Wouldst thou abuse the pure beings of the woods and mountains to fill thy coffers and satisfy thy hunger of Gold? Wouldst thou debase the Spirits of Living Fire to serve thy wrath and hatred? Wouldst thou violate the purity of the Souls of the Waters to pander to thy lust of debauchery? Wouldst thou force the Spirits of the Evening Breeze to minister to thy folly and caprice? Know that with such desires thou canst but attract the Weak, not the Strong, and in that case the Weak will have power over thee. “ {Liber Librae } .
  13. Spirit Science

    He abandons pitted threads and comes back up here to start up again . (sorry Brian ... to continue) Rara; that is 'normal' animal behaviour for some animals. It has to do with proximity to humans and how they have been bought up in that proximity. I feed the 'pet cow' in the back paddock a honey sandwich now and then. After she calms down and finishes checking my hands and makes sure there isn't more she lets me pat and scratch her. put her arm around her neck and she will learn on to me. The others move away if I go into their paddock. if I go into Diasy's paddock she is likely to run to me in honey anticipation. A stranger would think they are being charged at. I just stand there and she pulls up inches in front of me. The same with dogs ... they can exhibit strange behaviour , especially if they have been treated more like people than dogs. You wanted to stroke the horse but why would a horse be interested in that ... unless there is a carrot in the offing, or unless you have a special bond with an animal. They will persist; a friend used to keep an apple in her back jeans pocket, one day the horse reaches around and bites it , except that day there was no apple there = one very sore arse. Animals are opportunists ... just like we are. Now ... all this can apply to a 'familiar spirit' as well. Some people have opinions and animals but don't have the knowledge of proper handling ( even with dogs, they have to get in 'experts' to show them what's gone wrong). Then things get out of hand. I suggest the same might apply to the above topics about spirits and 'non-physical entities'. There are certain rules and guidelines when dealing with and the way to treat 'spirits', just as there are with animals; here is an example for you:
  14. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    You mean I won the go game ??? Excellent ! I had not realised ! (me being triumphant at work – instead of doing the work I am being paid for ) ..
  15. That smile didn't last long I tried http://booksandjourn...058C2C85F21CF24 and got HTTP ERROR: 404Invalid path /18725082/@APPLICATION.BASE.URL@/error/authentication was requested RequestURI=/docserver/18725082/@APPLICATION.BASE.URL@/error/authentication Powered by Jetty:// I will fiddle a bit more ....
  16. Holy Guardian Angel

    If it floats your boat check out the above posts references ... also your experience may not be that unusual ... it might be a natural part of the overall human experience that in our society may be repressed (the usual response from the 'spiritual / religious perspective is; you are Holy and Blessed { hard to get that sanction} or somehow bad or evil and effected by 'demons' and from the material perspective you are ; delusional / imaginative, lying, ... or, perhaps, more charitable ; confused in perception {the old 'swamp gas' or 'Venus' sighting} or 'projecting from your unconscious' - which is interesting as 'projecting from the unconscious' that physically effects material reality is exactly what I am talking about - the difference here is we are looking at an objective external 'unconscious' that can project into and alter and change physical material reality ). If you want to discuss it but not in public you are welcome to PM me . yes, that is a way of it manifesting. When one encounters the otherworld (through vision, physical experience, mythical enactment, experience, initiation, etc.) it can happen in a variety of ways; One actively seeks it ( e.g. deciding to join an initiatory body) One stumbles upon it (the clearing in the forest ... following the 'magical animal' , etc) "Forced into it' ( tribal or family requirement - ) 'Dharma' ( essential shamanic nature ... 'mind configuration')
  17. Holy Guardian Angel

    Yes it does ... in some circumstances. The term (as outlined fairly extensively above - and by others in this thread and others )- originates in Platonic Philosophy as Daemonic. It had a totally different aspect before the Christian Church changed the idea. They seemed to have denied certain aspects of soul and subsumed them into their concept of 'spirit' thus making a two-fold distinction; 'spiritual' or religious reality on the one hand and physical on the other hand. I would say 'demonic' is a concept that arises when one refuses to accept daimonic and daemonic. “ The Ancient Greek word δαίμων daimōn denotes a spirit or divine power, much like the Latin genius or numen. Daimōn most likely came from the Greek verb daiesthai (to divide, distribute). The Greek conception of a daimōns notably appears in the works of Plato, where it describes the divine inspiration of Socrates. To distinguish the classical Greek concept from its later Christian interpretation, the former is anglicized as either daemon or daimon rather than demon. The Greek term does not have any connotations of evil or malevolence. In fact, εὐδαιμονία eudaimonia, (lit. good-spiritedness) means happiness. The term first acquired its negative connotations in the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible, which drew on the mythology of ancient Semitic religions. This was then inherited by the Koine text of the New Testament. The Western medieval and neo-medieval conception of a demon (see the Medieval grimoire called the Ars Goetia) derives seamlessly from the ambient popular culture of Late (Roman) Antiquity. The Hellenistic "daemon" eventually came to include many Semitic and Near Eastern gods as evaluated by Christianity. “ [Wiki] Harpur (and I) use the specific spelling of daimonic to distinguish this further development of the idea; which appears to be a 'blend' of Jungian psychology with an understanding of the patterning of mythology and a collation of 'unusual' other-worldly experiences and events varied through place and time, to examine the recurrent themes plus an incorporation of the historical ideas as expressed in post 148 above. Now these are not really subjects the church (or religion) specialises in ... so the response there (to these undeniable human experience that bridges time and culture ... although the form may be different the content and symbology and theme is from the same' palette' ) is to either attribute them to the 'good spirit', religion god prophets saints and miracles or the bad, 'works of the devil' satan and 'demons'. I feel a study of the works of Emanuel Swedenborg are fairly essential in the understanding of when this process can get out of hand in an individual . I recommend his works [Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 – 1772) was fluent in 9 languages, wrote 150 works in 17 sciences, expert in 7 crafts, a musician, a Member of Parliament and a mining engineer. He came up with the first theory of nebular hypothesis, wrote extensive works on metallurgy, algebra and calculus, mapped several areas of the brain and ductless glands, suggested the particle structure of magnets, designed a glider and a submarine and engineered the world’s largest dry-dock. He then took on psychology and religion with extensive exploration into the ‘hypnogogic’ state. He led a successful and productive life and claimed daily intercourse with spirits. He appeared to have psychic powers, wrote 12 volumes on the psychological meanings hidden in Genesis and Exodus and (of course) was tried as a heretic and had his books banned in his native country - Sweden. ] In tandem with the work of Dr Wilson Van Dusen [ Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist, undertook research and observation of people with mental illness. All the people involved hallucinated and included chronic schizophrenics. He discovered after working with patients for many years that it was possible to speak through the patient to various entities that seemed to ‘inhabit’ some patient’s hallucinations. He came to several conclusions (which are set out below) and later encountered the work of Swedenborg and was struck by the similarity of Swedenborg’s teaching about hierarchies of spirits and his own results in psycho-analytic research. He later gave lectures to professionals and laymen ( including people with, or who had recovered from, mental illness ) on his findings. He reports that he was well received by people with these problems and their stories also backed up his findings, leading him to think that his research was perhaps more accurate than others had suggested as they said that his line of therapy or questioning of the patients had prompted them to supply information and behaviour to him to support his theories. In having recovered patients agree with him on their own experiences who had never been treated by him led him to think that this was a broader phenomenon outside his range of treatments. “Out of my professional role as a clinical psychologist in a state mental hospital and my own personal interest, I set out to describe as faithfully as possible mental patients’ experiences of hallucinations. A discovery four years ago helped me to get a relatively rich and consistent picture of the patients’ experiences. Although I noticed some similarities with Swedenborg’s descriptions of the relationship of man to spirits it was only three years after all the major findings on hallucinations had been made that the striking similarity between what Twentieth-century patients describe and Swedenborg’s Eighteenth-Century accounts became more apparent to me … I found that Swedenborg’s system not only is an almost perfect fit with patients’ experiences, but even more impressively, accounts for otherwise quiet puzzling aspects of hallucinations.” (VanDusen) ]
  18. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

    Any suggestions here as to how this sculpture should look ? Here is mine . .
  19. Lone Wolf and Cub - Kozure Ōkami

    Well ... he ran away from that ("ignored" .... "ignored' ...' you are ignored' so I gave up. Then he starts it again up here ... as usual.)
  20. How do I open the first link in OP ... I went to the second and books there have is a tab for a preview and one for chapters but the first book only appears to open in preview ?? (yeah, I am lotech)
  21. Holy Guardian Angel

    Its a funny reality Harpur lists a set of strange occurances, different places, different people, he doesn't say, just they are different. When we read them they sound like a typical UFO encounter ... no it was a group of tribal people and they say it was a communication from their ancestors. Another scene ... oh that HAS to be about 60 years ago and sound like an Irish folk tale about the little people .... no its a UFO encounter ... and so on. Harpur has defined the experiences and explained them with his theory of Daimonic Reality ... note; not demonic reality! (I had to go back and correct that ??? hmmm ... spellcheck perhaps ?) He also gives an interesting take on the child services abduction cases ; people come around and say there is a report of child abuse and they are taking the children ... the parents nearly comply but don't do it, after they are gone they 'wake up' and report what happened ... they were in a near hypnotic state and nearly handed the kids over, no they didn't even ask to see ID. what did they look like? They cant remember. Then there is another case ... and another. O! there is aging out there, police and community are on alert ... then more and more reports 250 in one week ... obviously police realise its too many ... sometimes there are witnesses other times the report seems false ,,, are people imagining it now ... but by now some people have started doing it themselves; going to a house and saying I am from child protection and your child is in danger and I have to take them (some got caught, they couldn't really explain why they did it. That is an 'outbreak' of Daimonic reality. You might see a pixie, I might be with you and see it too (or not) maybe you can even catch it and put it in a cage ... will it be there in the morning ? No. will the cage be broken? No. Its all about the world of the lost soul as well (as soul was divorced from spirit in our culture long ago) A shaman deals in Daimonic Reality ... they can retrieve lost souls. Its like the dream world or the dreamtime ... its when the subjective unconscious forces break out into the objective world or the objective collective unconscious or the Anima Mundi effecting the physical world ... burns on UFO 'victims' or for the religious; stigmata. It is the otherword between the 'spiritual' world of the religionist and the physical world of the materialist that partakes of and effects both. It can be here and there at the same time and multiply and invert itself in reoccurring themes ( as quantum physics is discovering) ... and of course it is the world of myth ... where themes invert and transpose and play out the same scenarios until we MUST pay attention to soul. When it is suppressed further it mutates and can demand attention in 'monstrous' froms. yes it goes on and on ... like I do. But do check him out 'The Philosoper's Secret Fire - A history of the Imagination.' ' Daimonic Reality - A Field Guide to the Other World.' Mercurius - The Marriage of Heaven and Earth.' I am sure that ' the HGA' and 'HGA experience' are intimately connected with this world ... it might even be a form of ourselves that resides in that world concurrent with our existence in this one. Well I am not that bad ... as 'some' seem to be trying to make out Batman ? Another concept straight out of daimonic reality ! That's why he is so popular ... resonates.