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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Alien encounters during dream How interesting ! ( this bit * ) . Now, I know the guy's rep and professionalism and acclaim but still .... He is a proponent of hypnotic regression (and in case one does realise , this has had a really bad rap and resulted in a lot of pain for some , eg 'Ritual Abuse - supposedly 'satanic' , and sexual abuse , kids removed from parents , parents charged , father charged with sexual assault of his own kids, later proved to be false and thrown out of court .... actually, a few decades back , you would not believe the level this got to with some British ritual abuse claims , they even got government support and the 'confiscated' kids delivered to them ... which they abused themselves ! - yes I can supply the references to all of it ) and that type of regression is well known in 'abductee circles ' . A few snips from the article : " Hopkins' reliability began to crumble like old cake when he told me about the case of the decade, if not the century, which is the subject of his next book. A woman, Linda N., was abducted from her high rise in November of 1989 in lower Manhattan; Hopkins claims the abduction was witnessed by a woman driving over the Brooklyn Bridge a quarter of a mile away, and by two security officers driving former U.N. Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar (who refuses to admit this; nor are there records of his car stalling that night, as Hopkins claims). Hopkins told me about this case at length. However, he managed to leave out a remarkable series of details, all of which are revealed in a 25-page study of the "incident" published by three independent UFO researchers, including a former special agent for the U.S. Army and a former security police specialist for the U.S. Air Force. According to the information they gathered from papers Hopkins wrote and talks with him personally, Linda said that the two security officers who supposedly witnessed her abduction later kidnapped her, asked her to remove her shoes to find out if she was an alien (they claimed aliens lack toes); and that one of the officers drove her to a beach house, asked her to put on a nightgown, and requested she have sex with him. She says he also tried to drown her and that at one point he wrote her saying he was in a mental hospital. Yet Linda never made an official complaint or contacted the police. The investigators note that these bizarre details of Linda's story--none of which Hopkins told me--turn out to be uncannily similar to a science fiction novel, Nighteyes, published a few months before Linda claimed to be abducted.' Hopkins is someone Mack sees as a pioneer in whose steps he follows . " I asked him about the physical evidence: "Why aren't the ETs showing up on the White House lawn?" His answer sounded like better sleight of hand than Freud himself, who invented the term "resistance" to fend off naysayers. "Is it real? Did it happen? That looks like an irreducible question. But the answer is, in what reality? Ours, or another reality? My hunch is that this is some new kind of entity that exists in a marginal place between the physical and the nonphysical. I would almost say this phenomenon, by its very nature, is trying to get us off the pure reliance on physical artifacts." * my emphasis , and this is what I find Very interesting as it it vary close to what I wrote about 3rd or 'Daimonic Reality' (previously ejected here ... or at least disputed or ignored ). Mack claims aliens come here on an environmental mission (note earlier comments about this type of 'reality' seems congruent to the technological level and issues of the times) . Previously at height of cold war, they 'bugged' nuclear missile bases . " When I asked him what percentage of abductees come up with a new "Earth consciousness," he said percentages were not valid. "If I said half did, the other half may still come up with it. We just may not have gotten that far with them yet." Eh ? " I asked about his contention that these people lack pathology. He has given only four of nearly 80 clients any kind of psychological testing. No independent clinician has verified his statements of his patients' mental health. ... " Mack, who "taught myself to do hypnosis in this work," here stands on shaky ground. Though scores of therapists around the country are happily in his camp--fully believing in repressed memories, and regressing patients who then come up with never-before-remembered stories ranging from ritual torturing of babies to copulation with aliens-- a furious backlash has begun. Many professionals are concerned that such work is a misuse of the power of the therapist. They are also alarmed that innocent individuals are being accused of unthinkable crimes, by patients who themselves have been utterly terrified by hypnotic "memories" they believe are real. Mack's use of hypnosis enrages some psychologists, because it opens a very dark Pandora's box.' "Perhaps the most outspoken (of Mack's critics ) is Berkeley social psychologist Richard Ofshe, who shared a Pulitzer Prize in 1979 for his work in exposing the Synanon cult in California.... He's become a crusader against what he calls extreme forms of influence--from coerced police confessions to therapist-induced false memories retrieved in trance. He sees a direct and dangerous bridge between them, and doesn't exempt John Mack for a minute. "If there's a certain brilliance in backing the trendiest wrong horses available, then John Mack has it," he comments. "He has made a stellar, absolutely impressive, world-class series of mistakes. First he was in bed with Sigmund Freud, and we are already beginning to see the obituary of Freud. Then he was in bed with Werner Erhard, another big-time loser. Now he's in bed with E.T.'s evil brother." " Mack responds to all these protests with the helpless shrug of a man who is simply convinced of what he is seeing. "I know this sounds like hedging, but we don't know in what reality this occurs. False and true memory don't apply. This is powerfully real, but in what reality?" I asked him where he felt he belonged in the raging controversy over memory and abuse. Does he think memories of satanic abuse might be happening in an alternate reality? He postulated that indeed they might: "Perhaps those memories are experientially true but they didn't factually happen in this reality." What .... the .... fuck .... he previously claimed they where ! Experientially but not factually true ..... okay . There is a good discussion i this article about what is gong on in the world of hypnotic regression ; ' " ... Hypnosis expert Michael Yapko--whose textbook, Trancework (Brunner Mazel), is the leading book in the field--has equally strong words of caution. Yapko recently surveyed nearly 900 psychotherapists and found that "they are grossly misinformed about the nature of hypnosis." The great strength of hypnosis, says Yapko, is that under trance "you can accept and respond to a suggested reality. Therapists like Mack may be oblivious to the fact that they're creating the experiences they then have to treat. These phenomena are not arising independent of his influence." Then there are some stories about having the semen sucked out of a guys penis ..... does the name 'succubus ' ring a bell ? or for those that got 'probed' try incubus
  2. Alien encounters during dream

    Yes, it is a well known fact from ' UFO researchers ' that mere walls are no barrier at al for aliens .... however , a cupboard ..... .
  3. Alien encounters during dream

    It looks like something from the SFX team from 'District 9 ' .
  4. Alien encounters during dream

    Aboriginal description of sailing boat coming over the horizon , a longboat leaving the ship with men rowing it to shore and a landing on a beach ; I cloud appeared at the edge of the sea (sails ) and got closer, it was a few clouds together with a large fish or whale under it . It had a water insect riding on it at it got off and walked over the water to the shore (men rowing the boat ) , when it did some men who where riding on its back got off . They might have been spirits as their skins where white . One if us threw a spear at them to see what would happen , if they where spirits , but they bled red blood .
  5. Alien encounters during dream

    What a tease ! You are not going to tell us ?
  6. Alien encounters during dream

    Thanks ! I will have a look . I read a book years back , whose title or author I can remember , it was very good and tracked the changes in human early technology through to modern and correlated them with changing over time in religious , philosophical , metaphorical imagery used in those times , very interesting . Two nights back I had a revelation into 'what it really is ' ... WOW ! But it was my own 'really is' - something I saw , not a jellyfish . But I was determined to find out 'what it was' . The weirdness was also due to the timing and other things occurring at that time . It was not in the dream world though wide awake , so if Stimpy will forgive me : It was at the end of a three day 'Cultural Revival festival' I had helped organise on our riverside festival site , to bring forward the local indigenous culture . It was a very significant event ( whose significance was lost on most people - but not the indigenous - they where blown away - an elder took me aside and ' You know this is the only time and the first time anyone has invited us back to our land, asked us to stay on it for a while and teach them our culture and ways .. ever" . - there is a recent history here regarding massacres of the indigenous ) and the energy was pumped up , as it is in every festival we have had here , but this had some interesting indigenous energy input ( eg 300 people being shown how to do the 'Rainbow Serpent Dance ' and then doing it in unison with a huge 300 person 'snake' winding its way across the field ... and other similar things) . ANYWAY ... At the end I am sitting in a shade structure talking to a group of elderly Aboriginal men .... for some time . I got up to stretch , took a step out from under the structure and looked up and saw something that I somehow knew, from its trajectory and flight was on a re-entry path (or an 'entry path' ? ) ie. dropping down while angled nose up , that looked like a huge metal eagle or bird of pray (from my pov) - I never seen anything like that before . I called out for others to come and look quickly but they missed it . Some of the old Aboriginal men asked me to describe it , its direction, etc . They seem mystified and a bit spooked .I searched for that bloody thing for ages ! Scanned sites UFO forums etc . People offered lots of things but nothing fitted . Then after 15 years or so, the other night I saw it on tv s 'Impossible Engineering ' Its a friggin re-enty pod 'air boat ' thing ... supposedly an idea from the 60s that was never used ???? , But I saw it years back , way after the 60s , it gets lift from fuselage and not wigs It detaches into two bits It may have been the 'underpart' with the stabiliser fins attached - there are a few different modified versions of it . But what the hell is doing coming in for a landing around here ? I calculated roughly from its path where it might be heading ... we do have an air base there somewhere , so I looked up ... yep, that would be it .
  7. Alien encounters during dream

    It does ... but only 'one way' ... into the future , with 'science' . That seems to hold the 'ultimate view' , yet from an anthropological perspective , our view on 'reality' is a very recent 'flash in the pan' - the immense collation of view and knowledge of so much of our past views are 'swept aside' , and the recent view is held supreme .
  8. Spotting a fake master

    Thats okay ..... we already realized that , by the way .
  9. The Garden of Eden

    They ( the bums ) will be interpreting it for themselves IF they have a Christian influence running internally ; Oh yes,, Bindi that is a conditioning from Adam and Eve story. But if they dont have that and practice 'subtle energy systems' or 'just like the concept ' they will agree with you . In other words , its very hard to see inside someones head .... unless one knows a LOT about that person, background, current state internally , what current influences , etc . So, I would say ; get some new tires and dont forget to take your lunch with you to Uni . (and dont forget to eat some greens... and dont be so 'pushy' ) .
  10. Stranger things

    My cabin is within a grove of big old turpentine trees with two bloodwood sentinels at the back . In spring when they bloom the whole outer canopy is a cream color . The sound of the bees can be heard as soon as you enter the garden . have you ever noticed this : ( relating to your " It was like a different concept, neither just tree, nor just bees and the like. It was sound and energy, and that on a clear focused compressed place and space, while there was such a lot of movement. " ) all the bugs , bees , crickets or anything that can make a sound , even birds ..... all go quiet . Stillness ..... a moment , short or longer ? Then it slowly starts up again , rises to a crescendo , then slowly back down to stillness , a natural rhythm . The plants tune into this the 'loud / silent ' cycle coincides with ( causes ? ) the stomas in the plants leaf surfaces to open and close One way of using this this is to artificially stimulate the process with a similar sound * causing the stomas to open , then the plants are sprayed with H2O plus nutrients and that enters into the cell , then the sound goes off , stomas close and seal the goddies inside until they are digested and then the cycle starts again .
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    She will put you on ignore for that .
  12. Spotting a fake master

    Oh, I should explain ; To the Biggest Nobody ; sifu noun A pair of Cantonese terms, homophones, used in English to mean "master" or "teacher" in the context of martial arts, especially kung fu and tai chi, also used to denote "spiritual father" in esoteric uses. Now I know what you are going to ask next , no a homophone does NOT relate to .....
  13. Spotting a fake master

    Visual typo .
  14. Spotting a fake master

    Another typo ??? ! Should be 'fake'
  15. Alien encounters during dream

    Not aliens , as such, but certainly 'extra-terrestrials' .
  16. Spotting a fake master

  17. Spotting a fake master

    ... the 'anime fixation' is always a dead giveaway !
  18. Spotting a fake master

    I have spotted another fake master ....
  19. Alien encounters during dream

    You didnt use ..... 'potions' did you ?
  20. Spotting a fake master

    Oooooh ! Thanks for clearing that up !
  21. Spotting a fake master

    Get with it Snowy ! Gen Z be getting their 'wisdom' from anime now . How to tell a fake master ? he will have some lame anime , 'heroin sheik , sad big eyes , but also one's that get angry ... just before he throws a fireball at you , image of himself . ..... ' kids ' ! " Stop annoying me Billy and go play on the internet . " .
  22. Spotting a fake master

    Yes. I was going to make a rude pun on the last bit ... but I am 'running late' today .
  23. Alien encounters during dream

    I am down at the river at the swimming beach and a an alien couple is there , they have a very pale blue tone in their silver skins , silver head hair , no other hair , blue silver eyes , naked , sexually differentiated but no sexual organs . Some talk between us happened , cant remember it . Thats it , sorry . Curious I found this this morning as last night I had an 'epic' dream - down the 'tunnel' here and swoosh ! (It 'quantum jumps' from the back ridge on the property to ....... but no aliens .