silent thunder

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Everything posted by silent thunder

  1. *bow* happy april 1st
  2. what would you say?

    If you were given the opportunity to send a message that would be broadcast out to the universe... what would it be?
  3. addiction to air, food and water

    I just can't shake them... yet.
  4. Stagnatory redundancy - Information

    There is no truth 'out there'. To seek is not to find, or to be.
  5. The science of acupuncture

    Multiple studies confirm that meridian points and acupuncture points have conductivity 10-100 times greater than the surrounding skin. I enjoyed this: and thought this was well worded:
  6. I keep a practice journal and a dream journal. in yoda voice: much help they have been.
  7. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

    Can I help him pack?
  8. Some I Ching resources on-line

    How fortuitous... I've recently been feeling a tug to do just this... perhaps I'll take one of you up on that...
  9. what would you say?

    fair enough. in this moment... love or die trying
  10. Thoughts on Ukraine / Russia Debacle?!

  11. Extensive research

    That is genius! Thank you
  12. Synchronicities are...

    Wow. To have witnessed that had to be awesome. I work with a set painter who responded to me sharing my above story with his own. He was on vacation in Germany and visiting an art gallery and saw himself in the background of a picture taken in Los Angeles over a decade before. He didn't know the photographer and just happened to be walking by when the shot was taken. He had no memory of it. Then just happened to attend the gallery on another continent, a decade later, where it was on display. Wild.
  13. Synchronicities are...

    One of my all time favorite synchronicity stories. Man lost touch with his daughter for over 10 years after a divorce. He travels to the old city to find her but fails, then thinks to try the local paper who run his story with his picture to help him find her. It works. Turns out his daughter is in the picture the photographer took of him. She and his ex-wife are crossing the street behind him. They are reunited.
  14. Freedom, free will, causality and chaos

    I don't put much into the idea of free will either. The idea of free anything, is counter-intuitive to me as nothing exists as an independent 'thing' which is free of anything else. Even the clouds mentioned in the OP are formed, moved and dispersed by existing conditions. Will has the disposition of some imposition of intent. But this intent is formed and triggered by existing conditions. edit: instead of free will, I say we experience reactions to existing conditions.
  15. How tree spirits heal

    I touch all manner of plants as I walk by, giving them a simple thanks or hello.
  16. You will know how free you are or not when someone tries to open your prison door. -- me
  17. deleted

    I prefer ... myself. but .. has a nice ring to it.
  18. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    Love this!
  19. Strange Dream Vibrations after meditation session.

    As to what should or shouldn't be your course, only you can decide. OOB can be amazing and/or freaky, I've experienced both. In the end these experiences, while opening up my awareness to a greater sense of reality and a greater questioning of 'who am i', are still just experiences. I'm grateful for what I've experienced good and bad, as there's a sense they all contribute to this 'who am i' process. As to getting back from out of body travel, it is as simple as thinking about your body. It's instantaneous. One can accidentally snap back into body and end an obe early with a stray thought about the body. This is a common complaint among those who are obsessed with obe's and are just beginning to have some success. I wish you much awareness and clarity.
  20. Strange Dream Vibrations after meditation session.

    Sounds like you are one step removed from an out of body experience. Intense, high vibrational state and paralysis being common precursors. I've come lucid during the vibrational state a few times, but have not induced an obe willfully... yet. I've had a few obe's randomly, but always become aware after the vibrational state, when I'm 'out'. The sense that there is a dark presence very nearby is also quite common. Mine was right next to my face though I only experienced this once. Recently it's been vibrational state with no presence and no paralysis. In the vibrational state,without the paralysis usually prompts an involuntary action on my part which breaks the process and then I'm just lying in bed.
  21. Nei Gong Forum?

    If you're passionate about it, just do it. If it falls into chaos, walk away, no loss. If it thrives, you've found your dream a reality.
  22. Monkey Mind ? Anyone else?

    I get lumps of experience, particularly in practice that are free of thought. Thoughts come though, always flowing again at some point.
  23. The decline and eventual fall of the USA as world superpower?

    Good to know. I thought there was a federal minimum requirement. Thanks