
Help for feminine symbols for tattoo

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21 hours ago, Daniel said:


My and I.... ( it's not about you and yours... it's not your tattoo, and you did not choose the card )



Wot ?    I put that image up first in another thread and NN posted it here and then I commented that I would not use THE WHOLE CARD  , so in fact I DID choose the card to comment on , NN only  'chose ' the top part of the card and in any case it was an original suggestion by me from elsewhere .   You are not following things .



In order to understand what I wrote, I recommend letting go of the fixation on correcting me.


:D    :D   :D     I'll ask old3bob about that and your transformer discussion  ....  would you like reference to  other subjects and places on this forum where you have done the same  .



  The difference between us seems to me I actually listen to the other person.  I am not focusing on me and my.  


No, I never to listen to the other person , even if they are the OP     :D 


I do not use "gnosis".  I listen and understand others from their point of view.   Understanding is always above and beyond "gnosis".


Wot ?   You DO know what the word gnosis means dont you ?


Try looking it up in the   ENCYCLOPEDIA      :) 


21 hours ago, Daniel said:

This is how I knew that our other friend did not want any exorcisms.  But you decided to put on a little song and dance for him anyway. 


and he got ' exorcised '  ... poof !  ... Gone !  


Never asking, not listening, showing off.  Even though you had just a few days previously called him a Nazi and and insulted him.


I called him a nazi as he was interpreting things just like a nazi ... what , you have a problem with calling nazis out , he was very nazi and the site owner banned him for it and along with the ban posted a  a screaming outraged angry face to show his frustration .  The guy snuck back in and did  all the crap, bad advice , games and shit such do ... and you Daniel supported all that , probably just to oppose me  and 'prove yourself right '  


By the way , has anyone noticed the difference in the esoteric forum now ?  Thanks to the purging person and energy by the Mods  .... Hmmmmmmm ???


  And you were encouraging me to join in on your hate fest.


'Purge fest '


In this case I listened to what the OP found interesting and appealing about the art on the card. 


He was referring to the top part , and he was right , it is a good image ; the opening eye of awareness , or God, if one likes , the power coming from that in the dove 'grace ' and the power rising up in the 'lion serpent ' .


THEN I said , not the whole image though , and showed it . THEN  you come along and start trying to put a positive spin op the whole image ... which is NOT what the OP was referring to in the first place  .  You got in deep water with the whole card image and tried to argue your way out of it with a person that has been a Tarot reader and a student of that particular deck , system and philosophy  for over 40 years including 10 years as a public reader .  But I AM the one that insists on arguing with others what I do not know about ... r i i i i ght  . 


You decided to ignore what they said and corrected them.  That's the wrong answer.  You need to listen more.


I dont ignoire what he says at all ... but you would not know about that .



And this is a perfect match for what I said.  What you're missing, and this is common for many who are locked into Qabbalah ( which is NOT Kabbalah ) they absolutely cannot see things from multiple perspectives.  Their way is the only way.  


I am not 'locked onto' anything but use many tools . And  Kabbalah  actually trains one to see things  not from from multiple perspectives but by 'relationship' .


That card can have at least two meanings.


Of course it can , upright its bad , reversed its worse    :D


I use that one as anyone can give it a meaning they want NOWADAYS in this wonderful new age  , but traditionally, if you look in a book they are the two ways of defining meanings .

and in case you dont realise, that is a specific deck of a specific author  who gives it a specific meaning  and THAT is its meaning  ... unless you are tyhe sort that will deny the meaning of a painting when the artist that created it explained the meaning to you ?  Since you know so mush about this card , apparently, you will know of it, the author and the book and GO LOOK IT UP  ... and then you will know I right  and know that I AM NOT the person here making arguments about things I know nothing about ...and then getting uppity when I am shown to be wrong .


having multiple meanimngs does not effect in any way what I am saying .... look , ignore what I say and just go on line somewhere and ask anybody  ( that isnt claiming to know everything , including things they do not know ) involved with tarot what they think about tattooing the Blasted Tower card on their body .  


and again ... NOT the image Matt used but the whole card , which contains the images you and I where debating over .


can you 'get' all this ?


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6 hours ago, Nungali said:

Wot ?    I put that image up first in another thread and NN posted it here and then I commented that I would not use THE WHOLE CARD  , so in fact I DID choose the card to comment on , NN only  'chose ' the top part of the card and in any case it was an original suggestion by me from elsewhere .   You are not following things .


they chose it for this thread and said it looked "sick".  That was their choice not yours.  go ahead and post the link to this other thread, and we'll sort it out otherwise see below.  Those are NOT your words.  The OP chose that card that image for this thread.  You did NOT chose that card for this thread, unless you post a link that proves it, I think you're just trying to be the master-guru trying to control.




6 hours ago, Nungali said:

I called him a nazi as he was interpreting things just like a nazi ... what , you have a problem with calling nazis out


The point is, you called him a Nazi, tried to get me to join in your hate fest, then two days later claimed to be doing a exorcism on him, without asking him first.  Pretending for a moment you actually can exorcise demons and pretending for a moment he actually has them, he didn't want you to remove them.  But you decided to do something TO him.  Without his permission.  I knew he wouldn't want that, because I listened to him.  You did NOT listen to him.


Then when I asked you about it, you did a whole song and dance about it, lied, reversed position, did back flips.  Pretended it was all just a gag to see if people would believe you.  The whole thing was pretty sick considering all you needed to do was apologize and resolve not to do stuff TO people without their permission again.  


But no.  You decided to argue with me about it in circles.  After you recycled twice, I put you on ignore. 


The problem is, you flipped.  You hated on the guy, ,didn't listen to him, trying to recuit people against him.  Wanted him to quit posting in YOUR forum.  But if you would have listenned to him, and listened to me, and not been so concerned with being the top dog, there wouldn't have been a problem.  And here you are again, trying to be top-dog.  It's not your card, your not the keeper of THE interpretation of it.  It had significance for the OP.




If you opened your mind and read what I wrote.  Your reaction is precisely what the card is against.  Your interpretation of it, as bad and wrong?  The card itself disagrees with you.  That's the point.


6 hours ago, Nungali said:

Purge fest


Hating on him, trying to recruit oothers to hate on him, then claiming to do stuff TO him spiritually without his consent is down-right evil.  All for what?


6 hours ago, Nungali said:

has anyone noticed the difference in the esoteric forum now ?


that's effed, nungali.  the esoteric forum?  wow, your priorities are iin my opinion the lowest of the low.  someone needs help and you care about the "esoteric forum".


6 hours ago, Nungali said:

He was referring to the top part , and he was right , it is a good image ; the opening eye of awareness ,


No... you're doing it again.  You're in denial mode.  They saw the whole card and said:




6 hours ago, Nungali said:

THEN  you come along and start trying to put a positive spin op the whole image ... which is NOT what the OP was referring to in the first place


Wrong, see above.


I listened to the what the OP saw in the card which they said was "pretty sick" which is a compliment.  So putting a positive spin on it is listening to the person who chose it.


6 hours ago, Nungali said:

am not 'locked onto' anything but use many tools . And  Kabbalah  actually trains one to see things  not from from multiple perspectives but by 'relationship' .


You're doing it again.  You're only seeing things in one way and claiming to the authority, when ... you're not.  You do not get to choose what is and is not Kabbalah.  You don't seem to know Kabbalah.  You work with Qabbalah.  That is the Crowley version.  The Hermetic version.  But people like to claim that word wiith the "K" because it has credibility attached to it.  How do I know?  Becaue of the pictures you've posted.  They're wrong and scrambled.


6 hours ago, Nungali said:

You DO know what the word gnosis means dont you ?


Gnosis = knowledge.  And now you have confirmed you don't know Kabbalah because you cannot disstiguish between knowledge and understanding.  And from our previous discussions you are locked into gnosis and haven't a clue about understanding at all.


6 hours ago, Nungali said:

I dont ignoire what he says at all ... but you would not know about that .


Sure you did.


You said:  "Maybe the first   .... its the top of a tarot card .... but I would NOT be having that particular card tattooed on me !"  Immediately after they said they liked it.  And then you posted all of these lady-saints.


Claiming they're Binah the gate of Birth and Death?  Binah?  Birth and Death?  OoooooKay.  ~eye-rolls~  


Well, there it is... I mention understanding, and you're pointing to gnosis, instead of Binah, because somehow you think its a gate of birth and death, instead of... understanding.


Here's some reading for those that are interested:




Edited by Daniel

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19 hours ago, Nungali said:

…  I put that image up first …


Exactly, that’s how I remember it too.


Edited by Cobie
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On 10/13/2023 at 2:38 PM, NaturaNaturans said:

You posted this in another thread though, and its pretty sick:


This ^^ is what I am seeing.  It was posted in another thread, and you chose to include it here.


1 hour ago, NaturaNaturans said:

It is not only how you remember it, it is what happened;)


What I am I missing?  Are you saying you did not see the image in another thread?  And then chose to bring it here?  Did nungali choose this card FOR you in another thread?  I doubt that very highly based on the replies between you regarding it.  Was this card somehow HIS choice, for this thread for the tattoo idea, or was it yours?  Honest question.


I went back and scrolled through this thread.  It's only two pages long.  Nungali's first reply to the thread was a lady-saint.  Your reaction was ~confused~.  Then you replied with the partial picture of the card in question, you said "You posted this in another thread though, and its pretty sick".  Nungali replied, {paraphrasing} "Oh, I would NOT pick that one.... Yes the top is fine, but did you see the whole thing?" You replied {paraphrasing} "Yeah, and it reminds me of spirit+beezelbub+serpent, but I guess I was wrong".


Then I interjected and said that ths info was useful for helping to choose a new tattoo, and that one should be skeptical of anyone who says a specific glyph is WRONG for that person.  That's a red-flag.  As confirmation I listened to you and brought you something you said you really liked.  Maybe the suggestions weren't for you.  But you liked what I wrote about it.


As further confirmation of this "red-flag", when you said you liked the one card, in spite of not liking the original lady-saint, you received multiple different versions of lady saints.  Nothing even close to what you said you had liked.  ~shakes-my-head~.


So what's happening here?  One person was listening to you, the other person was projecting what they wanted ONTO you.  And I think that's a red flag. And It could be that nungali is actually afraid of this card for some reason.  I don't know, but if so, I think that's foolish.  Like I said before.  You are the master of your domain, the card has no power over you.  It's just a card.  


Edited by Daniel
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I am not mad, i like you. I just dont feel like bickering about what, in my opinion, are insignificant details. I like to view the «soul» of the discussion, the bigger picture. If it came from me, you or @Nungali, the spagetti monster or Lucifer is not that important to me, thats all.

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5 minutes ago, NaturaNaturans said:

I am not mad, i like you. I just dont feel like bickering about what, in my opinion, are insignificant details. I like to view the «soul» of the discussion, the bigger picture. If it came from me, you or @Nungali, the spagetti monster or Lucifer is not that important to me, thats all.


No prob.  It seemed like you and Cobie were taking sides.


Yes, I just scrolled back:  "It is not only how you remember it, it is what happened;)" <----- that in reply to Cobie, is taking sides. 


I don't care about being on my own.  I have strong principles about what is right and wrong.  That pretty much gaurantees, I'll be on my own.


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1 hour ago, Cobie said:

I was and am “taking sides”.  :lol:  However, 


I support you in your choices.  They are yours to make.  Still seems wrong.  And it's easy to prove.  But , like I said.  I'm used to being on my own, because I have strong principles on right and wrong.  Sincerely,



NN is being the wiser one here. Plus it’s his thread, so I will refrain from further comments on the nitpicking.  :)


It's natural to support the one who is supporting you.  I can understand that.  It appears the discussion about suggesting tattoos is over.  Nungali said I was wrong.  I have right to respond.  Most people want me to defer, just because they don't like conflict.  But in the end, they claim they don't care that much.  


Fine, don't care then.  But other people have just as much responsibility to defer and not nitpick as I do.


On 10/15/2023 at 1:15 PM, Nungali said:

I have to say , according to the meaning and gnosis of that card .... you have ot totally wrong


And here is Nungali's reply to me beginning the direct criticism of what I said.  But, people don't seem to care about that.  


It's fine.  All I need is the thread itself to confirm I wasn't wrong if others are not going to judge fairly.


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3 hours ago, Cobie said:


Exactly, that’s how I remember it too.



Our Dear Daniel EVEN showed that in the above post he claims proves that I didnt do it    :D


that is 





Matt is saying how I posted it another thread  ..... and this is all I posted , an image of the top of the card .... I never posted the whole card .

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3 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

It is not only how you remember it, it is what happened;)


Not according to our Dear Daniel here


who claims I make unbased and false arguments against him ... because I have this 'thing' about being right 



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11 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Our Dear Daniel EVEN showed that in the above post he claims proves that I didnt do it    :D


that is 





Matt is saying how I posted it another thread  ..... and this is all I posted , an image of the top of the card .... I never posted the whole card .


I said that the OP chose to include the card in this thread.  Then you said the top was OK, not the rest NOT.  The OP saw the card and confirmed the liked the whole thing.  Instead of listening to what they liked, you kept posting more lady-saints.  


Here's a picture, again, showing that they saw the whole card. 


I really don't mind correcting you.  If you keep misrepresenting the truth, I will keep correcting you.



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16 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Not according to our Dear Daniel here


who claims I make unbased and false arguments against him ... because I have this 'thing' about being right 




I have all the facts right now, and I'm standing up against 3 who disagree for some reason.


The truth as popularity contest is flat-earth thinking.  Nice job!



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23 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Our Dear Daniel EVEN showed that in the above post he claims


Here is what I said.  Your attention to detail is lacking.  Since you don't know what I said, your objections are dismissed.






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28 minutes ago, Nungali said:

I never posted the whole card .


Wrong again.  Dude.  It's right here.





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2 hours ago, Daniel said:


I said that the OP chose to include the card in this thread.  Then you said the top was OK, not the rest NOT.  The OP saw the card and confirmed the liked the whole thing.  Instead of listening to what they liked, you kept posting more lady-saints.  


Here's a picture, again, showing that they saw the whole card. 


I really don't mind correcting you.  If you keep misrepresenting the truth, I will keep correcting you.




Oh hum


I was saying I never posted the whole card initially, which anyone with a brain realized,  as it was in response to the initial appearance of the image  ... of course I posted the whole card LATER  to demonstrate why I said I would not have the WHOLE image as a tattoo .


You omit all that now and just try this above in a desperate attempt to 'prove yourself right ' , while that is your very complaint against me !


I also note the OP   actually had no problem 'guessing he was wrong ' and seemed to have no problem asking ME of the meaning .


Now ... who is it that had a problem ?  Its wasnt him was it .


Whats your problem  ?  I know what it is , you revealed it in the diatribe that you then realized you should edit out  ....   and you did .


Which was a shame , as I LOVED the bit where you admonished me for flooding the Op with  suggested female images for a tattoo  ... in a thread with THIS title :


Help for feminine symbols for tattoo




... which was  shame , as I loved that bit  ! 


- what will Daniel try next ?

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2 hours ago, Daniel said:


I have all the facts right now, and I'm standing up against 3 who disagree for some reason.


The truth as popularity contest is flat-earth thinking.  Nice job!




I must have 'recruited' those other 'unthinking three' to be slaves in the Nungali Army , yeah ?


... and  " Earth only be flat , 'cause yo Momma been sittin' on it !  "

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My final suggestion is that ,  NaturaNaturans should have  the 'Daniel and Nungali argument '  tattooed on his back .  :)  

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54 minutes ago, Nungali said:

was saying I never posted the whole card initially,


Great!  If you go back and read what I wrote we agree.  I'm not sure why you are arguing about this, other than you didn't actually read what I wrote.  And that is characteristic of your criticisms in general.


We actually agreed about the card too, if you read it.  It's just some kind of spooky-scary thing to you and it doesn't bother me one bit.


Same with the transformer.  We agreed.  But you wanted to swoop in as the hero and make me into a villain.  Typical.


If you don't read it, and you want to position your self as superior ( or you have nothing better to do ), then you just post somethiing negative.




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49 minutes ago, Nungali said:

My final suggestion is that ,  NaturaNaturans should have  the 'Daniel and Nungali argument '  tattooed on his back .  :)  


If you would read what I write there would be very little arguing.  We clearly have differences on what is moral and proper behavior, but, the arguing can easily be remedied if you stop denying it, and just accept our differences as differences.


There's some minor issues with the incorrect labeling of Qabbalah as Kabbalah, but, everyone does it.  It's just a common mistake that people make when they don't know better.  It wouldn't be a big deal until you say things like "don't you know what gnosis means?"  When I was clearly saying I skip over that in favor of understanding ( which is a classic concept in Kabbalah ).


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59 minutes ago, Nungali said:


I must have 'recruited' those other 'unthinking three' to be slaves in the Nungali Army , yeah ?


... and  " Earth only be flat , 'cause yo Momma been sittin' on it !  "


No, I think each of you have your own reasons for doing what you do.


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On 15.10.2023 at 10:17 PM, Nungali said:



What a beautiful shade of blue  .....







I liked it to, as well as the symbol. What does it mean?


my current tatts:




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5 hours ago, NaturaNaturans said:

Vem vet, inte du,

vem vet, inte jag

vi vet ingenting nu

vi vet Inger idag

google says it's Swedish for:


Who knows, not you,

who knows, not me

we know nothing now

we know Inger today



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