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Magic and karma

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During the witch hunts in medieval Europe, cats were designated by the fathers of inquisition as witches' accomplices, accused of black magic, outlawed, and sentenced to death, all of them. After a while, Europe's millions of cats disappeared and became all but extinct. The next thing that happened was an exponential growth of the rodent population. Primates' ancient competitors for food who won the battle some 2.6 million years earlier on the North American continent, causing extinction of all primate species native to the continent (some 120 of them), were now making a spectacular comeback to power in Europe due to one primate species, and one gender of it at that, working tirelessly for the rodent cause, for reasons best known to the devil. Famines became rampant and routine; then, on the backs of the rats, came the Black Plague. It killed over 2/3 of Europe's human population. The cat didn't resort to this act of natural karmic magic until severely provoked.


In the 19th century, European "scientists" and "archaeologists" were "studying" Egyptian civilization (mostly via pillage and plunder.) Among other things, they discovered vast cemeteries of millions of mummified cats. In Egypt, cats were thought of as incarnations of Bastet, the cat-headed goddess of fertility, femininity, love, and prosperity. Killing a cat was a crime punishable by death; if a cat died of natural causes, it was mummified and buried at the designated cat cemetery for about two thousand years, the years of Egyptian civilization's power and glory. European "scientists" found the custom without merit, and entrepreneurs following the "archaeological research" bought the cats, dug them all out, and sold for fertilizer at an agricultural auction in England. Thousands of tons of cat mummies were ground up and sold to farmers in the US to fertilize the land from sea to shining sea. There's hardly anyone living in this country today who doesn't have an eating disorder. Bastet didn't resort to this act of natural karmic magic until severely provoked.

Edited by Taomeow

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This is great -- I was staring at my "lost cat" postcard on my fridge pondering the secret magic of cats today. Thanks -- it's the whole solitary, hear ultrasound, know my owner is a block away or can track across the country thing that intrigues me. Not the herd mentality of dog-humans, rather the sneaking, hunting of witch-cat-shamans.


During the witch hunts in medieval Europe, cats were designated by the fathers of inquisition as witches' accomplices, accused of black magic, outlawed, and sentenced to death, all of them. After a while, Europe's millions of cats disappeared and became all but extinct. The next thing that happened was an exponential growth of the rodent population. Primates' ancient competitors for food who won the battle some 2.6 million years earlier on the North American continent, causing extinction of all primate species native to the continent (some 120 of them), were now making a spectacular comeback to power in Europe due to one primate species, and one gender of it at that, working tirelessly for the rodent cause, for reasons best known to the devil. Famines became rampant and routine; then, on the backs of the rats, came the Black Plague. It killed over 2/3 of Europe's human population. The cat didn't resort to this act of natural karmic magic until severely provoked.


In the 19th century, European "scientists" and "archaeologists" were "studying" Egyptian civilization (mostly via pillage and plunder.) Among other things, they discovered vast cemeteries of millions of mummified cats. In Egypt, cats were thought of as incarnations of Bastet, the cat-headed goddess of fertility, femininity, love, and prosperity. Killing a cat was a crime punishable by death; if a cat died of natural causes, it was mummified and buried at the designated cat cemetery for about two thousand years, the years of Egyptian civilization's power and glory. European "scientists" found the custom without merit, and entrepreneurs following the "archaeological research" bought the cats, dug them all out, and sold for fertilizer at an agricultural auction in England. Thousands of tons of cat mummies were ground up and sold to farmers in the US to fertilize the land from sea to shining sea. There's hardly anyone living in this country today who doesn't have an eating disorder. Basted didn't resort to this act of natural karmic magic until severely provoked.

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We never domesticated the cat. They chose us.


It's interesting to have a look at people's pets. Dogs, the lovable dependent things they are, do well in a nurturing environment. But in a bad home they really soak it in. They are sponges. Go to the park and have a look and people and their dogs. They often have parallel postural problems/qi flow issues. Man's best friend is a mirror of his soul.


Cats don't. The environment still affects them of course. But a cat in a bad home acts like any wild animal would and finds hiding places. The cat can be trained but they don't imprint off us. They have their own lazy gongfu and instinctual hardwiring. Cats are inborn taiji adepts. Soft and unassuming, they yield and wait for their opening, then explode with speed, power, and grace. They keep everything concealed. Only their eyes give away the cat's power.


Little wonder why the church feared them. Their control, their hell hath no fury like nature's scorn. Why are Gothic churches covered in devils with hard angles pointing every which way? Oh boy, how the human story's great antagonists can be so obvious for so long is beyond me. Aren't actions supposed to speak louder than words? Even when revolutions overthrow old evils, the words change, but the actions remain.


How are we to fight evil when fighting makes us evil?


Would that we could all have power but rarely use it like our feline friends.

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Yes there is nothing like a strong dog to demonstrate unconditional love. True living is a man hunting with a smart dog.

I'll leave the cat to hunt the rodents around the house at her liesure.Female cats always make for the better hunters.

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"True living is a man hunting with a smart dog."


Fresh rain like tears,


Starseeds seen,


a hunter in the sky,


dispelling fear,


who might it be,


following the Dogstar.







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Cats are indeed natural mystics,


hey they even have their own healing sound and yoga stretching routine. :D


I swear that the purring they do have vibrational properties outside our "normal" comprehension.



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