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Serge Augier: Daxuan

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Eight Principles for Happiness is the most recent in the ‘Written Transmissions of Da Xuan Daoism’ penned by Serge Augier and published by Line of Intent, Alex Kozma’s imprint. It promises to set us on the path to happiness!


Of the four books published so far, this one is the most clearly structured, with eight core chapters each containing eight exercises. The subjects will be familiar territory to many readers here: Alignment, Non-Resistance, Balance, and Natural Cycles being the first four. The content is where the particular flavour of Serge’s tradition emerges.  Every lesson is couched in the language and environment of the everyday. Everything can be done by anyone - right now, tomorrow, or next week. The exercises, which range from the purely intellectual through to the directly physical, ask you to reconsider how you stand, how you see, and how you think. They offer practical challenges to the obstacles which we may believe lie between us and a more satisfying, happier, life.  

Conversational rather than a highly-structured esoteric exposition, the voice is recognisable to anyone who has heard Serge teach but, if you haven’t, it’s worth reading as a listener. In a recent episode of Alex’s Flying Monk video series, Serge noted that, coming from an oral tradition, he didn’t much enjoy writing books! An upshot of this is that this book, like the previous volumes in the series, benefits from multiple readings to allow the layers and links in the material to emerge.


The Daxuan way seems to be to lead the student to the profound via the ordinary. You’ll finish the book both with practical ways of ‘kicking your tyres’ to see where your own personal situation could be improved and an understanding as to how these methods arise from Daoist principles. The final section ‘Dialogue with the Master’ is in Q&A format with Serge answering questions on Daoist standards including Life, Death, the Bagua and the Eight Immortals and more…


Finally, you can tell that the publisher loves books! This is no print-on-demand conveyor-belt book and the materials used clearly reflect the publisher’s care over the content.


Will it make you happier? Who knows – if you read it, and practise – it might!


Disclaimer: I have known Alex for several years and he’s asked me to post reviews from time to time and I’ve always failed to get it together. This time he didn’t ask me and here we are –  maximum yin turning into yang perhaps 😊 I’m also in my first year as a distance student of Serge’s Daxuan tradition so think of that what you will. This book is chock-full of good stuff and Line of Intent books don’t hang around forever.

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Auspiciously, one of Serge's disciples, Jeremy Rocul, has just released a Udemy course on Daoist physical exercises. It includes an introduction to the Daxuan Daoist method and sections on connecting, rooting, and relaxing the body. I've only viewed the first one so far but it is, as ever, detailed and directly applicable to personal practice.



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Hi Rob ,

hows the course going ?

could you give a few details on what it involves ?



p.s gonna order the book

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Hi @Bruce Qi the Udemy course? There are three 'main' videos plus intro and general practice advice. Each video has roughly three exercises for exploring the theme: relaxation, rooting and connection. Explanations and demonstrations are very clear. I picked up some useful snippets which have made a difference to my practice. As an introduction, I think it's fantastic -these basic works are gateways to experiencing your body differently and building in valuable qualities. There are also gems in the other videos which help elucidate the Daxuan approach to Taoist practice - very pragmatic, very 'in your everyday life' approach to practice.



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thanks for that rob , sounds like a good course and cheap ! gonna take a look at it

hows the distance training going , is there a link to the distance training ?


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@Bruce Qi a friend asked me yesterday how the training was going and I didn't have a very good answer then either! I'm about 9 months along. I've established a solid daily practice and try and do 90 minutes a day, usually split into 3 sessions. It's interesting. I'm in a better place in different ways. Physically I'm stronger and more flexible - psychologically and emotionally too I think. My life is easier than it was in some respects but also more challenging in others. It has become harder to fool myself about my own behaviours.   No ninja skillz, dragon riding or X ray vision yet though, which is disappointing.


There is some information on Serge's website but not very much. You need to email him directly if you have any questions.

Edited by RobB
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lmao , I just went to check on that course and I saw the proper price ! I thought it said 9.99 which is why I mentioned it was cheap , I didn't realize it was 99.99 ! haha


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I think that's the Udemy 'list price'. Their pricing mechanism is a mystery to me! I paid around £15 for the course and the price was lower a few days later. When I look now it seems to be £25ish. I have no idea whether you are getting the same options or not! 

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@Bruce Qi  Udemy has sales from time to time.  I got the course for $11, the other day.  I think that if you <3 it, they will let you know when it goes on sale.

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@RobB  How similar is Jeremy Rocul's course to the lessons you get when you join the online training with Serge?

Edited by Charris34

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I've gotten the Shen Gong book and the 2 Udemy courses now. I feel the exercises in the Daoist Physical Cultivation are most similar to I Liq Chuan, good stuff. The Stress and Emotions class is really good for anyone wanting to get a better understanding of Reiki 1.

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