
HT Forum: S. Biel Posts

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I've been having a new year clear out and stumbled on some disks with posts saved from the old HT forum during its heyday. Steve Biels's posts were always real gems so here's one (I plan to dig the others out and might even find the one on jing loss that Ian was after a while back):


Yes, I always wondered what happened to Steven.

Anybody knows?

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A wonderful contribution. The deepest truth likely this:


"But part of the tao is figuring things out for yourself. Other people can only describe things so well."


But all resonates truth.


Thank you rex. And s.biel should you read this.

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I have his old email.

we should contact him. Maybe he moved away from the whole HT too, and now he would find a new house in here.

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He was by far the youngest of the original Healing Tao USA forum group. Cam and I are 32, Plato and Max are about 36, Keith's around 40, etc. Biel would be about 24 now, I think.

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Ok, I will write to him. I think he got seriously fu.cked up experimenting with methods. Remeber when he came back about the same time they hacked HT forum the first time? His energy was really screwed up.

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He was by far the youngest of the original Healing Tao USA forum group. Cam and I are 32, Plato and Max are about 36, Keith's around 40, etc. Biel would be about 24 now, I think.



He was a good guy. The last thing I remember Plato or someone was harassing him about doing alchemy with squirrels or something.


Kieth is in his mid 40's, but could easily pass for mid 30's :)

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He was a good guy. The last thing I remember Plato or someone was harassing him about doing alchemy with squirrels or something.



I believe it was "Pyronecrobestiality", and it involved burning a dead squirrel with a lighter whilst fucking said squirrel. Also there was drool, which made the burning more difficult.




Biel was a smart kid. I liked him.

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I believe it was "Pyronecrobestiality", and it involved burning a dead squirrel with a lighter whilst fucking said squirrel. Also there was drool, which made the burning more difficult.




Biel was a smart kid. I liked him.

You know, I really can't believe that that was the real reason why he left. I always thought he just got tired. I saw his getting angry only once, with Ron. And that was the time when Ron stopped changing name EVERY time he was writing but wticked with his latest one... what eventually became Ron. And Ron said something along the lines "AND I HAVE MAGICALLY BEEN TRANSFFORRMED INTO A NICE GUY". or similar.


After he left he came back one time, and then left again, which is why I also thought it must have just been a change in interests.


Did the email bounce said something interesting?

Can we use his email to make a google search? I have already tried s.biel and steven biel but with no success.

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