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Stopping The Ceremony

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Without going into the details right now...I wish to stop an invocation of a... spirit being (for want of better words). I am to be present at this summoning & will be the target of this manifestation. I know this because it's happened before at the same venue - how can I interfere with this & ruin the invocation?


This will happen in plain sight in a public area, but this area is purposely charged for the summoning.

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What is the purpose of the manifestation? Just to attack you, or does that happen just as a byproduct of some other purpose? Are you just trying to protect yourself, or affect the whole thing?

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You should probably give a lot more details, telling us the whole story. For instance, why were you a part of this?

I think it makes sense that you could avoid it by not going there.

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Thanks for the replies, guys. I can't get help with this anywhere else so your time & input is extremely valuable to me.


Sorry for the cryptic riddling but for some things, one can only hint, right?


@Jeff, yes. just to attack me. Just trying to protect myself  - I want nothing from these people, never have had. But they *really* want me. It runs in the "family", but I'm not interested - this decision has really pissed them off. 


@Aetherous, yes, probably for the best to not appear. I can't tell the whole story because it would take a lifetime, and 

without smashing a massive aumelette. I may have to appear though, 'cos it's my job & I need every penny & all the work I can get.



I play rock music at a semi-pro level. I'm the only band member that isn't in their club. This particular venue was a certain meeting place for them, now it's a pub. But the essence of the place is very much alive. I will try & get photos of the place soon enough so one can see the layout of the bar.


Who on this forum is best equipped to discuss magickal ritual? If this forum is inappropriate, does anyone know of a better place to discuss this?

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Thanks for sharing. You are at the level where you can subconsciously energetically connect to your surroundings, so it would definitely be possible for the leader of the group and any associated being to form an energetic connection with you. I can tell that the leader and being are sort of “stronger” energetically than you. To try to give it sort of a numerical value, lets say you are a 5 and the leader/being are 6s. They are kind of at astral/mind level, but their connection is more conscious while yours is more subconscious level.


If you can avoid it, then I would say just avoid it as it is unlikely that you will be able to disrupt it on your own. If you feel that you need/have to go, then you will need to connect in advance to a more powerful being/light source. A true light being will easily dissolve or disrupt their “astral” energy stuff. What they are doing would be called “false light” in the Bible. Do you follow any specific tradition or  have any higher beings that you trust?

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Once again, many thanks for the replies.


@Jeff, I will probably avoid the situation, but there is a part of me that wishes to invite witnesses - I would like external affirmation for my own peace of mind. BTW, that's a very good description of the scenario, especially the conscious/subconscious aspect.


I follow no path other than my own, though it is coloured by being raised in a Judeo-Christian culture. I admire Gnostic Christianity, but I'm a theoretic type only. I don't see the logic of participating in occult behaviour (including exoteric organisations) where the point of my inclusion & the desired result is unknown to me (my father taught me to question everything). That is blind faith - how ironic that occultists choosing to negate the concept of an external G_d, need & use blind faith as a vehicle into the occult! Just the other side of the same coin.


I give my energy where I find it is deserving. These "people" just steal it from me.


They have isolated me from having extended contact with anyone who isn't one of them. Actually, there is one person, Gurdjieffian in nature. I thought I might find him here, but not as yet. I gather he became somewhat of a hermit so is technologically impossible to reach. In real life he used the moniker "Love Child", I gather he hasn't joined this forum.


Edited by !nverse
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12 hours ago, !nverse said:

Without going into the details right now...I wish to stop an invocation of a... spirit being (for want of better words). I am to be present at this summoning & will be the target of this manifestation. I know this because it's happened before at the same venue - how can I interfere with this & ruin the invocation?


This will happen in plain sight in a public area, but this area is purposely charged for the summoning.


Dont turn up .

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8 minutes ago, Nungali said:


Dont turn up .


That's the "if all else fails, run away" scenario. I was hoping I might get other suggestions prior to this, though I have no qualms about doing so. It's part of my job so it's not so easy to avoid.

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7 hours ago, !nverse said:

Thanks for the replies, guys. I can't get help with this anywhere else so your time & input is extremely valuable to me.


Sorry for the cryptic riddling but for some things, one can only hint, right?


@Jeff, yes. just to attack me. Just trying to protect myself  - I want nothing from these people, never have had. But they *really* want me. It runs in the "family", but I'm not interested - this decision has really pissed them off. 


@Aetherous, yes, probably for the best to not appear. I can't tell the whole story because it would take a lifetime, and 

without smashing a massive aumelette. I may have to appear though, 'cos it's my job & I need every penny & all the work I can get.



I play rock music at a semi-pro level. I'm the only band member that isn't in their club. This particular venue was a certain meeting place for them, now it's a pub. But the essence of the place is very much alive. I will try & get photos of the place soon enough so one can see the layout of the bar.


Who on this forum is best equipped to discuss magickal ritual? If this forum is inappropriate, does anyone know of a better place to discuss this?


Maybe this is a better place, other 'magical forums' I have seen ... sheeeesh !  


In this specific area . I have a background in evocation and invocation, ritual magic including goetia  for years on end .  I also have practised many other rituals, for long periods of time- daily, including LBRP  ....  I sure hope you know about that !  or similar ?


(edit to add ; in case you do not know Goetia  is very close to what you describe above : " an invocation of a... spirit being (for want of better words). I am to be present at this summoning & will be the target of this manifestation. "  but in a more sensible approach the spirit is evoked (not invoked) into the triangle outside of  the operators circle  of protection


Here is one of my goetic setups  ( I built the temple, and furnishings and made and consecrated all equipment myself ;




The third picture , according to your descriptions, is the position they want you in - inside the triangle. This has been done before, but with rather bad results.


Regardless of the situation and how it manifests , if you dont like it but will go into for the $$$$ or necessity then   < shrug >


What I didnt like about reading your post is it sorta sounds like you are resigned to this and feel its inevitable, or you are outnumbered , that makes it difficult. First you have to realise and gain control of your own power.


Two ways it can be dealt with ; for beginners there is the repulsion method and for the more advanced there is the  'absorb and balance it with its opposite method , but that takes some accomplishments beforehand .


It sounds complex and much more info would be needed to offer a better solution .

Edited by Nungali
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4 hours ago, !nverse said:

Once again, many thanks for the replies.


@Jeff, I will probably avoid the situation, but there is a part of me that wishes to invite witnesses - I would like external affirmation for my own peace of mind. BTW, that's a very good description of the scenario, especially the conscious/subconscious aspect.


I follow no path other than my own, though it is coloured by being raised in a Judeo-Christian culture. I admire Gnostic Christianity, but I'm a theoretic type only. I don't see the logic of participating in occult behaviour (including exoteric organisations) where the point of my inclusion & the desired result is unknown to me (my father taught me to question everything). That is blind faith - how ironic that occultists choosing to negate the concept of an external G_d, need & use blind faith as a vehicle into the occult! Just the other side of the same coin.


There is good and bad in everything . An occultists or magician using blind faith is an idiot and is ready for a 'problem' to manifest.


Your father gave you good advice .   Any magical operation where a person does not know  the point of any inclusion & the desired result ..... well,      sheesh!      Fro a 'pro' that sounds like a kid wondering what happens when he stick a fork in the power point !


My system was 'scientific illuminism', an approach that tries to use the principles of scientific experiment to study magic.

When I write up a ritual it STARTS with ;


AIM :  ......  then


METHOD  .....




of course the idea of 'faith'  in this set is pointless, actually  the reason for doing it tis way is to eliminate such religions emotions as 'faith'  . 



4 hours ago, !nverse said:


I give my energy where I find it is deserving. These "people" just steal it from me.


Then you need to seal up your energy .  May I offer a Tarot card for advice in such circumstances



"Power '   4 (balanced)  on the earth plane .  Here is an image of how you maintain your own power.


Its looking down on your caste from above, the centre is your 'sacred space'  you are protected by a 4 elemental towers, a moat and a drawbridge . Dont just leave the drawbridge down, anyone can get in. Dont always leave it closed, you will become shut off and insular, stay in  when you need to, venture out when appropriate .... use deep and wise consideration who for and when to open that drawbridge.    'Psychic vampires' arent the type to associate with, a victim / 'gymp'  mindset mart start to form.


4 hours ago, !nverse said:


They have isolated me from having extended contact with anyone who isn't one of them. Actually, there is one person, Gurdjieffian in nature. I thought I might find him here, but not as yet. I gather he became somewhat of a hermit so is technologically impossible to reach. In real life he used the moniker "Love Child", I gather he hasn't joined this forum.



How did they isolate you ?  


Its a little like a guy here that lived with his parents for years  .. drove him crazy, wanted to go, but that required breaking old inertia and comforts, going it alone venturing into the unknown .... getting outs the comfort zone .


Again, hard to offer advice without certain specifics .

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21 minutes ago, !nverse said:


That's the "if all else fails, run away" scenario. I was hoping I might get other suggestions prior to this, though I have no qualms about doing so. It's part of my job so it's not so easy to avoid.


There are many other options but most require 'magical' skill , developed from practice.  Do you want to do that ?

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8 hours ago, !nverse said:

Once again, many thanks for the replies.


@Jeff, I will probably avoid the situation, but there is a part of me that wishes to invite witnesses - I would like external affirmation for my own peace of mind. BTW, that's a very good description of the scenario, especially the conscious/subconscious aspect.


I follow no path other than my own, though it is coloured by being raised in a Judeo-Christian culture. I admire Gnostic Christianity, but I'm a theoretic type only. I don't see the logic of participating in occult behaviour (including exoteric organisations) where the point of my inclusion & the desired result is unknown to me (my father taught me to question everything). That is blind faith - how ironic that occultists choosing to negate the concept of an external G_d, need & use blind faith as a vehicle into the occult! Just the other side of the same coin.


I give my energy where I find it is deserving. These "people" just steal it from me.


They have isolated me from having extended contact with anyone who isn't one of them. Actually, there is one person, Gurdjieffian in nature. I thought I might find him here, but not as yet. I gather he became somewhat of a hermit so is technologically impossible to reach. In real life he used the moniker "Love Child", I gather he hasn't joined this forum.



My original background is also in more of a mystical Christian framework, definitely not the institutional version for me. But, Jesus is a very powerful being and a true connection can definitely protect you. Also, your natural state is more “transmission”, so working with a female side (receptions) being will help give you the balance you are looking for in dealing with such issues. Feel free to send me a pm if I can help you with such a connection.

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