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Guest winpro07

sound of Tao?

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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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-Had from about 5 to 12 years old a recurring experience. This happened many times mostly in a prone position, and several while standing. Would often times go way inside my self, and sometimes i would hear a sound that at first seemed to come from very far away, but was very intense. Whenever it started i could not tell its source or direction, and it grew steadily in volume/intensity. Right about the point where the sound would seem local i could feel the vibration of it in my feet -as soon as this happened the whole room or area i was in would be filled with it. The sense produced by its taking over my presence was something like: death or dying, but without the fear associated with death, pleasurable, and very uncomfortable at the total loss of presence as it ascended up my body to my head. The Vibration/sound intensity of it was overwhelming strong. back then seemed like 'the sound of everything' .Being very young, and having nothing to relate it to, and no one to ask Q's of made me feel unsafe with it. Every time as the sound passed to my head I would immediately with the sense of being transported at some incredible rate find my self in another place even more overwhelming. That place was so amazing that fear from the sudden loss of body, and home would subside.

At age 12 the Sound rose again while in a very public place. I was standing next to my mother, and her friends. I don't think focus was something i had experienced before that moment, as it took everything to stop its momentum -it stopped for a few years. At age 15 a need to find out what it all was took me to a book store. Having found some answerers to what had been happening I set out to restart what had ended. This question rises now from a practice that several days ago produced a similar sound. My question here to any that may know is What is this sound?




Sound is said to be closer than light in the inner realms of the Great Mystery. Although there are a lot of traditions that mention or try to "explain" what this is, I think ones own experience is the true teacher with this sorta thing especially at this level. You might see if you notice it when you meditate / plug your ears and see if it is there.


Some say it is Brahman itself. Some say it is Tao, some say it is the sound of one hand clapping in the forrest.


I would just keep working with it if you are interested in it and also know that it is generally held of high spiritual signifigance.


I have researched the inner sound for many years after having experienced it in meditation. That is why I say what I have said. I hear it all the time but sometimes it intesifies and I go into the bliss when it lowers. Also sometimes when life is hectic or loud around me, I am not aware of it. But when I am in a quite place I am.


I have found a lot of references out there when searching, so if you are interested in the intellectual understanding of it you might give that a try. Like in your story, you will find what you need from the universe when you need it.





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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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Yeah that's a fascinating report! Sound is the expression of the kidney or generative force energy. So ringing in the ear is the kidney energy. Traditionally before spacetime travel it's heard as the hissing of a snake. I haven't really noticed this that I can remember but definitely the high overtones start to become very noticeable. Also, curiously, whites have less neuromelanin in their inner ear and therefore have less tolerance for sound amplitude. Melanin is a heavy metal sink, attracting the magnetized energy. I discovered this in a masters thesis at the U of MN. So kidney energy is also the fear energy. I call this the fear-ear effect, something I just made up. Oh yeah "FE" is the chemical symbol for iron -- so literally lack of iron-sink power in the ear is the fear-ear.

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Hi Winpro,


Is it a ringing sort of sound? If so check out this one, just before your time.


Rembered since that thread. I use to notice this ringing sound when I was a kid too, usually inside a parked car when it was very quiet. Was scared I had tinitus so I didn't tell my parents and focused on not pay attention to it :(

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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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Was the fluid sweet? Fluid down the throat sounds like the amrita.


The sound when i was 5-12 had a very low thrumbing base tone, and many other frequencies that seemed to come from it. The sound from two weeks back had a much higher base tone, and with many other higher frequencies comeing from it -this occured immediatly after RP, and when a large amount of fluid like water ran down my throat.

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Guest winpro07
:mellow: Edited by winpro07

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