
two amazing signs

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I received an incredible sign today. I feel that things like this help people to have faith in the fact that there really is some kind of higher spiritual reality and "divine order" to things. Many things I've experienced throughout my life have helped me in that way, as I find it impossible to see them as coincidence.


I was thinking today about the subject of power, and how I seem to have had a certain sense of powerlessness in my experience with others, and that many have abused their power in their relationships with me. I seem to have been too willing to put up with subtle abuse and respond kindly to mistreatment.


V-Origin (I've referred to her as V) made a post about meeting people with supernatural power, and I was thinking about that, and also about the fact that the number 8 in numerology represents power.


The first sign was that a truck parked next to my car, and I looked at it and read on the side, "Power Stroke V8."


The second sign was that I was driving down the street and saw a billboard that said, "Cut EAO loose."


My older sister's maiden name is Elizabeth Ashley O'Neill- initials EAO.


I've always felt that my childhood relationship with her (she's 6 years older) was where my tendency to give away my power originated. She definitely abused her power and I innocently allowed that. People tend to repeat patterns learned in childhood in their adult life, and I took the sign as meaning that I needed to let go of (cut loose) my childhood view of her and our relationship with each other.


I thought these were two really amazing signs that spoke to me personally.


I feel that I've long since gone from merely thinking or suspecting that this kind of thing is valid and is evidence of the divine, to true certainty in it. It becomes immpossible to deny when you've experienced enough of it first hand.

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Aside from some words you have used, yes, "Cut EAO loose".


Likely once you do that you will have the power to deal with all the other stuff.

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I think it's okay to keep contact with abusive family members to a minimum. It's okay to include yourself in your compassion. It's really okay to ask people who disrespect you, your home to leave. I have friends oceans away, and I love them. I can love family members from a few/hundred miles away. And if they get nasty on the telephone or email it whatever, I can end the conversation easier.

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I think it's okay to keep contact with abusive family members to a minimum. It's okay to include yourself in your compassion. It's really okay to ask people who disrespect you, your home to leave. I have friends oceans away, and I love them. I can love family members from a few/hundred miles away. And if they get nasty on the telephone or email it whatever, I can end the conversation easier.

Absolutely. I had to do a similar thing for my own sanity with a family member, however complete rejection and ignoring didn't solve the problem. That left things lingering - a reminder of animosity and "why" we're not talking.


This year I sent a Christmas card at least. That was a step up. I'm still "here" even though I'm not here.

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Good luck, Rara. I hope you're not disappointed by your act of good will. You may or not be. I may be offline, for a bit, please know I'll be back, eventually. I'll be spotty, through coming days, but feel free to PM if you need to do that. I'll answer when I can. In the meantime, please know you are not completely alone. I'll be thinking of you.

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Good luck, Rara. I hope you're not disappointed by your act of good will. You may or not be. I may be offline, for a bit, please know I'll be back, eventually. I'll be spotty, through coming days, but feel free to PM if you need to do that. I'll answer when I can. In the meantime, please know you are not completely alone. I'll be thinking of you.

I've come to terms with a lot of my previous disappontments on this matter and thankfully, I'm finally comfortable with my latest decision.


My tendency is to hold grudges so what I am doing now with her, may look out of character or even a mind-game to her and other family members. It's just going to take some getting use to, like any change in behaviour. But this should be enough for them to know that they are in my heart and thoughts, but I leave it at that. There's boundaries.


Thank you for your well-wishes and kindness. I wish you the best this holiday season and I'll perhaps drop you a message one day. It's good to know there's someone there that can relate...and vice versa. You can always drop me a line too (and I'm always random as and when I log in here so no worries about ahy delayed responses)


But for now, I'm off to enjoy Christmas :) No reason wyy that shouldn't be the case!

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That's right. I've a nice dish in the oven. I'm looking forward to it.


Thank you, too, for your kindness and good wishes. I appreciate that.

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