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Ego and karma

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Is ego the sum total of our karmic momentum?


In overcoming ego are we freed of our karmic ballast? 

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Ego is the summation product of every thought of every perception. It is inherently a self-created delusion.


If you see past the ego illusion, external phenomena can manifest in whatever range of ways with no impact on your state of being.


This is the conclusion of karma. It unrelated to what life experiences may or may not occur. The conclusion of karma is a choice for unconditional appreciation of what IS, what once may have been or may yet to be.


Recognize all your minds thoughts, all the things you choose to cling to, the things for which you trade your peace for to choose to suffer fearing them, these will all crumble back to the star dust from which they arose.


There has never been a reason worth trading ones peace inside. Forgive all beings and all things completely and unconditionally for whatever may have been or may yet to be. Mindfully replace all things feared with a choice to Love them exactly as they are and nothing in the realm of Karma or the universe can do more than offer some fleeting opportunities for sensations you genuinely and unconditionally embrace with Love.


Unlimited Love,


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Is ego the sum total of our karmic momentum?


In overcoming ego are we freed of our karmic ballast? 

Very well said. :)


We just need to remember that most of that momentum is subconscious and beyond ones conscious awareness. People often just focus on the visible part of the "iceberg".

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Very well said. :)


We just need to remember that most of that momentum is subconscious and beyond ones conscious awareness. People often just focus on the visible part of the "iceberg".


You and bud seem to agree, I wasn't being so confident when I posted the topic  :)


I just looked up Ramana on ego and karma, he states:




If the ego upon whom karma depends merges in its source – the Self – and so loses its form, how can karma which depends upon it survive? When there is no ‘I’, there is no karma.    Ramana                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          



Being Ramana he of course suggests focusing on the ego not the karma. But then again attending to very intrusive karma is not always in the realm of choice J


To get to the subconscious part I suspect focusing on the ego might be the easier route though. 

Edited by Bindi

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i always thought of it as one and the same and 'karmic momentum' being layers of energy, more than anything. i think the various qualities associated with 'ego' are just ways of describing clumps of incoherent energy. an intellectual understanding, if you will.

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Is ego the sum total of our karmic momentum?


In overcoming ego are we freed of our karmic ballast?

Yes and no. What is already set in motion, aka prarabdha karma has to play out even if we stop accruing karmic debt (sanchita karma). We can even negate future karma (agami karma) but cannot IMHO eliminate prarabdha, which the body has to go through.


What Ramana Maharshi has said is also true because if the ego identification is dropped, you are indifferent to what happens to the body. So in that sense, karma will not affect you - The Self.

Edited by dwai
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