
It all started in Egypt and went from there

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I cant afford to watch 2 hours of linked clip. Maybe you could sum up the basic premise?


BKA ? How much practice for you to do for posting a 2 hr clip! ???


[ Interesting in that I just wrote a little piece elsewhere on the development of the Mythra iconography from ancient Zoroastrianism all the way through to 'The World' Tarot card (in one development, via Freemasonry) and (via another ; cult of the Roman Legions and hence, all over the place) all the way through to what we find in the Louvre today. ]


However it does seem an interesting subject ... I guess I will have to accept Cheggs take on it :o

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I'll try to find time to watch it later, looks interesting.


I think what makes ancient Egypt so interesting is that they had a standard script that they carved into walls all over the place and we are able to translate it now.


I wish there were records like that from ancient China. As it is, scholars still debate over when ancient China developed writing. Maybe 6000 BCE, maybe 4000 BCE, maybe not until 2500 BCE. They needed to be doing more wall carvings back then.

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I think what makes ancient Egypt so interesting is that they had a standard script that they carved into walls all over the place and we are able to translate it now.


as opposed to those silly Druids, damn. I would soooo love to know what kind of energy work and cultivation they performed. It was actually giving up in frustration with my searches for authentic druid practices that led me to Daoism.

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Well, even before Egypt there was probably Atlantis and off-planet origins... :huh:

I wish there were records like that from ancient China. As it is, scholars still debate over when ancient China developed writing. Maybe 6000 BCE, maybe 4000 BCE, maybe not until 2500 BCE. They needed to be doing more wall carvings back then.

The massive Longyou Caves are likely far newer, yet their purpose and construction are no less intriguing..






Edited by vortex

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"The Christian church, the Christian form of worship, was not invented by the fathers of the church. It was all taken in a ready-made form from Egypt, only not from the Egypt that we know but from one which we do not know. This Egypt was in the same place as the other but it existed much earlier. Only small bits of it survived in historical times, and these bits have been preserved in secret and so well that we do not even know where they have been preserved.


"It will seem strange to many people when I say that this prehistoric Egypt was Christian many thousands of years before the birth of Christ, that is to say, that its religion was composed of the same principles and ideas that constitute true Christianity. Special schools existed in this prehistoric Egypt which were called 'schools of repetition.' In these schools a public repetition was given on definite days, and in some schools perhaps even every day, of the entire course in a condensed form of the sciences that could be learned at these schools. Sometimes this repetition lasted a week or a month. Thanks to these repetitions people who had passed through this course did not lose their connection with the school and retained in their memory all they had learned. Sometimes they came from very far away simply in order to listen to the repetition and went away feeling their connection with the school. There were special days of the year when the repetitions were particularly complete, when they were carried out with particular solemnity—and these days themselves possessed a symbolical meaning.


"These 'schools of repetition' were taken as a model for Christian churches—the form of worship in Christian churches almost entirely represents the course of repetition of the science dealing with the universe and man. Individual prayers, hymns, responses, all had their own meaning in this repetition as well as holidays and all religious symbols, though their meaning has been forgotten long ago."


- Gurdjieff, 1921




The priest's story interested me greatly, but I gave no sign of it and simply asked him, as though out of curiosity, to show me what it was for which he had been offered such a large sum of money.
The priest went to a chest and took out a roll of parchment. When he unrolled it I could not at first make out what it was, but when I looked at it more closely . . . My God! What I experienced at that moment! I shall never forget it.
I was seized with violent trembling, which was all the more violent because I was inwardly trying to restrain myself and not show my excitement. What I saw—was it not precisely what I had spent long months of sleepless nights thinking about!
It was a map of what is called 'pre-sand Egypt'.
With great effort, I continued trying to look as though I were not particularly interested in this thing and spoke of something else. The priest rolled up the parchment and put it back in the chest. I was no Russian prince to pay two hundred pounds for making a copy, yet this map was perhaps no less necessary to me than to him. I therefore decided, then and there, that at any cost I must have a copy, and at once began to think how it could be obtained.
- Meetings with Remarkable Men




Also, anything by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz has great information on ancient Egypt.


Here is a sample:

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I would soooo love to know what kind of energy work and cultivation they performed.



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Pre - sand Egypt ???


Maybe ask the guys that built this;









(But it isn't Egypt.)

Edited by Nungali

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'Pre - sand Egypt' - the time frame before the area of Egypt became desert ( ) coincides with the time of the (guess who ? ) early P.I.E. culture and the Proto-Indo-European peoples (of whom the Egyptians were an early migratory branch of (they were not Africans).


For an evidence based perspective ( without intrusions from modern concepts) see 'A History of Ancient Egypt - from the First Farmers to The Great Pyramid' by John Romer - the most extensive book on the Old Kingdom I have come across.

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Gobekli Tepe is in Turkey. And Ive written about that here before. It does seem to be involved with the origin of Sumerian religion, at least.



Du-Ku or dul-kug[1][2] is an Akkadian word[3] translates as "holy hill", "holy mound" [...E-dul-kug... (House which is the holy mound)[4]], or "great mountain"[5][6]


The location is otherwise alluded to in sacred texts as a specifically identified place of godly judgement.[5]

The hill was the location for ritual offerings to Sumerian god(s).[7]Nungal and the Anunna dwell upon the holy hill[8]in a text written from Gilgamesh.[9]


Ekur (É.KUR, E2.KUR, E-kur) is a Sumerian term meaning "mountain house". It is the assembly of the gods in the Garden of the gods.

The Ekur was seen as a place of judgement and the place from which Enlil's divine laws are issued. The ethics and moral values of the site are extolled in myths, which Samuel Noah Kramer suggested would have made it the most ethically-oriented in the entire ancient Near East. Its rituals are also described as: "banquets and feasts are celebrated from sunrise to sunset" with "festivals, overflowing with milk and cream, are alluring of plan and full of rejoicing". The priests of the Ekur festivities are described with en being the high priest, lagar as his associate, mues the leader of incantations and prayers, and guda the priest responsible for decoration. Sacrifices and food offerings were brought by the king, described as "faithful shepherd" or "noble farmer".




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Cool! Any idea what this ancient S-spiral means?



In certain situations, spirals are perceived by the inner eye. In connection with these situations, many other possibilities may lead to ideas or depictions of them.


However, the Nazca lines in particular have been discovered to be an early form of "labyrinth" activity - as in, practitioners would walk along the lines as a form of worship and/or meditation. At certain key points, they would deliberately shatter pots on the ground. Over thousands of years, these peoples migrated north and created the megaliths and other cosmically aligned structures at Chaco Canyon.



spiral which measures equinox days by appearance of light from "sun dagger"




the megaliths they made put stonehenge to shame - and there are over a dozen of them, perfectly aligned to each other over hundreds of miles of barren desert.. its many orders of magnitude more complex (although it is only about 1000 years old) .. in particular, many of them are aligned to the 19 year lunar cycle as well as the yearly solstice/equinox


this is one of my favorite documentaries of all time, btw

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