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Confusion: Why do I rather get what I dont want, instead of what I want?

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No, I don't think so. I think it was something like; if someone slaps one side of your face with a slice of wet bread then cast them upon the waters. Or might have been if someone steals one of your sandals then chase them and slap them across the face with the other one ... ummm, I don't know I could be getting confused with the Urantia Book - ask Brian, he is the expert on this stuff (wet bread, fly fishing and sandals - not the Urantia Book).



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A wolf stops pursuing the elk he cant kill ,

after giving it a go

he has a level beyond which, he deems the efort as misplaced

or a liability............ thats acting rationally from an evolutionary perspective.

Repeating that which isnt working ,may be comfortable from the standpoint

of maintaining the attitudes and ideas one already has.. but its also stupid.

Lao shows how a reversal of mindset may also work , exemplified by the Sage character

and if doing things in direction x isnt working for you then the reverse of it may

be a key to moving forward.

Like in the 'opposite George' episode of Seinfeld, it gets confusing though . :)

Edited by Stosh
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